Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 52: | Sister (3)

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He Tianlei looked at Lin Banxia's smile, and he felt a creepy sense for nothing. He even took a step back and looked at Lin Banxia's eyes full of terror.

Lin Banxia didn't even realize it, he said: "Where can I find the little flower?"

"How do I know." At this time, He Tianlei had regretted talking about this issue with Lin Banxia, ​​he licked his lips nervously, "But if you give me some money, maybe I can help you think about it." He tentatively said. , "Don't you remember what happened before? This is normal, after all these years ..."

Although he knew that the final reason for his family to call themselves back was for the money, but at this time, when he saw him in such a hurry, Lin Banxia still felt funny, his smile was more brilliant: "I want money, right?" Yes, you help me find the little flower, I will give you money, half a million-a lot of points. "

He Tianlei looked at Lin Banxia, ​​as if looking at a lunatic: "What are you looking for her for? Do you still not understand? She is not a person at all—"

Lin Banxia said, "Do you still want money?"

He Tianlei stammered: "When, of course."

Lin Banxia said coldly: "Then find it."

He Tianlei stared blankly at Lin Banxia, ​​only to feel that he was extremely strange.

"When I find her, I will give you money whenever I can." Lin Banxia said coldly.

He Tianlei did not speak, but Lin Banxia no longer needed his answer. He waved at He Tianlei, said goodbye, turned around and went downstairs. Song Qingluo followed behind and whispered Pinxia softly.

Lin Banxia's swift footsteps paused and turned his head to look at Song Qingluo. His eyes were mostly red, and he didn't know whether it was because of anger or sadness. His eyes were completely out of the aggressiveness when facing He Tianlei. It was empty and blank, his voice choked, as if his emotions were about to get out of control: "Song Qingluo, it turns out that I don't have a sister."

Song Qingluo heart sank slightly, said: "Banxia."

"It turns out I don't have a sister." Lin Banxia slowly squatted down, as if her body could not bear some weight, and the whole person curled up.

Song Qingluo walked to Lin Banxia's side and hugged his shoulders. He said, "It's okay, I'm here."

Lin Banxia whimpered slightly. He lowered his head, as if crying or not, like a child who couldn't help crying but was afraid of being hurt by crying, shaking all over him. Song Qingluo put him in his arms, soothing as if stroking Lin Banxia's slightly raised back: "Cry if you want to cry."

Lin Banxia didn't say a word, and it took a while to calm down calmly. When I looked up again, my eyes were already dry: "Sorry ..."

"You don't have to say sorry to me." Song Qingluo said, "It's not your fault."

Lin Banxia made a difficult smile: "You said, my sister wouldn't really be ... those things?"

Song Qingluo said: "Not necessarily."

"Also." Lin Banxia murmured absently, "in case they are deliberately lying to me."

Song Qingluo didn't answer, and gently rubbed his hair.

Lin Banxia reluctantly regained his spirit, revealing the same gentle expression as usual in peace days: "Don't say this anymore, you ran up and down with me, you haven't eaten all day, let's go find something to eat first."

Song Qingluo said, "Okay."

The two slowly walked out of the hospital, casually found a store in the town and sat down. Lin Banxia ordered what he wanted to eat, and he still seemed a little bit unsettled. Song Qingluo asked him what he was thinking, and he twitched his mouth: "I was just thinking about the memories I spent with Xiaohua before."

Song Qingluo said: "Do you remember clearly?"

"Not very clear." Lin Banxia took a bite of noodles. "Some blurry, but vaguely remember some details." He looked at the noodles in the bowl and whispered, "I was most impressed to go out with Xiaohua Catching fish to eat, it was night, and it was dark everywhere. I walked with her on the ridge next to the paddy field ... The ridge was very narrow and covered with various kinds of weeds, some weeds could eat, some weeds Can't ... "

Song Qingluo said: "Is there anything else?"

"Yes." Although Lin Banxia felt that his stomach was not very comfortable, he still stuffed his mouth as much as possible. He was a hungry person and would not waste any food. "A lot of it, to be precise, just ... "

Song Qingluo said, "Just?"

"It's just not clear." Lin Banxia said, "It's as if it's vague, with a layer of frosted windows." He had never doubted himself before. Now, after being reminded by He Tianlei, he suddenly realized that this way Does seem to have some problems.

After he finished speaking, he sucked in a big face and smiled: "But think about it, if He Tianlei is true, even if my sister is not a person, she has existed ..."

Song Qingluo frowned: "Don't laugh if you don't want to laugh."

Lin Banxia's smile faded, and he looked down at the noodle in the bowl and said, "I want to see where I lived before."

"Okay." Song Qingluo said, "I will accompany you."

Although the style of the town has changed greatly, the location of several roads has not changed much. In the past, my aunt ’s house was not in the town, but in a nearby village. The village was very close to the town. With the foot of a child, I walked for more than half an hour. It's just a pity that the surroundings have changed so much that Lin Banxia is not familiar with it. While asking for directions, he moved forward. He found his former residence almost at sunset. Fortunately, although the house has changed a lot, but the paddy field is still there, Lin Banxia even saw the fish pond where he used to fish.

The fish pond is not big, surrounded by a fence, next to the fence is a dense bamboo forest, walking in it is very cool.

Lin Banxia bypassed the fish pond and walked to the field ridge next to him. He walked along the field ridge for a while and finally saw the low house that he once lived with his aunt in memory. The house hadn't been occupied for a long time, and the exterior looked dilapidated. Lin Pinxia was barely able to see the picture inside through the dirty glass. The previous furniture is still there. He saw the table and chairs and a huge cupboard placed in the corner of the living room.

In the past, that cabinet was supposed to be the favorite furniture of children at home-because there are usually many delicious snacks inside, but this is not the case for Lin Banxia.

That was his nightmare, as long as he made his aunt unhappy, he would be locked in.

At this time, Lin Banxia thought that he would be emotional, but he did not. He looked at the cabinet through the glass as if he were looking at the memories belonging to others. He was the one who should have caused him pain. Without touching, the heart is calm like a deep lake.

"They all moved out." Lin Banxia looked around. "The land was not planted." He pointed his finger to the distant mountain. "I used to go to that mountain before, especially in summer. The bushes will grow a lot of sweet and sour fruit ... "he said, and then he smiled, and there was a nostalgic taste in his expression." It's just that there are a lot of thorns, and it is often pierced.

Song Qingluo asked: "Want to go over there?"

Lin Banxia nodded.

The two went around the hillside. After the sun was completely set, Lin Banxia only reluctantly went back to his house. On the way back, he passed the place where his aunt lived and was heading down, but in a trance he heard a childish voice belonging to the little girl-"Brother!"

Lin Banxia suddenly froze and turned to look behind him, but there was nothing behind him.

Song Qingluo saw that his expression was not right and asked what happened.

"Did you hear someone calling me?" Lin Banxia was in a trance.

Song Qingluo shook his head, indicating that he heard nothing.

"That should be I heard it wrong." Lin Banxia said, "I heard ... Xiaohua's voice."

Song Qingluo's expression slightly condensed, said: "Go back to the hotel first."

Lin Banxia nodded.

After running outside for a day, Lin Banxia was also a little tired. After a simple shower, he lay on the bed. Song Qingluo went out, and when he came back, he had more bottles of coke and a few steaming barbecues. He handed it to Lin Banxia and said, "I haven't eaten at night, I still have a stomachache."

Lin Banxia was actually not too hungry, but was not good enough to refuse Song Qingluo's kindness, so he took a few sips of cola and ate something.

As the night fell, Lin Banxia was lying in bed and had some insomnia. Song Qingluo beside him seemed to have fallen asleep, breathing evenly. But he couldn't sleep at all, closed his eyes, and some cluttered thoughts floated in his mind. During the day, although he threw out harsh words at He Tianlei, he actually did not expect He Tianlei to really find Xiaohua back, more like a vent.

Lin Banxia turned over, facing the window, across the glass, he saw the shadow of the shadow of the moonlight outside, with the breeze, the shadow wobbled, at first glance, it seemed as if he was alive. Lin Banxia did not feel terrible, he just remembered some memories he had forgotten. But these memories are not coherent, more like debris, sometimes it is a lush forest of trees, sometimes it is a golden rice field illuminated by sunlight, sometimes it is a terrible insult, sometimes it is a crisp laugh.

Lin Banxia's consciousness gradually blurred, he closed his eyes, as if falling into a deep sleep.

Song Qingluo was not asleep, he had been worried about Lin Banxia, ​​so he kept his eyes closed to sleep. Lin Banxia turned over again, still not asleep. Fortunately, after a while, his breath gradually lightened, and he finally seemed to fall asleep.

Song Qingluo was slightly relieved, but felt the soft bed tremble abruptly, Lin Banxia, ​​who was sleeping peacefully beside him, suddenly sat up from the bed.

Song Qingluo opened his eyes and looked at Lin Banxia's back. He gently called: "Banxia?"

Lin Banxia did not answer or look back. His body stiffened for a moment, so he turned off the bed and walked straight to the cabinet opposite the bed.

Song Qingluo also sat up from the bed, he saw Lin Banxia's footsteps stopped in front of the cabinet, reached out his hand, and opened the cabinet door.

The hotel cabinets were empty, but Lin Pinxia seemed to see something in it, and the voice softly evoked the name he missed for a long time: "Little Flower."

At the next moment, he actually raised his foot and stepped into the door of the cabinet—

Song Qingluo realized that the situation was wrong and shouted Lin Banxia's name and swooped towards him. However, it was too late at the moment when Lin Banxia stepped into the cabinet door Lifelike, he squeezed himself together. But for a few breathing moments, when Song Qingluo rushed to the cabinet door and opened it again, Lin Banxia, ​​who was supposed to be inside, was gone.

Song Qingluo suffocated his breath, and his expression suddenly changed. He stared at the empty cabinet door for a while, and suddenly sneered, "Is it up to you to rob me?"

Lin Banxia did not know what happened. When he regained consciousness again, he found that he was not in a soft bed, but in a dark room with black walls and walls on all sides. Lin Banxia fumbled around, and when his fingers touched a hard object that was supposed to be a wall, he suddenly realized where he was—he was locked in a small cupboard.

Because the cabinet was too small, he couldn't even stand up, he could only try to push the cabinet door in front of him, and wanted to leave here.

But while he was doing this, there were sudden footsteps outside. It sounded like someone was approaching him. Lin Banxia reflexively wanted to call for help, but his ear was suddenly I remembered the familiar voice.

"Don't talk, you will be found." The voice is tender and soft, and belongs to the young girl alone.

Lin Ban Xia Teng's eyes widened, he could never forget the master of the voice, he shivered in his voice, and called her name low: "Little Flower."

"I'm here, I'm here." Xiaohua's voice is very soft, like the sweetest toffee Lin Banxia has tasted. She said, "Don't be afraid, I'll always be with you."

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and I saw that I was going to the front of the cabinet soon.

Although Lin Banxia didn't know what it was, he was inexplicably nervous. He wanted to ask what was happening, but He Xiaohua gave a soft boo in his ear, beckoning him not to speak. Lin Banxia knew she would not harm herself, and shut her mouth obediently.

The sound of footsteps stopped in front of the cabinet. Lin Banxia saw the person standing outside vaguely through the small door opening of the cabinet. The figure of the woman was a little vague, but she could see a pale face and face vaguely. Underneath, she painted an over-exaggerated mouth with blood-red lipstick. She actually had no eyes. She seemed to be looking for something by her sense of smell. Her nose twitched constantly, and it looked scary and strange. However, the most terrible thing is that from the perspective of Lin Banxia, ​​she can see the sharp kitchen knife in her hand. The blade reflects the white light that permeates through the narrow gap, which is just projected on Lin Banxia's cheek. He held his breath involuntarily, trying to hide his existence. However, the woman seemed to smell something. The oversized mouth slowly opened to reveal a black hole in the throat. She said, "I know you are inside."

Lin Banxia held his breath, he watched as the woman held out her hand, grabbed the door of the cabinet, and then pulled hard--

However, the cabinet door did not open. Lin Banxia looked at it and found a lock on the cabinet door.

The woman cursed loudly, her voice grew louder and harsher, but Lin Banxia remembered someone ... his aunt. That's how my aunt is irritable and irritable. As long as she is in a bad mood, she will be angry with Lin Banxia.

The woman couldn't open the cabinet door alive, and finally noticed the lock hanging on the cabinet door. She grinned, raised the blade in her hand, and slashed down the lock.

Seeing this scene, Lin Banxia suddenly throbbed, but now, the only thing he can do is curl up in this cold cabinet.

One click, two clicks, the lock that wasn't strong enough was soon swayed by the woman, the woman made a harsh laugh, and was about to cut off the last time, but behind it came the sound of the door being opened, accompanied by children 'S crying and running sounds seem to be a child who stumbled away from behind her.

When the woman heard the voice, she immediately stopped her movements, turned around and strode over, and temporarily left Lin Banxia.

Lin Banxia saw that she had gone away, reached out and hurriedly wanted to push the door of the cabinet in front of him, but when he just extended his hand, he felt something was wrong. When he looked down, he found that his arms were thin like firewood , Clearly is the hand of a child.

how come? ! Lin Banxia was shocked in his heart, and a bad hunch came out of his heart. But he did not dare to waste too much time here, so he slammed the cabinet door with his body. After hitting it several times, the lock finally fell and the cabinet door clicked open. Lin Banxia stumbled out of the cabinet, he stood up in a hurry, looked around, and finally found out where the problem was-he actually became smaller, the whole world was magnified in his eyes A lap.

He was still in the hotel bed just now, why did he get here now? Lin Banxia could not understand for a while.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came from outside the door again. With the sharp curse of the woman, Lin Banxia immediately realized that the scary woman had just returned. Taking a deep breath, he turned and ran towards the house, daring not to turn his head and leave the house at the fastest speed. At the moment of rushing out of the house, Lin Banxia glanced behind him, and he saw the neat decoration in the house-exactly the same as the old house where he once lived.

Although he found something strange, Kelin Pinellia didn't dare to stay, almost crawling, rushed out of the yard, and fell into the weeds on the roadside.

As soon as he left, the woman came back. She carried something in her hand. Lin Banxia didn't see it clearly, but when she looked at it from a distance, she was like a child. The woman carried the child into the house. Lin Banxia stood up in shock, trying to get a closer look at the child's appearance, but his eyes were suddenly covered by a pair of cold hands.

"Don't go back, don't go back ..." The owner of the small hand made a childish childish voice, which is exactly what He Xiaohua Lin Linxia thought about, and she said, "Run, Xia Xia, run."

Lin Banxia gently opened the little girl's hand. He turned his head and finally saw the familiar face. He couldn't help but his eyes warmed, and he hugged her heavily: "Little flower-little flower-" I miss you so much. "

"How did you come back." He Xiaohua said, "You didn't promise me, didn't you come back?"

Lin Banxia was at a loss: "What are you talking about?"

He Xiaohua looked at Lin Banxia with a sad look in her eyes. She reached out her hand and gently wiped Lin Banxia's tears: "You shouldn't be back."

Lin Banxia said, "Why?"

He Xiaohua didn't answer, carefully made a boo gesture and pointed to the distance.

Lin Banxia looked up and saw countless black shadows on the dark mountain road. These shadows looked like humans and other things. They approached, and Lin Banxia only realized that he could not see clearly. Their faces.

"I'll lead them away, you remember to run in the direction of going home." He Xiaohua said, "Be careful, don't fall into the river ..."

Lin Banxia still has many questions to ask him, but now it is obviously not the right time.

He Xiaohua stood up and ran towards the distance. Her running sound seemed to attract those strange shadows. The shadows immediately followed her in the direction of her. Lin Banxia gritted his teeth and decided to follow He Xiaohua's words and ran towards his home, but he just ran out two steps, but suddenly realized that he didn't know where his home was.

Aunt's home is not his home. As a child, he has no such thing as home.

But even so, Lin Banxia didn't want to sit still. He glanced at the direction in which Xiao Hua disappeared and decided to run away in the opposite direction, avoiding the shadows. Thinking about it this way, Lin Banxia did just that. He ran up to the thin ridge, which was full of muddy mud, and there was no moon or star in the sky. The whole world seemed to be covered by a black curtain.

Lin Banxia walked with two thin legs, running without a goal, he could not see anything, he could not hear any sound, and the surrounding was vaguely like a ghostly reflection of the monster, it seemed that the whole world was twisted. He didn't know why he was here, or why he became a child, but the memories that had been forgotten as a child started to recover as he ran.

It seemed that on a cold night, he was also in the same place, avoiding the terrible pursuers behind him.

What is chasing him? Lin Banxia felt a sudden feeling, suddenly stopped and turned back, in the dark, he saw a few cold lights, the lights were mixed with vocals, there were men and women in the voice, their faces disappeared under the lights Now, every face is like a ghost.

Lin Banxia suddenly began to tremble, and his heart jumped with madness. Those fears that he couldn't feel at this time, wrapped him up like a tide. He didn't know why he was so afraid, but his body was A step faster than conscious response.

Lin Banxia ran again, he did not dare to turn back, almost exhausted all his strength to run forward.

However, at this time, he was just a child, even if he tried his best, how could he run past the adult, the evil spirit behind him was getting closer and closer to him, he had no choice but to move forward, regardless of the strength on his legs Less and less, eventually staggering a few feet, stepping on one foot in the dark, the body suddenly lost his balance, and thus fell from the field into the paddy field next to it.

The water in the paddy field is not deep, but Lin Banxia is really too short. He choked on several sips of water, and when he tried to struggle to get up from the field, the evil spirits had already arrived in front of him.

It was a weird and terrifying face. Everyone looked exactly the same. They leaned over the fields and stared coldly at the poor children in the paddy fields who were struggling like insects.

The evil spirits made a raspy laugh. They surrounded Lin Banxia's regiment, and one of them stretched out his hand and grabbed Lin Banxia's slender arm.

Lin Banxia wanted to break free, but the evil spirit's hands were like iron casting, and his strength was no different than that of a cockroach.

In this way, Lin Banxia was taken out of the water by force, and he was soaked all over. Those horrible ghosts dragged him-like rubbish, dragging him back and forth.

"Help--" Lin Banxia heard his own call, which was not his own initiative, but it seemed like the instinct of the body. He felt the friction between his body and the stone, and the deep memory began. It emerged that all this was so familiar, and the familiar made him unable to express despair and fear in his heart.

"Don't--" The child was very light, and was caught in his hand like a poor kitten. No one could save him, so he was beaten and beaten all the way until the terrible hut appeared again in front of him.

Lin Banxia remembered that on a certain night, when he was young, he was also treated so rudely, running desperately in the wilderness, being rudely caught, cursed, beaten, and then brought home fiercely.

No, that place should not be called home.

Lin Banxia thought, that place is not worthy of being called home.

This time, it was a bit different from the memory. At least Lin Banxia did not cry. Although he was scared, desperate, and although he had no strength, he was still struggling hard, biting and grabbing with his own small teeth. His evil spirit, he believed, that someone would come to rescue him.

Just dragged all the way, the small house appeared in front of Lin Banxia, ​​with lights on, but more terrifying than hell. Lin Banxia shook his body uncontrollably. He wanted to calm down, but he couldn't control his physiological reaction at all. It was as if these emotions were carved in his bones.

When he was caught and brought back to the low room, Lin Banxia saw the dilapidated cabinet again. The knife on the cabinet was still there, but the woman was gone. He was thrown into the cupboard, and then the cupboard was slammed into the door, and those things dropped a lock outside.

Lin Banxia failed to escape and was caught back again. His body hurts. It seemed that his skin was covered with dense wounds, and his right hand seemed to be dislocated. He sat quietly in the cabinet for a while, took a deep breath, and began to try to push the cabinet door open.

But Naina hung the lock firmly on it, and with Lin Banxia's current strength, she could do nothing. Lin Banxia was a little tired. He cradled his legs and coughed quietly, trying to eliminate his inner fears and thinking about how to deal with it.

However, he hadn't figured it out yet, and he heard a "bang" loud noise, as if someone had beaten the cabinet hard.

A pale face appeared on the outside of the cabinet. The gloomy eyes, even with only a small gap, could be seen so clearly. The sharp, piercing sound sounded, accompanied by hateful curse, thin cabinet Started to be beaten hard.

"Lin Banxia-Lin Banxia-" Some people are calling Lin Banxia's name, "You will stay in it forever-" laughter, crying, cursing, countless voices rang continuously, countless Zhang Xie's face squeezed into the gap of the cupboard, Lin Banxia wanted to retreat, but behind him was the cold wall, he finally realized that he had nowhere to escape. Young, he could only watch him wrapped in despair.

Pain, panic, despair, countless emotions that did not belong to Lin Banxia continued to flow into his body, and severe pain hit Lin Banxia's nerves. At the moment when his consciousness was about to leave the body, Lin Banxia felt His hand was carefully wrapped by another pair of small hands.

He looked back blankly and saw a girl who didn't know when to squat beside him. The girl said, "Lin Banxia, ​​don't be afraid, I'm here."

She gave him a big smile.

At that moment, Lin Banxia suddenly felt that something was pulled away from his body, and his soul fell into a tranquility never seen before.

There is no doubt that this change has become the most beautiful change in his life.

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