Leo’s consciousness, which resides in every healthy cell in the body, began to wake up on its own after receiving sufficient energy replenishment.

Due to the treatment of Dr. Vegapunk, the remaining damaged cells in the residual body, except for some of them that could not survive and all apoptotic, the rest Cells have already returned to health after receiving adequate energy and nutritional supplements.

Not only that, after they recovered their health, they also began to replicate and divide themselves, trying to reshape Leo’s body.

This ability is exactly the ability of self-healing that Leo realized when he first fought against Porusalino many years ago.

After so many years of tempering, this ability has now evolved into a super ability that initially has a regenerative effect.

Leo, who learned the truth about his”resurrection”, did not feel very grateful to Dr. Vegapunk.

He does things in the same way.

Although Dr. Vegapunk did not know for what purpose, he rescued himself from natural death that should have been buried three hundred meters underground.

But Leo will not forget what Vegapunk did to him because of this incident.

He only has a residual consciousness left at the moment, and the energy intensity of his consciousness is far less than before he was injured.

The original body no longer existed earlier, leaving only a skeleton that was soaked in magma and corroded to the point of almost being scrapped.

In this state, it was impossible for Leo to leave this experimental base where the specific location was, let alone revenge.

Therefore, although Leo knew the ins and outs, he did not take any action.

He even deliberately made his consciousness less powerful and suppressed the energy of consciousness, making it impossible for Vegapunk’s various clones to know the specific extent of his recovery

“I’ll say one more thing. If you don’t like hearing it, just pretend I didn’t say it. But I must say it now.”

“Leo boy, even though he was besieged by three navy generals and fifteen god knights, and was poisoned and buried more than 300 meters underground, he was still able to survive until now.”

“And after our treatment, his cells have begun to recover and regenerate, and his remaining body has begun to be repaired.”

“You are very clear about what this means, right? If we revive him now, I can’t tell whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. I tend to think it will be a disaster for us.……”

Lilith crossed her arms and said to the clones in front of her with a serious face.

After speaking, she took a look at Leo’s remains in the training cabin.

A deep fear flashed across his eyes.

When the other clones heard these words, of course they felt uneasy and worried inside.

However, they also have their own ideas.

After a brief pause, Shakya responded:”Boy Leo’s physical strength is far beyond our previous knowledge of him. ”

“They cannot be killed in that state. If we can collect such bloodline factor characteristics and then transfer them to the created Seraph Leo, then the Seraph Leo we create will be close to Invincible level!”

“You should know what this means, right?”

“However, the world government has stopped this experimental project……”

Edison reminded.

Leo has been listening to their conversation through seeing and hearing the color haqi.

When he heard this, his heart moved slightly.

The world government stopped the experimental project on Seraph Leo?

Leo felt very surprised and confused.

He clearly remembered that the information he learned at the beginning was that the Five Old Stars personally instructed Bega Punk to use his own blood to research and create the Seraph”Leo”.

Later, until he was”executed”, judging from the content of the conversations between several of Vegapunk’s clones, the experiment was nearing its end.

They have even made it clear that they can start creating Seraph Leo at any time.

But that’s not what I heard now.

So what happened in the middle?

Leo couldn’t help but have deep doubts in his heart

“How long will it take for me to ‘die’? Why did the Five Elders of the World Government suddenly order the termination of the research and creation of Seraph’s ‘Leo’?”

With strong doubts, Leo continued to listen to the conversation of these Vegapunk clones.

At this time, Pythagoras also spoke..

He was responding to Edison’s reminder just now

“The Five Old Stars have indeed ordered us to prohibit us from continuing to research and develop Leo’s version of Seraph.”

“But you all know very well why they banned us from doing this, because the strength of Seraph Leo has been beyond their control, and they are very worried about the potential risks.……”

At this point, Pythagoras did not continue.

Because all their clones know it well.

The world government itself does not trust them, and even shows defensiveness at every turn. The clones of Vegapunk know this better than anyone else.

They led the development and research of Seraph Leo. Once the combat power of Seraph Leo created exceeds the control of the world government, they will feel threatened.

This kind of threat based on distrust will naturally cause the world government to have concerns about its treatment of Seraph Leo that are seriously contrary to its original assumptions.

Therefore, they ordered the termination of all research, which is completely understandable

“Those guys are worried that we will betray them, huh… For this reason, they don’t even let us study the Seraph Navy Admiral and the Seraph God Knight.”

“What a bunch of stupid and cowardly guys!”

Lilith couldn’t help but curled her lips and complained

“Isn’t this a good thing?”

“For you, Lilith.”

Atlas couldn’t help answering at this moment.

Then, she added:”If we don’t need to study Seraph anymore, , especially those powerful versions of Seraph, the cost control will be very good and can save us a lot of money”

“But if we insist on research, it is obvious that it is impossible for the world government to continue to allocate funds to us, so all research funds can only be solved by ourselves.……”

“Lilith, this is your biggest headache and concern.”

A few simple words from Atlas caused Lilith, who was very dissatisfied with the Five Old Stars just now, to undergo a 180-degree change in attitude.

She immediately pouted again and said:”Well said, Atlas”

“I have overlooked this most crucial point!”

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