Chapter 0145: Practicing Martial Arts is also refining Qi!!

After all, after listening to Mr. Su for so long, everyone naturally understood that Mr. Su could not make such a low-level mistake, and there was something else to say.

It’s just that my group is too stupid and can’t understand it for the time being.

So doing something else is superfluous, the only thing that needs to be done is to wait, waiting for Mr. Su’s explanation.

Sure enough, Su Yi’s next words gradually unveiled the mystery for them.

“In the rivers and lakes, there are mostly warriors, so most of the people in the rivers and lakes are warriors, and if the people of the rivers and lakes want to live, then what they do is to play games with others.”

“To practice martial arts, you must train qi, but also train the righteous qi in your heart, if you don’t have this force to compete with others, then you can’t be called a jianghu person, or he can’t survive in the jianghu at all.”

Although they had not heard what these words had to do with Xu Yanbin, they listened extremely seriously, and although some closed their eyes, they could guess that they actually understood something in their hearts by looking at the faint fluctuations emanating from their bodies.

And it seems that thinking is more raw than some of the other people around him.

The reason is very simple, because these words spoken by Mr. Su are indeed this truth, they have never thought about it before, but hearing Mr. Su’s words today triggered a change in their inner mood.

“People who practice martial arts are talking about the intention to move forward in their hearts, and what they pay attention to is a spirit of spirit, which is no different from the Taoist and Confucian nourishment.”

“It’s just that Taoists cultivate the qi of nature, Confucianism cultivates the qi of Haoran, and warriors cultivate the qi of resoluteness.”

“Fighting with others is not chatting and talking, making jade with camellia, brewing wine and chatting, but fighting in blood, striving for that line of life in battle after battle!”

“So will do whatever it takes, so it will sacrifice his life for anger! People who are always soaked in honey pots can never become real martial artists, and if they want to go to the next level and become real martial artists, they can only go through one fight after another. ”

“This is why some people have a high starting point, talents, famous teachers, resources, fate, etc., but why they can’t become great masters, the reason is the lack of will and experience.”

“This is the difference between Xu Yanbing, his own qualifications are very high and high to ordinary people, and he has traveled all over the world and seen many people and things.”

“He has also seen a lot of martial arts, and he has also gone through one battle after another, such a talented person has also fought and fought so hard, how can such a Xu Yanbing not reach the realm of the later life?!”

Su Yi said that this is already an improvement in tone, and even the passers-by passing outside are noisy, their ears hurt, and everyone in the audience is also full of thoughts, like knocking over a barilla bottle in their brains, all kinds of thoughts are mixed together, with different ideas.

But this is not surprising, everyone is different, personality environment education encounters people and things, these are different, so no one’s ideas will be exactly the same.

It’s nothing.

But they all think in the same direction, that is, should they be like Xu Yanbing.

Should they also travel the world like Xu Yanbing 1.4 to carry out real battles?

Of course, I can’t think of an answer for a while.

Su Yi could also see that they couldn’t think of it, just smiled and then the voice sounded from the stage again, and continued to talk.

“Therefore, as long as you have the will, you can reach the realm of Xu Yanbing, of course, you also need a little root bone and talent.”

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