Pet King

Chapter 396: Transoceanic telephone

Ideas novel network, the latest chapter of the latest pet king!

Not long after, Wang Qian and Li Kun also came for daily routine cleaning, but they had already seen the statue of the cat **** and had not felt surprised.

Zhang Zi'an was a little helpless. After Lu Yiyun arrived, she even gave her the task of organizing the shelves, but she was very busy. He was saying that when he went back upstairs to practice boxing, his cell phone ringing suddenly rang, and when he picked it up, it was an Internet call from Tim.

He went back to the second floor, connected the phone, and motioned for Richard to speak.

"Hi! Jeff! How have you been recently? You should be there in the morning, so I should say-good morning." Tim's voice came from the earpiece, faintly heard Lauren's voice, " Lauren also asked me to say hello to her. "

"Hello Tim, please also say hello to Lauren." Richard said.

Tim has the straight-ahead temperament of a typical American, and after a little shame he enters the topic.

"Jeff, listen to me, didn't you let me inquire about chocolate Abyssinian cats a while ago?" Tim said with interest.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Richard and Zhang Zi'an looked at each other and thought of Cathy inadvertently.

"Today I just got the news, the exact news." Tim emphasized: "CFA will be tomorrow, tomorrow here with me-I will not confuse dates anymore, officially announced the confirmation of chocolate Abyssinia Cat. Not surprisingly, you will soon find relevant information on the CFA homepage. "

Zhang Zi'an heard it, and couldn't tell what it was like in his heart. All he could say was that he would make people good. The news would have been a few days earlier. If Cathy is still alive, she should be glad to hear the news.

"Thank you, Tim, and thank you for telling me." Richard said. Zhang Zi'an was also grateful to Tim and Lauren. He just mentioned it casually at the time, but they kept it in his mind and immediately called to notify him when he got new news.

"You're welcome. Jeff, last time I heard you say that you have a friend breeding a chocolate-colored Abyssinian cat? You can tell your friend the good news, and he will definitely invite you to a big meal! This Breeders of cats are scarce. Once recognized by the CFA, their worth is more than tenfold! "

"After the chocolate-colored Abyssinian cat was acknowledged, the corresponding competition will soon begin. The first entry should be in the open group. After receiving 4 championship ribbons, you can participate in the championship group! Jeff, yours If your friends are breeding chocolate-colored Abyssinian cats very early, you will have a huge advantage in participating in the competition at this time, basically winning the championship! Do you know what this means? Your friends will be several times ahead of other breeders Position, and this advantage will last at least ten years! "

Tim spoke excitedly over the phone, talking for a while, only to find that there was no response from the other end of the phone.

"Jeff? Are you still listening? Is this **** internet disconnected again?" He whispered.

Zhang Zi'an was silent, Richard said, "Yes, Tim, I'm listening."

"Jeff, this news is definitely a big meal. Don't tell your friends for free." Tim's hearty laughter came from the other end of the phone.

Zhang Zi'an smiled silently.

"By the way, Tim, can you do me a favor?" Richard knew that Zhang Zi'an didn't want to continue talking about this, so he switched the subject.

"Anything, as long as I can do it." Tim said.

Richard followed Zhang Zi'an to the dog market. It knew what Zhang Zi'an wanted to ask and asked him directly: "I want you to help me inquire about the Athera cat. I know this cat is owned by a pet The company sells it exclusively. Do you know anything about it? "

"Athera cat?" Tim frowned at the end of the phone. "Just a moment."

He talked to Lauren and picked up the phone again.

"Jeff, I've heard of that kind of cat and I've seen it once. It's a big cat with a very wild appearance, but a relatively docile personality. It's loyal to the owner. The most important thing is that they are expensive and very expensive!"

Richard said: "I know they are expensive, but you know that there are many rich people in China, and that money is not worth mentioning to them. Now the situation is this. A friend came to me and said he wanted to buy one. Breeds cats, but suffers from not knowing how and how to buy, and also has difficulties in transportation. So I want to ask if you can help me contact that pet company and, if possible, help me buy one directly. "

Tim said unsurely, "Well, I can try."

Richard knows that having money can make a ghost, even a friend, it ’s good to add some extra money, and he puts forward very tempting conditions: "Tim, listen to me, I know this is a bit troublesome , But my friend is rich, he will advance the full amount and the corresponding commission, which will not make you lose. And if this can be achieved, there may be more local tyrants want to buy some wild big cats in the future. "

Tim smiled bitterly on the phone: "Yeah, the same is true in the United States, Hollywood stars in Beverly Hills, and oil tycoons and upstarts in the Middle East and Russia. Many people like big wild cats, some people Tigers and leopards will be raised directly, and other not-so-crazy people will breed such large pet cats that are hybrids of serval, leopard and ordinary domestic cats. "

"We don't understand the psychology of upstarts, right?" Richard teased.

"Yes, yes, that's it! In my opinion, such wild cats are not suitable as pets at home. Is there a puppet cat? Uh ... Jeff, I want to say a few more , But my wife is urging me to sleep, let's talk here today. I will help you to inquire, wait for my news, bye! "


Tim hung up.

Zhang Zi'an sat on the sofa, pondering Tim's words.

There is no need to think about Arthur the cat, Tim should try his best to help, if nothing can be done.

As for the chocolate Abyssinian cat ...

As Tim said, these cats left by Cathy have a huge starting advantage. As long as they go to the CFA Tour, the championship is theirs. If Cathy is still alive, she must be happy to participate in the CFA Championship, which is her glory.

But Cathy's own experience left Zhang Zi'an with a bad impression ~ ~ I don't want to step into the CFA arena again, and I don't want to waste time on frequent running between China and the United States ...

After thinking about it, there seems to be only one solution that is the best of both worlds. It is to leave a chocolate-colored Abyssinian cat, and Tim will take it to the CFA competition, and Tim will handle the application for the pedigree certificate Matters will be more convenient. He believes that Tim will not refuse this request. After all, Tim often brings his own puppet cat to the CFA Tour, but by the way.

Thinking of this, he found Adams's phone number in the address book, hesitated, and dialed out. It's almost late at night in the United States. Although it's not working time, Adams' professionalism will definitely pick up the phone.

Sure enough, as he expected, the bell rang only once, and Adams answered almost every second.

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter?" Adams asked directly, omitting all the shame and politeness. He was probably getting jet lag, his voice was a little hazy at first, but he woke up immediately.

Zhang Zi'an avoided the politeness, even the apology, and directly stated his intentions-leaving an Abyssinian cat in the United States and a friend to raise it for a while. Since the matter was urgent, he was worried that the cats were already on the flight, so he took the liberty to disturb him late at night.

He heard the squeal of Adams as he sat up from the bed.

"Wait a minute, I'll look it up immediately." Adams said concisely.

After a while, Adams replied: "Mr. Zhang, you are very lucky. If your phone comes a few minutes late, they will be on the plane. So, which cat are you planning to leave?"

Those eight cats all have different names, and Zhang Zi'an will definitely not leave Wendy. He thought about it and chose one of the eight-month-old race-age cats, "Bella!"

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