Permanent Martial Arts

Vol 3000 Chapter 1013: What is there to fear?

Yuan Zhenggang said with a smile: "Lin Zhenjun guessed it too? Yes, this time I called all the true monarchs, but there is one thing that I need to discuss with all of them."

Yuan Zhenggang swept his eyes, and then said solemnly: "Maybe everyone has heard that Yuan has discovered a new chaotic continent! Yes, Yuan has indeed discovered a new chaotic continent, and even this chaotic black The flame was also obtained in that continent. The purpose of calling all the true monarchs this time is to use the power of your true monarchs to completely occupy that chaotic continent and use it for your own use!"


Everyone was shocked, even Lin Feng knew a little bit of information before. Even those True Monarchs have found some news.

But at this moment, when Yuan Zhenggang personally admitted that it was indeed a brand-new Chaos Continent, everyone was still extremely shocked, and their minds were blank.

What does a brand new Chaos Continent represent?

Representing endless resources, representing an endless stream of top-quality chaotic crystals, representing all kinds of rare treasures, in short, a chaotic continent is an endless source of wealth.

However, some people were sober, so they asked cautiously: "If it is really a brand new Chaos Continent, why didn't Yuan Zhenjun mine it himself? Why did he spread the news?"

Yes, everyone woke up. Ask yourself, put yourself in the shoes and think about it, what would they do if they discovered a brand new Chaos Continent themselves?

It must be his own domination.

A chaotic continent that has been mined is completely different from a chaotic continent that has not been mined. Like the Fenyan Continent and the Holy Beast Continent, they were all mined. Lin Feng gathered the power of the entire Holy Beast Continent, and how many Chaos Primal Crystals did he collect?

It is not even comparable to a small chaotic crystal ore vein in Tianmu Continent.

A brand new chaotic continent, as long as there are chaotic crystal ore veins, that is thousands or even tens of thousands of top-quality chaotic crystals, how huge is the benefit?

Not to mention the true monarch, even the true **** will fight for it desperately, where will the news spread, and even let other true monarchs come to share?

This is somewhat counterintuitive.

Hearing this, Yuan Zhenggang could only sigh and said with a wry smile: "Why don't I want to take this big opportunity all by myself? My chaotic black flame, even in the past thousands of years, I have made a lot of money, and even cultivated into a second magical power. , that is a body refining magical power, haven't you noticed anything yet?"

"Could it be that this is the cultivation resource that the real monarch bought with the top-quality chaotic crystal in that chaotic continent?"

Everyone was shocked, and the supernatural powers were divided into magic powers and body refining supernatural powers. As long as you can comprehend the rules of chaos and delve into the depths, you can successfully cultivate.

And to refine the body, it would have to consume a lot of cultivation resources, which is almost "burning money". Look at Lin Feng, if there is not a large number of top-quality Chaos Primal Crystals, how can he cultivate the Holy Body of Spiritual Flame to the smallest degree?

Therefore, Yuan Zhenggang created a body-refining supernatural power from scratch and successfully cultivated it. If he said that he did not spend a lot of cultivation resources, no one would believe it at all.

Yuan Zhenjun nodded and said: "Yes, I have been secretly mining the top-quality Chaos Primal Crystal in the Chaos Continent, and I have benefited a lot. I originally wanted to continue mining, but there is no airtight wall in the world. A few days ago, I found that There is a caravan that actually discovered the Chaos Continent. Even though I spent a huge price to block the Chaos Continent with the Divine Array, but since it was discovered, the other party will definitely let the true God behind him come. After the **** formation, doesn’t the true **** know everything?”

Everyone knew that, that was the case.

The news of Chaos Continent has been exposed. Therefore, if Yuan Zhenggang still wants to occupy the Chaos Continent, he must come up with a countermeasure. Relying on him alone, want to fight against the true God? That's simply not possible.

Of course, there is another way, that is, Yuan Zhenggang uses the specific location coordinates of the Chaos Continent as information, sells it to the secret building, and can also get a lot of high-quality Chaos Yuanjing.

But Yuan Zhenggang was obviously not reconciled. The Chaos Continent he first discovered was handed over to others.

All the true monarchs fell silent, their hearts were surging, and they were extremely excited.

A brand new unmined Chaos Continent, how can you not be excited? Even if Yuan Zhenggang has been mining for thousands of years, but Yuan Zhenggang is a mere person, let alone thousands of years, even if it is tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years, he will not be able to mine much.

Many true gods occupy a brand new chaotic continent, and they have been mined for tens of thousands of years, and they still have a lot to do, let alone a mere true monarch.

Therefore, the resources and wealth represented by this brand-new Chaos Continent are enough to make the true gods be moved.

But there is a very real question, which caravan discovered the brand new Chaos Continent?

"I did some investigation later, it should be the Qianxing Chamber of Commerce in the Holy City of Styx!"

A dignified expression appeared on Yuan Zhenjun's face. Obviously, this Qianxing Chamber of Commerce was probably not simple.

"What, the Qianxing Chamber of Commerce?"

"If it is the Qianxing Chamber of Commerce, it will be troublesome."

Even Long Zhenjun had a solemn expression on his face.

"What's so special about this Thousand Stars Chamber of Commerce?"

Lin Feng's time in the Holy City of Chaos was short, and he didn't have a complete understanding of the forces of the Holy City of Nine Heavens, let alone other Holy City of Chaos.

Long Zhenjun explained: "The Qianxing Chamber of Commerce is a medium-sized chamber of commerce in the Holy City of Styx. In the Chamber of Commerce, there are two true gods, the True God of Qianxing and the True God of Wanyu. They have no influence in the Holy City of Styx. Xiao, there are more than fifty top true monarchs under his command, and there are countless ordinary true monarchs. If the Qianxing Chamber of Commerce knows about the brand-new Chaos Continent, I am afraid it will be difficult."

"Not There are more than ten Chaos Continents directly controlled by the Qianxing Chamber of Commerce. Even ordinary true gods would not dare to compete with the Qianxing Chamber of Commerce."

When the other Chaos True Monarchs thought of the power of the Thousand Stars Chamber of Commerce, they were all downcast and basically gave up. Although Chaos Continent has countless resources, it must be mined with life.

It is rumored that the Qianxing Chamber of Commerce also has the secret technique of killing true spirits, which is one kill. Under normal circumstances, when the true monarch dies, although he needs to be reincarnated and rebuilt, he finally has a chance.

If even the true spirit is destroyed, it will really be wiped out, and there will be no chance.

"Oh? How about the two true gods compared to the true **** Tianyun, the true **** Bayuan, and the true **** Xuanling?"

Lin Feng spoke suddenly, with a sharp-edged tone, revealing a strong self-confidence.

"Hahaha, everyone, this is why Yuan invited Lin Zhenjun. What about the Qianxing Chamber of Commerce? What about the two true gods? Lin Zhenjun retreated under the hands of the three true gods, and even defeated the first true monarch of the true **** of luck. What are you afraid of?"

Yuan Zhenggang looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, with a hint of madness in his eyes.

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