“The last sea area, after the whole time, go to the great passage, Weihahahahaha…”

Bassas raised his arms, his face full of excitement, and laughed.

Poison Q showed a weird smile and said: “Waiting for this day, I have been waiting for a long time, and finally arrived, he…”

Luo held the demon knife and cried, looking at this azure sea, it was still so cold.

“This is the East China Sea, the weakest sea area in the four seas.”

Hawkins said in a low voice: “Here, if you want to meet a powerful pirate, it is impossible. ”

Lafitte stopped his cultivation and looked very polite, “I hope that if you are here, you can add a new person, so that the order of the captains can be determined.” ”

“Seriously, I’m curious about this battle.”

Inside the cultivation room.

Listening to the roar from outside, the Sweetheart Queen shook her head and said with emotion: “It seems that everyone is very excited and wants to enter the Great Channel early.” ”

Betty took a puff of her cigarette, still so calm and calm, “The four seas are too weak and not exciting enough, of course everyone wants to go to the Great Passage adventure.” ”

“I’m excited too!”

Karina’s beautiful eyes were shining, and she said with a smile: “The new world is on the Great Passage, and if we enter there, we can find treasures.” ”

“The treasure of the Lox Pirate, every time I think of this, I am so excited that I can’t do it.”

Perona nodded repeatedly, her little face full of interest.

“I’m also looking forward to it, I want to see what treasures are inside, Princess Ben likes adventure the most, haha~~”

Lei Jiu gently put the newspaper on the table, looked at Bakara, and said with a smile: “Boya – Hancock is really powerful, now he is really famous in the world.” ”

Bakara brushed her crimson hair, nodded, and said with a smile.

“Before killing pirates with a bounty of more than 80 million, now even more than 100 million bounty criminals have been solved by her.”

“Now, her fame is definitely sky-high, and it will attract the attention of more and more strong people.”

Bakara shook her head and said in an affirmative tone: “If she looks average, then forget it.” But if she looks so beautiful, it is dangerous. ”

“Chris said that she is the bottom group of the Seven Martial Seas, and her strength is not very strong.”

“So, the next voyage, she will definitely not be so smooth.”

The Sweetheart Queen looked at Bakara, blinked, and smiled slightly.

“What you say carries the most weight. That is to say, this boya-Hancock, will definitely run into trouble next, which is inevitable. ”

Karina looked at the few of them, with a puzzled look on her pretty face, and asked, “In that case, Chris doesn’t care, it seems that he doesn’t care.” ”

Betty spat out the smoke in her mouth and said casually: “If she is killed so easily, it only means that she has insufficient strength.” ”

Chris said so, how could he care. Of course, if Boya Hancock called for help, that’s another story. ”

Lei Jiu touched her delicate chin and said with a smile.

“After all, she is Qiwu Hai, she will not be so unbearable, at most she will encounter a little bumps.”

Suddenly, Bakara wrinkled her good-looking eyebrows, and a confused expression appeared on her beautiful face.

“What’s wrong?”

Several women noticed her strange appearance and quickly asked.

Bakara shook his head slightly, still frowning, and said with a puzzled expression: “I don’t know what’s going on, I always feel that good luck has appeared.” ”

“But if you feel that there is nothing, it’s really strange.”

The women looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

Karina shrugged her shoulders and said with a smile: “Anyway, Sister Bakara’s feelings, there will definitely be no mistake.” ”

“Well, let’s talk to Chris and see what he does.”

The Sweetheart Queen nodded and agreed, “Bakara’s intuition is indeed too accurate to be wrong.” ”

Betty took a puff of cigarette, looked at the figure in front of her, and said lightly: “Chris, you stop first, Bakara found an abnormality.” ”

Chris didn’t stop swinging his sword, didn’t even turn his head, and instinctively threw out a sentence.

“What did you find?”

The women were helpless, and when they met such a cultivation madman, they couldn’t say anything more.

Bakara brushed his crimson hair, looked at the figure in front of him, and said with a shallow smile: “Chris, I feel that good luck seems to have come.” ”

“However, this time, my intuition, I am not very sure. Such a situation has never been encountered before. ”

This time, Chris stopped practicing and stood quietly, his eyes slowly closed.

Seeing Chris’s strange behavior, Karina was afraid of disturbing him, and asked in a low voice: “What is Chris doing, thinking about things?” ”

“No, this is Chris outside to see the domineering.”

The Sweetheart Queen also whispered and explained, “Chris’s ability is very strong and can feel a long distance. ”

“Well, it’s not clear how far it is, anyway, it’s far, far away.”

Perona floated in the air, looked at Chris’s eyes, full of envy, and muttered: “This ability is too easy to use, but it’s a pity that Princess Ben has never been able to learn it.” ”

At this time, Chris slowly opened his eyes, looked at Bakara, and said calmly.

“Surrounded by an endless sea, no islands, no boats.”

Hearing him say this, the women were really puzzled and couldn’t figure it out at all.

Betty frowned at the good-looking willow leaf eyebrows, and said in disbelief: “Could it be that Bakara’s intuition is wrong, this should not be possible.” ”

The Sweetheart Queen shook her head, also disbelieving, “From so many experiences, it is impossible for Bakara’s intuition to be wrong. ”

“What’s that all about?”

Karina looked out the window at the sea and was eager to find the answer.

Lei Jiu and Bakara both shook their heads, unable to think of a reason at all.

Chris looked up at the sky outside the window and said in a very affirmative tone: “Then there is only one possibility, in the sky.” ”

(Guys, can you guess what kind of luck it is?) You can leave a message in the book review area to see who knows, and look forward to your comments ( ̄) ̄). )

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