
King of time?

Zuo Shotaro’s face was full of doubts, he didn’t dare to go to the real literal thought, after all, the king of time was too powerful.

“What the hell does you mean?”

Zuo Shotaro couldn’t help but ask again.


Philip frowned deeply, he was really figuring out the literal meaning of “king of time”.

Lin Wei patted Zuo Shotaro’s shoulder.

“You’re detectives…”

“This question, you will find out for yourself.”

“Well, the time is already a little tight, it’s time to go, if you don’t leave, you won’t be able to catch up with the Million Arena.”

Lin Wei smiled.


Philip pouted.

What exactly is Kamen Rider Shiko?

And what is the king of time….

Lin Wei tickled him to the core…

Aside from his family, it was the first time he couldn’t find specific content in the Earth Library.


Not long after, Lin Wei and the others boarded the bus to the Million Arena one after another and sat in the last row together.

When everyone was on board, the bus started.


Shotaro Zuo glanced at Philip, who was sitting next to him.

“Why did Philip come over too?”

Zuo Shotaro wondered.

Since not long ago, Shotaro Zuo and the others asked Kamen Rider Shiwang about Kamen Rider at the Narumi Detective Agency, and there was a little delay.

In order to catch the bus to the Million Arena, until now, Lin Wei has not said his plan.

“Because he is the key to the plan.”

Lin Wei smiled.

“The key to the plan?”

Narumiya asked curiously.


Shotaro left pointed to Narukai Shuko.


“Why did she come with her?”

Shotaro asked Zuo.

“She has her own hands and feet…”

Lin was the only one to spread his hands.

Zuo Shotaro was slightly stunned.

“That is to say…”

“You came with yourself?”

Shotaro Zuo glanced at Narukai Shuko in amazement.

Narukaiya stuck out his tongue in disbelief.

See here.

Zuo Shotaro couldn’t help but sigh.

“We’re going to deal with doping!”

“It’s very dangerous!”

“You know what!”

Shotaro Zuo rebuked in a low voice.

“I’m the master!”

Narumiya Shuko gritted his teeth.

The words spoke.

Not to be outdone, she looked at Shotaro Zo.

Zuo Shotaro saw that Narumiya Shuko did not listen to advice, his fists subconsciously clenched, and his teeth also bit up.


“You don’t know how to deal with dopants at all!”


“Get out of the car!”

“Go back to the office and stay quiet!”

Zuo Shotaro gritted his teeth.

“I don’t!”

Narukai Shuko’s face was full of stubbornness.

“Do you guy still have my strength in his eyes?!”

Narumiya asked.

“Who admits to saying that you are the director.”

Shotaro Zuo rolled his eyes.


Narumiya Shuko gritted her teeth and took out the green slippers.

See here.

Lin Wei couldn’t help but smile.


“Come on, come on.”

“Listen to me first.”

Lin Wei smiled.


Narumi Akiko raised his chin proudly towards Shotaro Left.

Zuo Shotaro pressed his hat helplessly.

“What’s the plan?”

Philip asked curiously.


Lin Wei looked at Philip with a malicious face, and Philip was a little weak by him.


Zuo Shotaro couldn’t help but ask.

“It was Philip who challenged the operators of the Million Arena and took all the life coins from the operators of the Million Arena.”

Lin Wei smiled.

“Philip is going to challenge the operators of the Million Arena?!”

Zuo Shotaro wondered.

He was a little suspicious that he had misheard, Philip went to challenge the operator of the Million Arena, how to challenge?


Narumiya Shuko was a little incomprehensible.

“That’s right!”


“It’s in the form of gambling.”

Lin Wei smiled.

“Philip went gambling?!”

Zuo Shotaro wondered.

He didn’t expect that Lin Wei’s plan was to let Philip gamble, isn’t this to teach Philip badly?!

“I’m a little interested.”


Philip asked with a smile.


Shotaro immediately shook his head.

“Philip must not gamble!”

Shotaro Zuo refused.

Gambling is such a thing, Philip can’t get involved, no! No one can get involved!


Lin only pressed his hand.


“Calm and calm.”

“Listen to me first.”

Lin Wei smiled.


Zuo Shotaro stared at Lin Wei, he wanted to see what Lin Wei could explain.


Lin Wei took out five coins.


“Gambling is such a thing, ordinary people only know that luck.”

“I’m afraid everyone thinks…”

“If you don’t count the situation where the coin stands up, after the coin is tossed in the air, the probability of guessing the heads and tails is one in two.”


“That’s not the case.”

Lin Wei smiled.


Except for the driver of the bus, the passengers of the entire bus couldn’t help but look at Lin Wei when they heard Lin Wei’s words.

Lin Wei didn’t care about being watched, he continued.

“As long as you use supercomputing, you can guess the front and back of the coin 100% before it falls to the ground.”

“Am I right?”


Lin Wei smiled.

“Can this kind of thing really be done?”

Narumiya Shuko wondered.


Shotaro Zuo was also a little unconvinced.


Philip tilted his head.


“It’s very simple!”

Philip laughed.


Lin Wei casually tossed all the coins in his hand.

“Two fronts.”

When all the coins were in the air, Philip directly said the result in advance.


All five coins fell to the floor of the bus.

Sure enough, only two are positives!

The remaining three are all negatives!

For a while, almost the entire passenger of the bus was shocked.

Zuo Shotaro’s face was also full of shock, he didn’t know that Philip had this ability.

Immediately followed.

He glanced at Lin Wei suspiciously.

Even he didn’t know that Philip had this ability, how did Lin Wei know?

Just when he wanted to ask Lin Wei, the bus arrived at its destination.

“Get out of the car.”

Lin Wei smiled.


Not long after, Lin Wei and the others put on masks and entered the Million Arena, and as soon as they entered the door, Lin Wei and the others took off their masks casually.

“This is the Million Arena…”

Narukai looked around.

“What’s next?”

Shotaro asked Zuo.

“Make a big fuss.”

Lin Wei smiled.

“A big fuss?”

Zuo Shotaro wondered.


Lin Wei took out the Time Limit Gun.

Immediately followed.

He aimed the muzzle at the ceiling.

Boom boom….

Lin Wei suddenly fired several shots in succession.


For a time, the gamblers in the million-dollar arena were all frightened by the sound of gunfire, and even Shotaro Zuo was frightened by the gunshot.

“What are you doing?!”

Zuo Shotaro wondered.


Lin Wei aimed his muzzle at the staircase not far ahead.

The shapeshifter of the money doper, Taizo Kaga, appears.

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