Chapter 321: Kun

The Conference of Saints was held under the leadership of Saint Kang.

This meeting of saints was full of gunpowder. The three saints from the academy, headed by the Invincible Fist, had a fierce verbal confrontation with the saints of Batai from the consortium.

The two sides did not show any sympathy, but the Sage of Batai did not know what benefit was promised, and actually pulled the Sage of Cross of the government forces.

The two sides were evenly matched, and the struggle was inexorable.

The forces of the academy wanted the saints of Batai to hand over the guardians, but it was impossible for Batai to hand over the guardians, and even to dissolve the guardian alliance, and contribute all the robot technology and energy weapon technology in the guardian alliance.

This is simply a naked carve up of the Guardian Alliance.

Invincible Fist Sage was furious, and even the mediation of Kang Sage was of no avail.

In the end, under the mediation of the Sage Kang, the Sage Conference made a decision. The Guardian Alliance still exists, but its energy weapon technology and robotics technology can be publicly sold to the five major forces at an appropriate "price".

Invincible Fist Saint was very dissatisfied with such a decision. He directly turned off the projector and left with a flick of his sleeves. He even took Bingyu Saint and Cass Saint and left in anger.

Even, the Bingyu sage pointed the finger at Kang sage, saying that it was "unfair".

The Invincible Fist Saint and other three saints left the saint meeting, the Bate saint and Kross also left, and the two military saints who had not spoken much also left.

In the entire sage meeting, only Kang sage and Yuan Yi sage were left.

"Yuanyi, am I really unfair?"

Sage Kang suddenly asked.

Sage Yuan Yi had a complicated expression. He knew Sage Kang's difficulties, and he knew that Sage Kang was wholeheartedly taking care of the overall situation.

However, sometimes Kang Sage is too concerned with the "big picture", which leads to serious consequences.

"Elder Kang, the big picture in your eyes is sometimes not the big picture for everyone..."

After finishing speaking, Yuan Yi Sheng also left.

Sage Kang raised his head, thoughtful, but he soon became firm.

But in fact, since this saint meeting, the nine saints of mankind have actually been completely divided!


The dark and cold underground river, with spears constantly emitting dim light in the darkness, looks mysterious and eerie.

There was only a mass of flesh and blood left in Lin Feng's body, but it was surrounded by that huge blood-colored crystal, which was the life core of planetary life. Although it was only a fragment, it was almost equal to one percent.

One percent of the life core fragments were wrapped in Lin Feng's flesh and blood, faintly swallowing the life core fragments.

But Lin Feng was plunged into darkness.

His consciousness seemed to drift into a vast universe of stars, and he seemed to have turned into a strange beast, living in icy waters since he was a child.

Moreover, he also has a very nice name called Kun!

Since the memory, Kun is the overlord in the waters. It follows the instinct and constantly devours the creatures in the waters. Gradually, its body is getting bigger and bigger, and occasionally there is a very strange feeling.

Finally, after tens of thousands of years, it has become the well-deserved overlord of all waters.

It began to go ashore, and encountered some strange creatures resisting, so it still swallowed all the way, and there was no power to stop it.

It yearns for that feeling, as if there is only one thought in his life, and that is to devour, to devour frantically.

Gradually, it sensed the danger, as if the danger it was destined to be approaching was coming. For that day, it made a lot of preparations, and it devoured it crazily on the mainland.

There used to be some relatively powerful beings, but in front of its huge size, it was like an ant, and it couldn't even make it a full meal.

Finally, the danger of Kun came, it followed the ancient memory, or instinct, its body was "longing", extremely "longing" for a transition in the form of life.

So, it exploded.

At that moment, it was the most painful moment it has encountered since its birth. Countless fragments of memory appeared in its memory. There is the starry sky and the universe there.

And it is about to become a great life that can span the universe!

Finally, it succeeded, its size became bigger than the whole world, it swallowed the whole world, and finally completed the "transformation".

After completing the transformation, it roams the starry sky, and every time it encounters a life planet, it devours it.

Sometimes, it also encounters more powerful beings, and just a little breath makes it run away. Fortunately, it got some innate abilities from memory.

In the cosmos, its speed is very fast, and it is amazingly fast. There were many beings with stronger breaths than it who wanted to chase it, but they were all thrown away by it at an incredible speed.

The universe is lonely, and the memory is intermittent.

Suddenly, a huge hand appeared in the starry sky, and Kun felt desperate. Its huge body seemed to have no resistance in front of the giant beast.


It exploded, Kun's body exploded, but Lin Feng's memory slowly woke up.

"I am Kun?"

"No, I'm Lin Feng!"

In my memory, countless pictures appeared, from the scenes when I was a child to becoming the tenth saint of human beings, all of which are vivid in my mind. Perhaps, compared to Kun's memory of hundreds of millions of years, Lin Feng's mere 20 years of memory is really insignificant.

However, these memories made Lin Feng unforgettable, even after a thousand or ten thousand years.

"I'm Lin Feng, I'm not Kun! Just now, I fell into Kun's memory?"

Lin Feng woke up, his consciousness woke up, and he also realized that it was Kun's memory picture just now, and it was an incomplete memory picture.

That huge core of life is probably Kun's core of life, which contains the memory, energy, and essence of Kun's whole body.

Although it is only a fragment, with only one percent of the core of life, to Lin Feng, it is incomparably powerful.

"It turns out that the life transition is so simple..."

Lin Feng murmured in a low voice.

"My body..."

However, Lin Feng soon felt that he didn't even have a body now, only a mass of flesh and blood, and his consciousness was attached to the core of life.

Consciousness is not scattered, Lin Feng's flesh and blood also has the "immortality", so even if there is only a little bit of flesh and blood left, he can reunite.


Lin Feng's thoughts moved, and suddenly, a large amount of energy poured in from the core of life, and the mass of flesh and blood quickly condensed and formed, and quickly expanded.


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