At this time, a sound of footsteps came, and I saw Chris leading the women, talking and laughing over to this side.


Karina raised her head and looked at the red earth continent in front of her, her beautiful eyes were shining, and her pretty face showed amazement, and she said.

“This is the Red Earth Continent, and it’s really all red, it’s really rare.”

Nami shook her small hand, looked resolute, and said in a loud voice: “For navigators, this is a place that must be conquered, and I will definitely be able to.” ”

Noki patted her shoulder and smiled, “No problem, Nami, you can definitely do it.” ”

Yarlita was amazed, and said with admiration: “There is no end in sight, completely blocked by dark clouds.” ”

“This altitude, at least thousands of meters, is terrible.”

Carmen nodded, shrugged his shoulders, smiled wryly, and said.

“The most important thing is that we will climb up and rush to the top before we fall.”

“I couldn’t believe it when I heard Chris say that, but now I really understand it, so it is.”

At this time, Bashas looked at Chris and said with a big smile: “Captain, are you going to enter the Great Passage, so you are too excited to cultivate.” ”

Poison Q rarely did not die, and his old face showed a serious look, “This moment, incomparably sacred, is worth remembering by everyone.” ”

Ah Jin nodded, rarely agreed with Poison Q, and said: “I believe that many years later, we will remember it clearly when we think back to today.” ”

“In a word, today is a day worth remembering!!”

Chloe pushed his glasses with his palm and said reasonably, “The entire great passage will become tight because of our arrival.” ”

“Chris Pirates, will definitely give everyone a perfect report card.”

Lafitte looked at him and said politely: “You said this so deeply.” ”

“But that’s right, this regiment is so powerful, once it enters the Great Channel, who can stop us.”

“Absolutely non-existent!!”

Cavendish smiled and said, “I seem to have heard the call of the Nanabu Sea, and the captain is about to achieve his goal.” ”

I have to say that after the last blow, he has converged a lot and will not be so narcissistic.

The title “Young Master Ben” has completely disappeared and will never appear again.

He is very pragmatic now, that is, he is working hard to cultivate and become stronger, and he has not rectified those who have and do not have.

“There is a rapid ocean current ahead, everyone pay attention.”

Nami stood by the railing, looking at the red earth continent that was getting closer and closer, and hurriedly said: “Let’s take this current and rush directly into the great channel.” ”

“Everyone hurry up and grab something solid, so as not to be thrown out.”

Sure enough, as soon as Nami’s words fell, there was a sound of waves in front, and the waves crashed on the shore, rolling up countless waves, and the momentum was very amazing.

Nuo Qigao quickly followed and said: “Everyone listen to Nami, take protective measures, so that it is safer.” ”

All the women nodded in unison, did not say more, and quickly grabbed something more solid, not daring to have the slightest hesitation.

Luo held the demon knife and cried, and said coldly as always: “With such a fast flow rate, the ship can’t steer at all, which is why many newcomer ships are destroyed and killed.” ”

“In the face of nature, the power of human beings has always been weak.” Hawkins said in a low voice.

Suddenly, the hull shook heavily, swayed up and down, and was sucked forward by a powerful attraction.

The speed is amazing, like an off-string arrow, and it looks very scary.

“Just want this speed, rush, just rush into the great channel, Weihahahaha…”

Bashasi was not afraid at all, and with a look of excitement, he laughed loudly, and his voice was heaven-shaking.

Ah Jin frowned his eyebrows, and said with a solemn expression: “The attraction of the ocean current is indeed too strong, like a flood beast, to swallow us in.” ”

Chloe looked ahead and said lightly: “It appeared, that crack is the entrance, let’s enter it later.” ”

“The rising currents are really incredible.” Lafitte turned his cane, gentlely, and said with a smile.

“The sea is so magical, there are so many incredible things, it’s shocking.”

At this moment, an alarm sounded from the observation deck.


“A wooden box was found on the right side, and on the right …”

Hearing the siren’s words, everyone looked over in unison.

I saw that on the edge of the red earth continent, there was a black wooden box, which was undulating up and down with the waves.

Nami looked at the black box hundreds of meters away, frowned, and said quickly: “Let’s leave that box alone, we can’t get it.” ”

“Now that the sea current is so rapid, if you forcibly turn the rudder, you will definitely hit the Red Earth Continent, and it will be finished.”

Karina grabbed the railing and said, “That’s right, let’s leave the rest alone, and rush into the slit with peace of mind, this is the most important thing.” ”

Carmen snorted and said speechlessly, “The situation is so critical, where can you manage other things, just ignore it.” ”

All the women nodded and agreed.

At this time, Bakara looked at the majestic figure, unhurried, and said with a smile: “Chris, I feel good luck.” ”

Hearing Bakara say this, everyone quickly turned to look at Chris, waiting for him to make a decision.

“Captain, the speed of the current is too fast, if you turn around, I am afraid it will be very dangerous.”

Lafitte, as the deputy captain, is the most powerful among these people, so he quickly persuaded.

Chloe frowned, a light of wisdom flashed in his eyes, and said quickly: “Now it’s almost the entrance, if you go over and pick up that black box.” ”

“Then the ship is pushed by the rapids and will inevitably hit the Red Earth Continent, and the consequences are unimaginable.”

Bashas looked at the black box not far away, cursed, and said.

“What’s the matter, at such a critical juncture, something good should appear, what kind of thing.”

“Captain, this good luck, we don’t want it, it’s better to put safety first, don’t care about any black boxes.”

Akin looked at Chris and said with a look of adoration: “Don’t underestimate the captain, I believe the captain must have a way to solve it.” ”

The little black dog squatted silently to the side, his eyes looking at Chris coldly, full of killing intent.

It also wanted to see what Chris would do and if he could get the black box up.

“Vientiane Heavenly Lead!”

Chris turned slightly, raised his right hand, and a white swirl appeared in his palm.

With a bang, the black box broke away from the sea and gradually rose, like an off-string arrow, flying quickly towards Chris.

There is a sense of déjà vu of moths fighting fire!!


Seeing this scene, everyone was violently shocked.

Looking at the black box blankly, he couldn’t react at all.


The wooden box fell above the deck and made a crisp sound, which woke everyone up, and only then came to their senses.

Immediately afterwards, thunderous applause broke out, flowers were sent and praised.

“Long live Captain Chris!!”

“It’s too strong, the captain is really the strongest, hahaha…”

“Wow, whoa, whoa… Vientiane Heavenly Introduction, it’s really powerful… ”

“I’m so excited, Lao Tzu is about to cry, woo~~”

“Captain, please don’t leave me, the little brother will follow you for the rest of his life, la la la…”

The little black dog looked at Chris with a look of horror in his eyes, really afraid of this young man.

It’s too strong, it’s really terrible, you definitely can’t mess around in the future, or you will really be strangled.

At this moment, Cavendish ‘s personality, fearing Chris, really reached the highest point, and no longer dared to give birth to the idea of resistance.

“Captain, your move is too powerful.”

Bashas was the most direct, looked at Chris, and hurriedly asked.

“Vientiane Heavenly Lead? Captain, didn’t you eat the fruit of repulsion, how can you still attract something? ”

“No, no, I can’t figure it out at all.”

Poison Q frowned his eyebrows, and said with an ugly smile: “So strong, this is even more unable to open the captain battle.” ”

Ah Jin rarely showed a faint smile and said with great admiration: “The captain has never disappointed, I knew it would be such a result.” ”

Luo carried the demon knife and cried, followed the praise, and said.

“Although I know that the captain is very strong, I am really shocked to be able to use such an ability, it is too powerful.”

At this time, the ship had come to the entrance, dragged by the current, and continued to move towards the sky.

It looked as if the ship was climbing, and it looked very strange and unbelievable.

However, for this scene, everyone was not interested at all, and they were still discussing Chris’s feat just now.

Cavendish looked at Chris with a puzzled expression, and asked directly: “Captain, can you explain what this Vientiane Heavenly Citation is?” ”

“This must be the ability of the Devil Fruit, but why not repel, but attract?”

Lafitte put his cane in front of him, smiled slightly, and followed: “Captain, everyone is very curious, can you explain.” ”

“I know, this must be your hole card, under normal circumstances, it will not be used.”

“If it weren’t for the special circumstances this time, you would definitely continue to retain your strength and would not have used this trick.”

The others didn’t speak, they all looked at Chris, their eyes showing hope, really wanting to know the answer.

Chris folded his arms in front of him, as calm as ever, and repeated what Hancock had said.

It seems that Chris has just entered the Great Passage, and he is in a good mood, or he will not bother to explain anything, let alone let him repeat what he has said before.

Hearing Chris’s answer, everyone was really shocked.

They never thought that the development of the Devil Fruit could do this.

It’s really scary!!

“When Chris was cultivating, he basically practiced swords and the like, but he didn’t expect to develop such a skill, which is really terrifying.”

The sweetheart queen shook her head, her pretty face was full of emotion, and she really admired Chris.

Betty shrugged her shoulders, spit out the smoke in her mouth, and said lightly: “This guy is always mysterious, where can we know so much.” ”

“Anyway, Chris is really fantastic anyway.” Karina’s eyes flowed, and she smiled and praised, and said.

“When it comes to the development of the Devil Fruit, I believe Chris must be the number one in the world, and no one is more powerful than him.”

Perona floated in the air, nodded repeatedly, and echoed, “That’s that, the person I admire the most, it’s Chris, ha

Yarlita carried a large iron rod and said with a smile: “If you are not strong, how can you be our captain.” ”

At this time, Bashas laughed loudly, “Lao Tzu doesn’t know what to say, anyway, the stronger the captain, the happier Lao Tzu is, Weihahahaha~~”

“There is no doubt that the captain is truly unmatched in the development of fruits.” Hawkins’ voice was low and he definitely said.

Cavendish shook his head and said with emotion: “Although I don’t care much about the Devil Fruit, it is really admirable that the captain can do this. ”

“Positive exclusion, reverse attraction, it’s easy to say, but to do this, it’s not just talk.”

Chloe pushed his glasses, his eyes kept flashing with wisdom, analyzed it rationally, and said.

“If you don’t have enough understanding of the development of the Devil Fruit, you definitely can’t do this.”

“It can be seen that the captain has completely eaten the fruit of repulsion, and there is no problem.”

Lafitte straightened his top hat and said with a slight smile: “Not necessarily.” After all, the devil fruit has a higher level of use – awakening. ”

“Those with animal abilities can awaken, and those with superhuman abilities are the same.”

“The captain eats the fruit of the superhuman lineage, whether it has been developed to the extent of awakening, that is still a question.”

At this time, Bartolomeo opened the box, looked surprised, and roared.

“Captain, it’s the Devil Fruit, it’s great, hahaha…”

Hearing this, everyone quickly looked over.

I saw Bartolomeo holding a white, apple-like devil fruit in his hand, shining with a faint white light under the sunlight.

It looks beautiful and is especially eye-catching.

“White devil fruit, and still apple-shaped.”

The Sweetheart Queen touched her delicate chin and said in a very affirmative tone: “Not surprisingly, this one must be Superman.” ”

The relationship between Betty and the Sweetheart Queen is the best, glanced at her obliquely, and said a word without anger.

“Whoever told you about apple-shaped is Superman.” Regarding the shape of the devil fruit and what type it corresponds to, this is not absolute at all. ”

“It’s not impossible that apple-shaped, or maybe natural.”

Lei Jiu brushed her hair, looked at Bakara, and said with a smile: “This fruit is a little familiar, I forgot what it is called, can you remember?” ”

Bakara nodded slightly, generously, “Don’t say, I do know this fruit.” ”

“This is the superhuman barrier fruit, after eating, the ability can use a transparent barrier for defense and attack.”

“Overall, this Devil Fruit is still very powerful.”

Karina’s beautiful eyes lit up, a sweet smile bloomed on her pretty face, nodded repeatedly, and said: “I also remembered, it is indeed a barrier fruit.” ”

“This Devil Fruit is mainly used for defense, and it is super defensive and almost impossible to break.”

Mei Ti looked at them, smiled, and said very happily: “No matter what, it’s a good thing anyway.” ”

Hearing Bakara say this, Bartolomeo was suddenly excited.

Looking at Chris, his devil-like face showed excitement, and he hurriedly pleaded and said quickly.

“Captain, this devil fruit, give it to me.”

“I don’t know what’s going on, I always feel that this devil fruit appeared for me.”

“Of course, this should be my delusion, hehahaha…”

Dezaya knew him best, and when he heard this, he was not angry and directly stunned, “If you like it, just say it, why bother.” ”

“What is it called to appear for you, Bartolomeo, you think too much.”

Carmen nodded, smiled disdainfully and said, “That’s right, it’s not like that, when we are so deceived.” ”

Bashas shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: “Anyway, it has nothing to do with Lao Tzu, you can give it to anyone.” ”

Lafitte looked at the few non-capable people, smiled slightly, still so gentle, “You four look at it, the captain will definitely not care about this matter.” ”

“Not interested.” Cavendish seems to have a natural repulsive power towards the devil fruit, and does not want to eat the devil fruit at all.

Ah Jin shook his head and said with an indifferent expression: “I am taking an attack route, and the defense type devil fruit is not suitable for me. ”

Chloe habitually pushed his glasses and followed, “Since you all don’t like it, then leave it to Bartolomeo.” ”

“Anyway, he values it so much, it fulfills his heart.”

Hearing that several competitors had all withdrawn, Bartolomeo immediately smiled and was very happy.

However, he still looked at Chris and said extremely respectfully: “Captain, I have chosen this devil fruit, and I hope you can agree.” ”

Chris still wrapped his arms around him and spat out a word, “Okay.” ”

“Thank you, thank you Captain…”

Bartolomeo showed a look of ecstasy on his face, turned to Chris, and thanked him again and again: “Captain, you are really too big for me, I will remember your good for the rest of my life.” ”

After speaking, without the slightest hesitation, he directly sent the fruit to his mouth and took a bite fiercely…

(Some book friends reacted that there were too few author updates.) This is really wronged, the author is wronged. Although three chapters have been updated, each chapter has a lot of words, adding up to 10,000 words, and there is no less update ah o o(╥_╥). )

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