Lin Wei noticed the crazy vibration under the feet of Kamen Rider’s double rider, and he immediately thought that the real target of the Tyrannosaurus Doped was Yosuke Togawa.


“Get out of the way!”

Lin Wei shouted.


Zuo Shotaro was taken aback.

He was a little unresponsive.


The forest is unique in the middle of the space-time drive.

“Finish.Time! (End Moment)”

After the sound sounded, he pressed the Shiwang dial and the empty me dial again.

“Kuuga! (empty me)”

When the sound sounds, the side of the dial of the Time King installed on the space-time drive is slightly tilted.

Immediately followed.

Lin only turned the space-time drive around his waist, and the space-time drive turned around for a week.


Zuo Shotaro hurriedly reacted, he quickly picked up Yosuke Togawa beside him, and then dodged into the distance.


With a loud bang, the tyrannosaurus doped body burst out of the underground sewers.

The tyrannosaurus doped body has a bloody mouth, which will be extremely terrifying just looking at it, and even Shotaro Zuo is startled.

Right at this moment.

Lin Wei jumped high and jumped into the air, and after tumbling in mid-air, an extremely rich flame energy appeared on his right foot.

“Mighty.Time.Break! (Power Time Crush)”

With the sound of sound effects, Lin Wei flew towards the head of the tyrannosaurus doped body!


Lin Wei’s kick landed on the head of the tyrannosaurus doper, and the head of the tyrannosaurus doper exploded together with the machinery attached to the tyrannosaurus doper.

“It’s so cool…”

Zuo Shotaro said enviously.

He felt that Lin Wei had a tough guy style.

“I agree with that!”

Philip laughed.


Lin Wei fell to the ground.


The Tyrannosaurus doper transforms back into Shinna Tsumura in the explosion, and the Tyrannosaurus memory falls to the ground and explodes.


Shotaro Left sees Shina Tsumura.


Zuo Shotaro wondered.

The words spoke.

He glanced around cautiously.

After repeatedly confirming that no doping bodies appeared, he dissolved his transformation.

Immediately followed.

He quickly ran to Shina Tsumura’s side.


“Are you all right?”

Shotaro asked Zuo.

The words spoke.

He lifted Shina Tsumura’s head up.


Lin Wei lifted his transformation, and he walked not far from Zuo Shotaro’s side.

Zuo Shotaro noticed Lin Wei.

He glanced up at Lin Wei.

“Did you already know it was her?”

Zuo Shotaro asked in a somewhat low voice.


Lin Wei smiled slightly.


Zuo Shotaro muttered a little distractedly.

“Can you tell me what’s going on?”

Shotaro asked Zuo.

Lin only pursed his lips.

“Shina Tsumura.”

“She used to be a designer at Winskell too.”

“It’s just…”

“The clothes she designed were snatched away by some despicable high-ranking person in Winskel, and not only that, but this high-ranking person also expelled her from Winskel.”

“Because of this, Shina Tsumura has always hated this high-ranking person and hated Winskeel.”

“The first two cases of building destruction were designed by her and Togawa, but then Togawa was affected by lava memory and began to get out of control.”

“Shina Tsumura asked you to find Togawa, just to kill Togawa and extinguish it.”


“That’s probably it.”

“I’ll leave the matter to the police after that, I’ll go first, see you next time.”

Lin Wei smiled and waved his hand.


Narumi Detective Agency.

As soon as the transformation was lifted, Philip woke up.

As soon as he woke up, Philip immediately entered the Earth Library.

“Let’s start searching!”

“The retrieved item is…”

“Mysterious Kamen Rider.”

“The key word is…”

“Kamen Rider Time King.”

Philip laughed.

The words spoke.

Philip opened his hands slightly.

In the next second, there was only one book left in the Earth Library.

“I didn’t expect it to be surprisingly easy to retrieve.”

Philip laughed.

The words spoke.

He picked up the only remaining books and flipped through them.

However, there was less than a page of records in the books.

Not only that, but the records in the books are just what happened just now.

“What’s going on?”

Philip wondered.

He flipped through the book in his hand, but he didn’t even see the information of Kamen Rider Shiwang’s shapeshifter.

It’s like…

Kamen Rider Shiwang didn’t exist before the earth!

“How so?”

Philip couldn’t believe it.

His head is equipped with almost all the knowledge on the earth….

How could you not find Kamen Rider Shiwang’s information?

He was a little confused.



When Shotaro Left returns to Narumi’s detective office, Philip tells Shotaro Zo about the results of his search for Kamen Rider Tokio in the Earth Library.


Zuo Shotaro wondered.

“Of course…”

Philip frowned deeply.



Philip wondered.

Shotaro Zuo pinched his chin.

“Will it be…”

“He didn’t tell the truth.”

“Actually, he is not Kamen Rider Shiwang.”

Shotaro Zuo guessed.

Philip nodded slightly.

“It’s possible.”


“Who the hell is he?”

Philip wondered.

He really couldn’t help but want to check Lin Wei’s information, more than to check the octopus balls.

Shotaro Zuo could see Philip’s thoughts at a glance.

He patted Philip on the shoulder.


“I have a hunch that we and he will meet again sooner or later.”

“When the time comes, ask him again.”

Shotaro Zuo pretended to be cool.

Philip couldn’t help but glance at Shotaro Zuo.


After solving the lava doping and tyrannosaurus doping, Lin Wei used the number of times the base reward draw of the specified item was drawn to his hand, the Fourze dial!

The next day, Lin Wei used the number of free draws once a day to draw another twenty points of knightly power.

“It’s okay…”

Lin was the only one to spread his hands.

At one o’clock in the afternoon, Lin Wei came to the outside of the Narumai Detective Office.

He saw that the director of Narumi’s detective agency had become Narumi Akiko.

It seems that his appearance did not affect Narukaiya Shuko to become a master.

But too.

After all, he had only recently come to the world of Kamen Rider Twin Rides.

The chain reaction caused by his appearance in the Kamen Rider Duo Rider world is not obvious enough, but he hopes that it will not be obvious.

After all, once there is a too obvious chain reaction, the subsequent plot of Kamen Rider Double Ride will inevitably change drastically.

He can know the plot of Kamen Rider Duo in advance, in other words, he has the advantage of knowing the plot in advance.

Today, his mission is closely related to the plot of Kamen Rider’s double ride.

If it wasn’t necessary, he didn’t want to lose the advantage of knowing the plot in advance.

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