Gates looked at Lin Wei, looking at Lin Wei, who transformed into the second order of the Kamen Rider King King, and his face was full of disbelief.

“How is it possible…”

Gates never thought that besides Tokiwa Shogo, who else could use the space-time drive to transform into the second order of Kamen Rider Shiwang.


Lin Wei took out the strongest extreme sword.

Closely followed.

He aimed the tip of his sword at Gates.


“Let’s fight!”

Lin Wei sneered.


Gates pursed his lips.


Gates said in a deep voice.

The words are said.

He took out the space-time drive.

Closely followed.

He holds the space-time drive device around his waist.

When the sound of “ZikuDriver” sounds, Gates takes out the Resurrection Gates dial.

Closely followed.

He pressed the Resurrection Gates dial in his hand.


(Gates the Resurrected)”


After the sound sound, Gates installed the Resurrector Gates dial on the left side of the space-time drive.

Closely followed.

He pressed the space-time drive on his waist.


The space-time drive tilts slightly towards the side of the Gates dial.


The slightly rhythmic sound on the space-time drive adds another layer of slightly rhythmic sound.



Gates shouted.

The words are said.

He turned the space-time drive around his waist.

In the blink of an eye, the space-time drive turned around for a week.

Next moment! A huge hourglass-shaped phantom appears behind Gates.

“REVIVE. Goretsu! ”

(Resurrected Gates Strong) With the sound of sound effects, Gates transforms into Kamen Rider Resurrector Gates Rigid Form in the blink of an eye.


After the transformation, Gates takes out the Time Folding Claw.


“I don’t know who you really are!”


“You said you were the King of Time.”


“I’m going to bring you down!”

Gates said in a deep voice.

The words are said.

He walked slowly towards Lin Wei.


Lin Wei glanced at the strongest extreme sword in his hand.


“Just use you to give it a try…”

“How strong am I now!”

Lin Wei arbitrarily released the knightly power in his body.

More than 5,000 knightly powers are unleashed! Since he transformed into the second order of Kamen Rider, Lin Wei actually hadn’t exerted the power of knights in his body to the fullest.

Because! Whether it is a Nazca doping or a saber-toothed tiger doped, it was only solved by his sword, and he did not need to use his full strength at all.

Right now! Facing Gates, he wants to try to use his full strength, only hoping that Gates can satisfy him.

As for losing? He didn’t think about it.

Because! He can’t lose! Lin Wei wrenched the handle of the strongest extreme sword.

The Kamen of the Time King Knight on the strongest extreme sword switches to the strongest Kamen.


When the sound of the sound effect sounded, Lin only pressed the button at the handle of the strongest extreme sword to launch the special move of the strongest extreme sword!


(Overlord Slash) With the sound of sound effects, Lin Wei swung his sword towards Gates! In the next instant, a colorful sword light flew out from the strongest extreme sword and flew towards Gates! See here.

Gates was slightly stunned.

He didn’t expect that Lin’s only move was a big move.

Closely followed.

He quickly switched the time folding claw in his hand to the time folding saw.


When the sound of the (powerful chainsaw) sounds, a large number of sparks burst out from the time folding saw.


Gates pressed the time folding saw in his hand again.


(Chainsaw slash) With the sound of sound effects, Gates waved the time folding saw in his hand and slashed towards the sword light! Rumble!

An explosion suddenly sounded, and in the next instant, the sword light cut across the time folding saw and fell on Gates’ body.


Another explosion sounded, and with the sound of the explosion, Gates flew out upside down.

Boom! After flying upside down for some distance, Gates fell to the ground and the transformation was forced to lift.

See here.

Lin Wei shook his head with some disappointment.

“Sure enough, you can’t…”

Lin Wei said disappointed.

The words are said.

He lifted the transformation.

“How is it possible…”

Gates looked at Lin Wei in disbelief.

He didn’t believe he had lost so easily.

A sword?! Only one sword?! How could the King of Time in front of him be so afraid? In a trance, he felt that the Shi King in front of him was afraid that he was the real Kamen Rider Shi King, the real Demon King!


“Who the hell is it?”

Gates asked.

“It’s going on now…”

Lin Wei walked in front of Gates.

He looked condescendingly at Gates lying on the ground.

“Forget it.”

“I’ll tell you anyway!”


“You can still stand up, right?”

Lin Wei asked with a smile.

“Of course!”

Gates gritted his teeth and got up from the ground.

But…… He was slashed by Lin Wei just now, and he was hit hard, and he couldn’t stand steadily.

Syllable…… Gates fell to the ground again.

See here.

Lin Wei shook his head slightly.

“I said you were so weak…”

“I don’t have to work so hard.”

“I didn’t expect…”

“It’s just a sword.”

“You can’t even stand up.”

Lin Wei sighed slightly.

Closely followed.

He turned and walked towards Narumi’s detective office.


Gates gritted his teeth and tried to stand up again.

However! He couldn’t stand up.

In addition to the injuries caused by Lin Wei, his use of the Resurrection Gates dial also had certain side effects.

There are serious injuries caused by Lin Wei and side effects of the resurrected Gates on his body at the same time, and it is also thanks to him that he is a Kamen Rider and a warrior, otherwise, he would have fainted long ago.


Lin Wei had no intention of lifting Gates up.

Because…… He’s seen Gates’ injuries.

Even if Gates is left to lie on the ground, Gates will not die.

But…… It’s possible to faint.

Now, Gates is outside Narumi’s detective office, and it doesn’t hurt to faint.

“Stand up yourself.”

“You can get up and come in.”

“After coming in…”

“I’ll tell you…”

“The truth?”

Lin Wei smiled.

The words are said.

He walked into Narumi’s detective agency.

“This time king…”

Gates looked at him suspiciously, “Don’t make me wait too long.”

Lin Wei reminded.


Gates braced himself to his feet.

However! He fell again.


Gates hated a hammer on the ground.

Closely followed.

He kept trying, kept falling, like a reckless man who did not hit the south wall and did not look back, and like a paranoid maniac.

At last…… He felt a little exhausted, and in desperation, he still compromised.

He chose the most humiliating method to climb all the way to the door of Narumi’s detective agency, held the wall next to the door and forcibly stood up, and then walked into Narumi’s detective agency.

Just as Gates stood up against the wall next to the door, this scene happened to be seen by Zuo Shotaro and others who returned from the scene of the Fengdu idol show.


Narumiya Shuko was taken aback.

“This is the client?”

Narumiya Shuko wondered.

“What is he doing?”

Zuo Shotaro wondered.


Philip pinched his lips.

He seems to be injured.


Narumiya Shuko was taken aback.

Closely followed.

She quickly ran towards Narumi’s detective office.

She carefully stood a full meter away from Gates.

“That… Rules”

“Are you all right?”

Narumiya asked.


Gates turned his head and glared at Narukaiya.

Just now, he fell so many times that no one came.

Why did someone appear when he climbed to the door of Narumi’s detective agency and forcibly stood up against the wall next to the door?!


Gates was so angry that he just wanted to speak, but when he turned his head, he fainted with anger…

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