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Upon hearing this, Ye Hao suddenly raised his head from the notebook.

Oh, I didn’t expect that one day I would do what I did in Professor Li’s lesson...

It feels quite amazing.

"Of course I know! This thing was so big at the time! Shouldn't anyone know it?"

"Han Han Yu is really too embarrassed! Fortunately, the last thing is true!"

The students under the stage have opened their mouths.

Professor Li nodded. "Who will analyze this case?"

The girl named Yu Ya was eager to try and seemed to want to raise her hand.

I saw that Professor Li on the stage paused, and then looked straight in the direction of Ye Hao, apparently noticed her.

At the beginning of the birthday banquet, Li Yue praised her, and in order to grab the people with the director of the Imperial University, Zhou Qinggang, the two also smashed on the spot.

When Li Yue saw Ye Hao coming to listen to his lecture, he was naturally very satisfied, so he smiled and said, "Oh, I seem to see the first Ye Jin, who came in this emperor's first time!"

what? Ye Hao!

Upon hearing this name, all the students present were excited and surprised.

Ye Xie was the liberal arts champion of their imperial capital. The Imperial Metropolitan University and the Imperial University in order to steal her head, and finally Ye Hao chose their emperor, this matter, the entire Emperor Media knows.

It is a pity that after the test of Ye Hao came in, Shenlong saw no end, except for every exam and some key subjects, almost no one could be seen.

Everyone only knows that after she came in, she still took the first scholarship of the grade and applied for graduation in advance.

"I am going, the legendary female schoolmaster is coming today?" The boy who had just talked with Ye Hao was a little excited, just because his girlfriend was next to him and he didn't dare to be too obvious.

"I heard that the super-powerful, do not come to class, still take the first door!"

"Who is it?"

In the hall, everyone was curiously looking at Li Yue’s eyes.

Ye Hao heard that he was named by Professor Li and was busy standing up from his seat.

Hey, she guessed that she might be named by Professor Li, but fortunately it came over today.

The boy noticed that he suddenly stood up next to him, and turned out to be the beautiful woman who had just sneered at him. The expression on his face suddenly froze.

She... she is...

The girl next to the boy who had been holding his arm in a grumpy manner was also stunned.

What did the woman stand up for?

"Professor Li!" Ye Hao got up and said hello.

Professor Li nodded again and again. "Not bad, Ye Hao, then, let's analyze it!"

When I heard Professor Li’s words, the girl’s face suddenly turned blue and white, and her face was blank.

This... This girl turned out to be Ye Hao!

At this moment, there is already a lot of discussion in the multi-purpose hall.

"The trough! The beautiful woman who just came in is actually the legendary female student Ye Ye in our school!"

"Ye Lan is so beautiful, it is not scientific..."

This case is Ye Hao’s own work, fearing that no one knows better than her.

After Ye Hao got up, he analyzed all the cases fluently from beginning to end.

Everyone was still wondering if it was wrong. After hearing the other person’s answer, it was impossible to doubt...

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