Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 604: I have a son but I don't know?

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“Thank you for your patronage, welcome to visit next time!” The evil spirits waved toward the dark 4th detachment.

After the dark 4th team left, the evil charmer actually picked up the little song, as if he was in a good mood.

"Hey, 10,000... enough for the captain to eat a lot of dumplings..." The evil spirits muttered in the population.

Earn 10,000 yuan, his performance this month, do not have to think about it, set the best among several people, do not have to go to Africa...

Ye Hao looked around for a while and was already ready to leave.

However, at this time, the evil spirits suddenly looked at Ye Hao, not far away, and immediately went straight to Ye Hao.

Standing next to Ye Hao, the evil spirits looked up and down at her. After a moment, she smiled and said: "Ye is a famous girl, and we have met again."

Ye Hao slightly stunned God, dressed himself, can he see it? !

"What leaf is famous? Do you admit the wrong person?" Ye Hao said with a light cough.

"Sister, you are too rough to be too rough. If you like it, I can teach you a little more..." The evil charmer shook his head and sighed, his eyes were very disgusting. This leaf is famous for wearing a men's suit. Just want to hold on to a makeup, I want to hold him...

"You can see this?" Ye Hao looked strange.

Her men's clothing was meticulously made, even if the parents could not recognize it, was it seen by the priest? !

"Like, really like..." The evil spirits did not answer the question of Ye Hao, but talked to himself in the mouth.

"What is it like?" Ye Hao asked curiously.

"Like no worries..." The evil spirits muttered.

"Who is Nie Wuyou?" Ye Hao wondered.

"Don't ask this first, Ye famous sister, how old are you this year?" The evil charmer found that if you look carefully, this leaf is famous and the Nie Wuyou on the photo is indeed very similar.

"Twenty, how?" Although Ye Hao did not know what the people were doing, they still said it truthfully.


The evil spirits people hear the words, if they think thoughtfully, the words of twenty, some ages are not right, Nie Wuyou this year, at least 23-34 years old...

"Ye is a famous girl, have you lost your memory? Or have you ever had a wild man? Or, have you lost your memory and have a wild man?" The evil spirits rushed through a series of tunnels.

Ye Wei: "..." Suddenly wants to tear his mouth...

"Or... Will you have a five-year-old son, but you don't know?" The man opened his mouth again.

Ye Hao's forehead blue-gluted micro-jump: "..." I have a son but I don't know? Are you stupid when you step on a horse?

Seeing Ye Hao does not speak, the Taoist face with a serious expression: "Sister, can you let me see your chest..."

Ye Hao finally couldn't bear it, and stared at the man with a smile. "Oh, this friend, I just gave you a trip. You are afraid of a **** disaster tonight!"

Looking at the appearance of Ye Xiao’s smile, the Taoist suddenly swallowed, and probably realized how guilty these problems were. He smiled and said, “Oh...hehe... I counted at my home. Maybe it’s on fire, let’s go first... go first...”

"Sister! Let's have a good time, goodbye!" The sly Taoist suddenly smeared the soles of his feet and ran away without a shadow.

Looking at the direction in which the person left, Ye Hao pinched his eyebrows silently.

It’s terrible to be a man, but this brain is afraid of a problem, it’s a neuropathy...

【small theater:】

Little devil: Mom!

Ye Wei: Who are you? Don't scream, I am only twenty years old, how can you have such a big son!

Little Devil: "Dad!"

Secretary night cold: Hey, I don't have an illegitimate child, believe me.

Little Devil: ... So, my dad and my mom don’t know if they gave birth to me, right?

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