Chapter 232 Ordinary High-tech

Liu Pingan is not unfamiliar with the micro-farming machine.

After all, they are farmers, dealing with land all day long, and things related to farming, even if they are not very good at them, are at least not unfamiliar.

In the past, the plowing and plowing used the iron plow commonly known as "Huakou" in the local area. The old buffalo was dragged in the front, and the old farmer held the plow to the back. When turning around, he had to rely on people to drag it.

It's not so easy to drag things that weigh a hundred or ten catties in one day. The old cows are struggling, and the old farmers are struggling.

Those are all heavy physical tasks. Basically, they can only be done by strong labor. Moreover, the old buffalo is considered a large animal, and it is eaten with its mouth open every day. It is true that not every farmer can raise one.

Generally, each production team has so few cows, which are usually kept for raising fat. When the farming is busy, they are loaned out to exchange jobs or directly collect rent. There are also host families who end up with them. There are more au pairs and more expensive fees. It's hard money.

Liu Pingan's body is not strong enough to be considered a strong laborer, but in the end he is a man, and he is considered the main labor force in the family. Naturally, he is not unfamiliar with ploughing the fields, but he is not very good at it.

No way, it’s all practice makes perfect. If you do too much, you can do it. However, Liu Pingan’s family can’t feed the cows and there are not so many chances to end the game. Sorry for the salary.

Later, the micro tillage machine came out and quickly eliminated the old buffalo and Huakou. However, in the past ten years, there were basically no old buffaloes that drag plows to plow the fields in rural areas. Instead, they raised large cattle that were fattened and sold to dealers to kill meat. Not young or old.

Although the risk factor of the tiller was quite high at that time, there were not one or two people who planted on it and broke their hands and feet or even killed them directly. But it was a machine that did a lot of work and didn’t need to take care of it when not in use. It was slow after all. It slowly replaced animal power and became the main force in mountain farming.

Of course, that thing needs more professionalism. At least it is not something that can be borrowed casually like the old water buffalo. Even if it is rented, it is afraid of both. If it’s bad, the tenant is also afraid of not being able to play that thing, and even more afraid of putting something on it.

Generally, the end of the field is even when people bring a machine. The wages are not calculated according to the number of days, but directly according to the area of ​​the land. The pea land is 150 to 200 acres, and the paddy field may be higher.

It is not unusual for a good player to earn more than a thousand yuan a day when he has a lot of work.

People have that ability and people have that strength.

Liu Pingan is not good. One aspect is that he can't afford the machine, and it's also one aspect that he can't play.

There are more and more machines every year, and more people who know how to use them, and the risk factor is getting smaller every year. In the last two or three years, micro-tillers are not as popular as TV phones. , And it's not as strange and precious as it just came out.

At least now when using the micro-tiller to plow the land, the owner of the machine will no longer be reluctant to let go, but is happy that someone can take over and run two laps so that he can sit down and drink tea and smoke a cigarette.

Liu Pingan has used this thing in this situation, and the experience is quite poor.

To control the speed of two or three hundred catties, to master the depth, to turn around, to turn around, it seems more difficult than to drive the old water buffalo to plow the field.

Unfamiliarity is the main reason. Novices are not familiar with the situation. It’s affirmative. This is just a bit of a feeling. The owner of the machine drank tea and smoked cigarettes and should take over.

Liu Pingan was very happy to receive the micro-tiller provided by the high-quality mango orchard. He thought that planting Xiaochun could do it by himself in this season, and there was no need to hurry. There were opportunities to practice hands. Anyway, the machine was there. , Don't use it for nothing.

In addition to planting Xiaochun, the mango orchard should also be turned over with a micro tiller to loosen the soil and weeding, but you don't have to worry about it, you can take your time, and wait until the peas of Xiaochun this season are planted.

Unexpectedly, just plowing a field with a micro tillage machine can also generate a task.

Probably because you have used this stuff and you don’t have a lot of fun. Knowing that you have to work hard and have to bite the bullet to catch the ducks on the shelves, you really want to have a big baby that can be easily handled without having to end the game by yourself?

Semi-mechanization is not as good as fully mechanized. How can this manual-operated micro-tiller compare to a fully automatic intelligent micro-tiller?

Speaking of it, this is the first sign-in task that Liu Pingan received, with a clear high-tech directional task reward, which is like before, three goats, thirty chickens, three catties of pepper, an orchard, and one tree. Jujube trees, a bamboo forest, can be compared with the current "a fully automatic intelligent micro-tiller".

Even if those things have magical effects, even if they exist beyond the age, they are ordinary things on the surface, no different from ordinary existence in reality.

That is a reward that Liu Pingan can accept as a mortal. Ordinary is the keynote. If he were to give him the Gold Core of the Supreme Old Monarch directly, he would probably go crazy directly.

Now, Liu Pingan's self-recognition is still a mortal, but he has accepted the setting of "system from the future", so it is not surprising that task rewards with the appearance of future high-tech appear directly.

Just like the system said, the so-called Transcendent is nothing but evolution, and the so-called evolution is nothing but foresight, but just one step ahead.

The "automatic intelligent micro-tiller" of this era can be regarded as the existence of black technology, and it can be regarded as a real Transcendent item, but in the future time and space, it may be ordinary agricultural technology, but it is common agricultural machinery.

It's ordinary, nothing to fuss about.

After igniting the diesel engine and making two rounds, Liu Ping'an suddenly felt that whether or not the reward could be obtained was actually not that important.

After all, this micro-tiller is already the latest model, small in size, light in weight, high in safety factor, and his own physical fitness is good. After these two laps, he was supposed to sweat and rain, but it was even atmospheric. Did not take a few breaths.

In the end, mechanization, even manual, is much better than the old buffalo dragging the mouth.

Of course, there are still shortcomings. For example, you have to follow the machine, and you have to manually adjust the direction and depth, which is quite tiring.

For an ordinary person of average physical fitness, he still can't sweat.

In other words, this kind of micro-tiller, which can be seen everywhere nowadays, should be regarded as weird and weird high-tech when it was placed more than ten years ago?

That is the so-called "Transcendent"?

The angle of view is different.

For the same reason, the task rewards have not yet been received. The fully automatic intelligent micro-tiller, which should be regarded as Transcendent's black technology, is just an ordinary high-tech in the future time and space?

At least, in the eyes of ordinary ordinary people, it is like this.

After all, what they see is only the appearance, not the essence.

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