An aurora curtain appeared in the middle of nowhere, about a few hundred meters away from the Guangxia Sea.

Lin Wei walked out of the aurora curtain.

Closely followed.

He walked with a vague sense of induction.

He slowly walked through the crowd, and then through street after street, constantly approaching the light summer sea.

Not often… He came not far behind Guangxiahai, and the moment he saw Guangxiahai’s back, he recognized Guangxiahai.

After all! Hikari Natsumi’s tights are rare in Kamen Rider’s female characters.

And! Hikari Natsumi was also followed by Kivala.

“How could it be that she came…”

Lin Wei muttered.

Closely followed.

He walked forward quickly.


Lin took the only big stride, came to the front of Guangxiahai, and stopped Guangxiahai.

“Hikari Natsumi.”

Lin Wei smiled.


Guang Xiahai looked at Lin Wei suspiciously.

“You know me?”

Guang Xia Hai wondered.

She didn’t expect that someone on the street would suddenly stop in front of her and call out her name.

“Of course.”

Lin Wei smiled slightly.

“Shall we go to the side and talk?”

Lin Wei gestured not far away, not far away, it was the seaside.


Hikari hesitated to come down.

Closely followed.

She gripped Kivala somewhat nervously in the palm of her hand.

Kivala was caught by her and screamed.

She was about to be strangled by Guangxia Sea.

See here.

Lin Wei just smiled slightly.

Closely followed.

He turned and walked ahead.

Not often… Seaside.

Lin Wei stopped.

He turned around.

See here.

Natsumi stopped two meters away from him.

“Don’t be so nervous.”

Lin Wei smiled and shook his head slightly.

“Just call you…”


“Just introduce yourself first…”

“I am Kamen Rider Shikono.”

“Did Menyaji mention me to you?”

Lin Wei asked with a smile.

“Kamen Rider Shiwang…”

Hikari Natsumi recalled.

“Did you say…”

“You are the Demon King?!”

Guang Xiahai’s face was full of surprise.


Lin only covered his forehead.

He didn’t expect that the destroyer of this world would also call him the Demon King.


“Forget it.”

Lin Wei shook his head slightly.


Hikari Natsumi recalls more.

“Menyaji said that when he took down the Super Overhaul Card…”

“Fought with you.”

“He said you…”

“Very strong!”

Hikari recalled in amazement.

“Very strong…”

Lin Wei smiled slightly.

“Not bad.”

“Not to blame me for always taking care of his sister.”

Lin Wei smiled.

“Take care of his sister?”

Guang Xia Hai wondered.


Lin Wei nodded slightly.

“Monya Xiaoye is in this world.”


“She’s staying at my place.”

Lin Wei smiled.

“Little night…”

Hikari Natsumi recalled.

The last time she saw Xiao Ye was half a year ago.

“Is she okay?”

Guang Xia Hai asked subconsciously.

“Of course.”

Lin Wei smiled slightly.

“She’s being taken care of by me!”

Lin Wei said with a smile.


Hikaru Xiahai relaxed his guard slightly.

Her hand subconsciously released Kivala.

“Almost died.”

Kivala said fearfully.

The words are said.

She hurriedly moved away from Guangxia Sea.


Hikari Natsumi ignored Kivala.

She was worried about the safety of Menyaji.

“That’s right!”

“Mr. Shiwang.”

“Do you know where the taxi is?”

Guang Xiahai quickly asked.


Lin Wei was slightly stunned.

“Mr. Shi Wang…”

“It’s the first time someone has called me that.”

“Actually, my name is not the King of Time.”

“Just call me the King of Time.”

Lin Wei smiled.


Guang Xia Hai nodded stunned.


Lin Wei held the emperor riding dial in his hand and played with it.


“You don’t know where Monyaji is?”

Lin Wei asked rhetorically.

“I don’t know…”

Guang Xia Hai shook his head.


Lin Wei glanced at the emperor riding dial in his hand.

“You tell me more about it.”

Lin Wei turned his head and glanced at the sea.

Closely followed.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

Before…… He had guessed.

This guy may come to the double riding world again, not necessarily.

Because! According to his previous judgment… Unless the two-horse world merges with a certain world, his knightly power and demon power will only pull the characters of the time king world over.

But! The two-riding world is not fused with the emperor riding world now.

Guang Xiahai, a figure in the emperor riding world, came to the double riding world.

If he guessed correctly… The reason for this is most likely because he used the power of the Demon not long ago.

If that’s the case… Then contact Kamitsu Natsumi if you don’t know where Monyaji is.

Menyaji may be coming.

Perhaps it was when his knightly power reached eight thousand points… It could also be when his knightly power reached nine thousand points.


Guang Xiahai hurriedly said to Lin Wei.

“The taxi suddenly disappeared in front of me.”


“He said a word before disappearing.”

“He said…”

“Time is calling him.”

Hikari recalled.


Lin Wei muttered with some surprise.

Monyaji is one of the few Kamen Riders who holds the power of space.

If he guessed correctly… The time in Menyaji’s mouth is him.

Now… It is basically certain that the door will come to this world again.

“I see.”

Lin Wei smiled slightly.

“Menyaji’s words…”

“He’s Kamen Rider Emperor after all.”

“He’s a destroyer of the world.”

“If he goes to another world…”

“That’s the world you’re worried about.”


“You don’t have to worry too much about him.”

Lin Wei smiled.


Guang Xiahai was slightly stunned.

Closely followed.

She nodded thoughtfully.

Lin Wei didn’t seem to be wrong at all.

“Let’s talk about you first.”

Lin Wei raised his chin towards Guang Xia Hai.

“Do you know why you came into this world?”

“Do you know how you got here?”

Lin Wei asked with a smile.


Guang Xiahai told Lin Wei about his conversation and experience with Haidong Dashu.

“The Haidong tree is obstructed.”

“He can’t get into the aurora curtain?”

Lin Wei muttered.

“Aren’t you hindered?”

Lin Wei felt the power of the knight in his body.

If he guessed correctly… Whether it is the Menyaji or the light summer sea will come to the double riding world, in addition to the role of the power of the demon and the power of the knight, it is also related to the power of space.

Menyaji carries the power of the aurora curtain, that is, the power of space, and he is directly summoned to the two-horse world by the power of the demon and the power of the knight.

Guangxia Hai itself does not have any special such as time and space, she only uses the power of the space of the Haidong Great Tree to pass through the aurora curtain to come to the double riding world.

As for why the Haidong Great Tree was hindered by the aurora curtain… Lin Wei guessed that it might be that Haidong Dashu had just left the Double Riding World, and he would be rejected by the Double Riding World and rejected by his Demon Power and Knight Power.

But…… This kind of thing that has already happened, it doesn’t matter if you guess right or wrong, the key is later.

Lin Wei had to consider… Menyaji is going to the world of double riding… What would he want to do? After all! Menyaji is the destroyer of the world after all!.

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