Although the super prison ship is extremely huge, several times the size of a normal warship, its power is very strong, and it can even sail faster than ordinary warships.

After about a day of continuous sailing, the super prison ship finally arrived at the Red Earth Continent smoothly.

The three knights of God who are currently in the best condition, Otefala Dambulin Saint, Dopremanha Sola Saint, Suharbhajan Panda Saint, and Super Prison The original strong men of the ship were responsible for guarding Leo at the beach.

Cyborg Kong and the rest of the Knights of God returned to the Holy Land of Mary Joa to meet with the Five Old Stars, report their work in person and hand over new tasks.

About two hours later, a tall and unique figure came down from the Holy Land Marie Joa, escorted by six knights of God.

This figure is the clone of Vegapunk, the world government’s number one scientist, named Shakya.

Sakyamuni has received the personal approval of the Five Old Stars to bring Leo back to his research base for research.

However, Cyborg Kong did not accompany him this time.

As the commander-in-chief of the World Government, Cyborg Kong needs to stay in the Holy Land of Mariejoia.

Shakya followed the six knights of God, boarded the super prison ship, and saw the unconscious Leo in the top prison in the center area

“Doctor, this kid is in a state of unconsciousness and resistance. You can take research actions against him at any time.”

“It would be more troublesome to revive him.”

Saint Otefala Dambrin reminded.

Hearing this, Sakyamuni nodded, walked forward calmly, lowered his head and looked at Leo. After that, he began to take out a small knife and lightly scratched Leo’s body.

However, what surprised Shakya was that Leo’s body seemed to be as hard as steel..

His sharp scalpel did not leave any scars at all

“Doctor, this kid’s body is as hard as iron and his defense is extremely powerful. You’d better let me do it. Tell me what to do, and I’ll take action on your behalf.”

Saint Otefala Dambulin reminded Sakyamuni.

Hearing this, Sakyamuni turned his head and glanced at him, without saying anything more. He directly handed the sharp scalpel in his hand to the other party.

Saint Otefala Damblin also looked at Sakyamuni deeply, said nothing else, and accepted the operation. After holding the knife, he walked towards Leo.

He wrapped the armed haki around the scalpel, and then scratched Leo’s right arm.

In an instant, The skin on Leo’s arm was cut with a slight wound.

Then blood flowed out

“That’s it.”

Shakya said calmly and walked up, took out a small test tube, caught part of the blood flowing from Leo’s arm and sealed it.

Seeing his actions, Saint Otefala Dambring couldn’t help but asked:”Is there anything else that needs to be done?”

“Not needed for now”

“Well, if you need anything, please feel free to tell me.”

Saint Otefala Damblin did not say any more nonsense and stood aside waiting.

But at this time, Sakyamuni’s eyes were straight. He stared at Leo’s arm.

He followed Sakyamuni’s eyes curiously.

He suddenly saw that at this moment, there was something on Leo’s arm. , the wound that I just made with a scalpel is healing automatically at a speed visible to the naked eye

“His body actually has such a powerful ability to heal itself?”

Sakyamuni said to himself in disbelief.

And Saint Otefala Damblin nodded when he heard the words.

This is not the first time he has seen Leo’s ability.

However, last time Leo was in an extremely seriously injured state, and his body’s recovery speed was not as fast as it is now. Fast.

And the recovery speed visible to the naked eye at this moment is indeed very amazing.

Even Saint Otefala Dambring himself was frightened One hop

“This boy Leo is indeed different.”

“In order to catch him, we paid a huge price……”

Saint Otefala Damblin did not say much.

But just think of their companion who was killed by Leo, and the other knight of God who lost an arm.

Those strong men who had experienced the fierce battle with Leo once again felt deeply fearful in their hearts.

The lingering fear is written all over his face.

Sakyamuni didn’t react much

“Leo Boy’s special physique is very helpful for my experiments.”

“If we can successfully extract his blood factor and use his blood to create that……”

Sakyamuni’s eyes shone brightly and strangely.

I was very excited.

He remained calm and silently put the blood sample he had just extracted into his pocket and stored it away.

Then turned around and left the prison

“Please continue to closely guard him here. Many subsequent experiments will still need to use the blood of Leo boy.”

“Every organ and even every cell in his body has valuable research value.”

After saying that, Sakyamuni had completely left the prison area


After several days of sailing, the super prison ship finally arrived at an inconspicuous island in the New World.

This is one of Vegapunk’s experimental bases.

The island is full of various high technologies that seem incompatible with this era.

After the super prison ship docked, several god knights personally escorted Leo and followed Shakya to the depths of the island

“Just stop here and leave him to me.”

“He can’t escape here.”

After arriving at the secret building area on the island, Shakya said to the knights of God

“Doctor, the Five Old Stars have asked us to help guard here to prevent Kid Leo from escaping and to prevent any other unexpected situations that may arise.”

Saint Otefala Dambulin, who took the lead, said to Sakyamuni with a serious face.

Sakyamuni knew very well that in fact, these few This guy was just sent by the Five Old Stars to monitor him.

Although he is now working for the World Government, the World Government has never particularly trusted him. < a i=4> He often finds reasons to send people over to monitor his every move. Dr. Vegapunk himself has no way to do this, although he seems to be a free man and can be free. to conduct his own experiments. But in fact, he is under surveillance and house arrest by the world government

“Dr. Vegapunk, you may be underestimating Kid Leo, but we need to remind you that in order to catch this kid, we paid the price of the life of one companion and the arm of another companion.”

“And we also have several companions, all of whom suffered varying degrees of injuries.”

“Another thing you must know is that before fighting us, Leo Boy had been fighting Sengoku, Garp, and the three generals of the Navy for a long time.”

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