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"In any case, thank you for helping me." At this moment, Ye Hao thanked several strong men.

Although it is only because the brawny does not shoot, the cars are not allowed, but she wants to solve it herself, but still has to waste some effort.

"Little girl, you are lucky, met us, remember, next time you don't go out in the middle of the night to run alone, the bad guys!" The head of the strong Chinese language toward Ye Hao Road, is a pair of elders.

In this regard, Ye Hao just nodded, but did not say anything.

I am afraid that they are not good people, only to listen to the brawny mentioned that the reason why they were expelled from the fearless alliance seems to be because the task of the high-level alliance is not completed, and the family is full, but the family is released. a dog...

In the hands of these brawny, there is a lot of blood.

After thanking a few strong men again, Ye Hao immediately took a taxi and rushed toward the garden.

In the taxi, Ye Hao was close, and during this time, too many things happened.

Ye Jia, Si Jia, plus myself...

The only thing that is gained is that her mind is remembered as a memory of her own.

And this incomplete memory is very clear.

In addition to the grandfather, between the vagueness, Ye Hao can still recall some scenes on campus...

However, the campus in memory has too many differences with ordinary campuses. It seems that there are fighting... blood, sorrow and noise continue to ring.

And these memories are not complete, and she can remember only a small part.

Today, Ye Hao is more curious about her own life, who is her very majestic grandfather, and how her parents died.

Everything is like a fog, but Ye Yiyu wants to open the fog, but the deeper it is, the more it can't be seen.

As far as today is concerned, the best way is to find the Secretary of the Night, let the Secretary tell me the truth.

Who is she, who is her grandfather, and why the Secretary of the Night Cold will leave the House without a word, go to the independent state...

As long as you find the night of the division, all the truth can surface!

In addition, the more difficult thing is the Ye family.

Today, his father, Ye Shaoting and Ye Mufan, have been investigated. If she can't find the real murderer, she can't come up with the evidence that Liang Meizhen and Huang Guanjia are behind the scenes. I am afraid...

Even if she is not Ye Hao, she can't leave her family affairs. During this time, she has already regarded them as relatives. Even if she is not Ye Hao, she will not deny the relationship and feelings of this time.

As soon as she thought that the real Ye Hao was dead, although she did not intend to pretend to be a leafhopper, she still had a slap on her brother and father and mother...

They and Liang Meizhen and the yellow housekeeper Liang Zi, this time is completely settled, Ye Hao did not expect that the yellow housekeeper actually bought a fierce to kill himself...

After a while, the taxi stopped at the small building in the garden. After paying the money, Ye Hao opened the door and walked out from the back seat.

Xu Yi had been waiting for a long time next to the small garden building. When she saw Ye Hao getting off the bus, Xu Yi immediately went forward: "Miss Yan, what happened?"

Before Xu Yi made a few calls to Ye Hao, they all got through, so I was slightly worried.

"Some little things are delayed, let's talk about it." Ye Hao walked into the garden building with Xu Yi.

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