Pirate Chronicles



My eyes widened after hearing Jeu call me his wife. He smiled at me and continued on with his pretense. Our food was placed on a tray and Jeu took it and placed his other arm around my shoulder. 

"Let's choose our table, honey." His every word was laced with eerie sweetness. I could feel the tiny hairs on my arms stood up.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" I whispered and tried to shrug off his hold on my shoulder. But, Jeu's grip became tighter and he grinned playfully after he saw me frown.

"Honey, everyone's still watching. Let's sit down right there," he said and led me to a vacant table away from most of the prying eyes.

I quickly sat down to escape his touch before he could notice that my heart started to be erratic. I needed to take back control of my emotions and I needed to do it fast. I had to act quickly to divert our thoughts from the current situation before Jeu could say something.

"So, where did the rest of the crew go?" I asked and began to eat.

"Here and there," Jeu answered casually as he ate as well.

"When do you think my initiation will end?" I have to make sure I control the flow of the conversation.

"It depends on them. I don't usually participate in it," he replied truthfully.

"So, what's the deal with Ojoz' white beard?" I couldn't help myself. I had to ask.

Jeu laughed, "Of all the things you could ask," he told me.

"Oh I have plenty of questions," I admitted.

Jeu smiled at me, "I'm glad that we are beginning to pique your interest. Ojoz' white beard is a product of his many experiments. He created this serum that he believed would make his face look younger. You see, he had a bit of a vain side before. But he learned his lesson after several attempts on bringing back its original color."

"He could have just cut them off," I suggested.

"He did that but it grew back the next day. Then, he stopped trying and was just content in trimming it from time to time," he replied.

"Was he really an assassin?" I asked.

"Somewhat. You see assassination is an art. There are a million ways to kill and it doesn't necessarily have to be direct," Jeu began to explain.

"Just like Teresa's poison," I replied.

"Teresa's poison administration is usually done directly. She liked it when her victims knew she was poisoning them. But then again, that was a long time ago. Teresa still uses her skill set as needed and her poison dosage is kept to a minimum. They're no longer fatal but still rather effective," Jeu clarified.

"I see. So, what is Ojoz' expertise?" I asked again.

"Pain," Jeu replied. Immediately, I remembered the pain that I felt when Ojoz took care of my cut and how my blood bubbled. "You see Ojoz is a genius when it comes to human anatomy and can quickly locate the pain points. Aside from that, he uses specific types of chemical or herbal variations that stimulate the brain's recognition for pain in his concoctions."

"How did he end up being in the crew? If he does not fight directly, then why is Kwon at the bottom of the rank?" I inquired continuously.

Jeu chuckled, "Let me clarify that ranking system. It is nonexistent. Each member of the crew is uniquely skilled."

"Then, how come you told me Kwon could not beat anyone in the crew? That's why he joined?"

Jeu looked at me, "Experience. The others can see right through what Kwon was thinking of."

"Ojoz too?"

Jeu nodded, "Kwon respects everyone in the crew but is terrified of two people."

"Let me guess, Ojoz and Teresa?"

He nodded again, "Ojoz and Teresa can be mischievous especially when you cross them. Kwon made the mistake of challenging Ojoz. He did not know what hit him when he fell on the deck floor groaning in pain. After Teresa told him of her expertise when he challenged her, he forfeited right away."

"You haven't answered my question. How did Ojoz end up being in the crew?" I asked again.

Jeu smiled at me as we both finished our breakfast, "That, you can ask him yourself." He stood up and signalled to the lady at the counter that we finished and the latter nodded.

I followed him out the eating house. "Where are we going?" I asked right away.

"To locate the items in your list," he answered. "I do not want to lose the new member of my crew. After everything that we've been through, I can't afford to lose you," he added and winked.

I rolled my eyes, "Oh please. Your carnality is at work again."

Jeu chuckled as he guided me to a place we needed to go, "We sounded like a couple when we talk to each other."

I narrowed my eyes again. "I find that hard to believe. What do you know about couples? The way I talk to you is out of irritation and annoyance."

He nodded, "Uh-huh, and  yet, you cannot get enough. So, you continue to talk to me despite the irritation and annoyance because deep inside you, you crave for the sound of my voice and whatever clever insight that comes out of my mouth." He held his hand out to assist me as we began to hike on higher terrain.

I scoffed, "Excuse me. How vain could you get?" I answered as I accepted his assistance.

"But you know I spoke the truth. You could not get enough of my lips. It wasn't that long since we've met and your lips found mine twice already. Admit it, Angel. You're falling for me," he teased.

"Ha!" I cried out in exasperation. Then, I became defensive, "First of all, those instances were accidents. The first time, I was surprised with the nearness of you so as a reflex I turned. The second time, it was Kwon's doing. And for the record, you were the one who purposely kissed me that time. If we follow your faulty logic, it could be concluded that YOU are the one falling for me."

I could not believe what came out of my mouth or how my rationale sounded. I sounded like… I sounded like how I used to when I defended myself when my family teased me senseless. Yazmine, my sister, often called those episodes as diabolic because my angelic countenance and gentleness transform into something fiery and unattractive. I stopped at my tracks and looked down after that short recollection of my past.

Jeu, seeing my current mood, stopped as well. "What if I am?" he asked.

His question brought me back to reality, "What?" I asked because I was not paying attention.

Jeu smirked, "I said, what if I am?"

"What if you are what?" I asked again.

"Falling for you… what will you do?" he asked me seriously.

I blinked. What? 

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