It didn't take long for Ian to make the meal.

He made a total of four dishes and one soup, namely sweet and sour fish, pineapple goo pork, shredded fish-flavored meat, a vegetarian cold double silk, and yam rib soup.

Looking at the dish he made, Ian nodded with satisfaction, he really believed that his ancestor was Yi Yin at this time.

When Ian brought all the dishes to the table, Robin's eyes showed surprise, because these dishes she had never seen before. Robin, who has loved reading since she was a child, O'Hara Library has almost become her playground, and she has read at least a thousand books!

As a girl, the books she read naturally included books such as recipes, but the dishes in front of her were completely different from the dishes she saw in the books.

Ian served Robin a bowl of rib soup and a bowl of rice, and said, "Please use it, you're welcome." "

"Thank you!"

Robin thanked him and took up his rice bowl, but he didn't pick up the dishes.

Seeing this, Ian picked up a piece of tenderloin and put it in her bowl, and then ate it himself.

He eats quickly, the five-kilometer run in the morning is very consuming, and his stomach is already growling.

Looking at Ian's bold eating appearance, it seemed to be infected, and Robin also temporarily let go of his restraint.

When she took the first bite, Robin's eyes suddenly lit up, she had never eaten something so delicious!

It wasn't until they had eaten all the dishes on the table that the two stopped moving.

Of course, most of it was eaten by Ian, but Robin also ate quite a few.

"How's it going, how does it taste?" Ian laughed.

"It's delicious, thank you for the hospitality." Robin said softly, her childish pretty face with a faint blush, and after eating, she realized that she seemed to have eaten too much.

"Then you are welcome to come often as a guest in the future, I eat by myself, I feel bored." Ian said.


Robin was a little embarrassed, she actually wanted to continue eating such a delicious meal.

"Of course." Ian nodded and said with a smile.

After eating, Robin helped clean up the dishes and kitchen, although Ian said that she didn't need to do it, but Robin still insisted, coming here to eat has made her very embarrassed, if she can't help anything, then she will really be embarrassed to come back in the future.

After seeing Robin away, Ian couldn't help but ponder.

It is March 1499 in the Haiyuan calendar, and the Navy's demon slaughter order came to O'Hara in 1500, that is, there is still one year before O'Hara will be destroyed!

It may even be less than a year!

Time was running out for him.

It is imperative that he strengthen his strength as soon as possible and then leave here.

Although he really wants to leave now, but in this era of pirates, the sea is too dangerous, just look at the fate of the original parents, not to mention that he is still just the body of an ordinary child.

It is necessary to become stronger first, and only then there will be capital to go to sea, anyway, there is still time, and there is no rush.

Ian walked over to a locker in the living room, pulled open the drawer, and took out a small wooden box from it.

When I opened the lid of the box, I saw a blood-red fruit shaped like a pear, and on the surface of the fruit, it was covered with occult patterns.

This is a devil fruit!

It was accidentally obtained by the original parents when they were transporting goods at sea.

However, they didn't know that it was a devil fruit, but because the shape of the fruit was very beautiful and did not rot, they thought it was very strange, so they put it away.

After all, this kind of fruit is a very rare thing even in the Great Voyage, and ordinary people have no chance to contact it at all, so naturally they don't know it.

For example, Robin, just because he ate the flower fruit, was considered a monster by the people of O'Hara Town, which shows how lacking the understanding of the world is among ordinary people.

As a pirate fan, Ian is very eager for the ability of the Devil Fruit, and in his previous life, this desire was nothing more than a dream.

But now, the opportunity is really in front of him!

Compared with the weakness of fear of sea water, the ability granted by the Devil Fruit is obviously more beneficial than disadvantageous, and the top powerhouses in this world are also the vast majority of those who are able.

If you want to get, you have to give, and this is not a loss.

Ian now has two options.

One is to immediately eat this fruit of unknown ability; The second is to wait until you have figured out the ability of the fruit later, or to get the fruit of other definite abilities before eating.

After hesitating for a moment, Ian still didn't eat it.

It was a lifelong choice, and he really couldn't make such a hasty decision.

The shape of the devil fruit is strange, there is no fixed rule, and there is even a 'heart-shaped' fruit of the surgical fruit, if you have not seen the devil fruit guide, you can't see the ability of the devil fruit from the outside.

If he eats a powerful fruit, it's fine, but if he is unlucky enough to eat caterpillar fruit, dung beetle fruit and other things, then he really wants to die.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later. At present, with systematic assistance, even without the Devil Fruit, I can quickly become stronger! Ian said secretly, quickly put the fruit back in the wooden box, and put it away again.


At two o'clock in the afternoon, Ian found that because the 'physical strength' attribute was strengthened by 1 point, although his body was still a little tired, he already had the physical strength to continue exercising.

Unlike the previous two days, after running five kilometers, I had no energy all day.

After opening the task interface of the system, Ian wanted to find another task to complete, and he has completed 'Long Run Rookie' and 'Long Run Rookie II'.

The task requirement for the 'rookie runner' was to run five kilometers in a row, and Ian barely completed it on the first day of crossing.

The mission of the 'Rookie II' also requires running five kilometers continuously, but it takes three consecutive days to complete the task.

The task requirement of 'Long-distance Running Rookie III' is still to run five kilometers continuously, but it must continue to run for ten days!

Now he has been running for three days, which means that he will have to run for another seven days before the 'Long Distance Rookie III' can be completed.

Looking at the task list, Ian chose 'Frog Jumping Rookie', because this task is currently something he can complete right away, just fifty frog jumps, and it is the easiest of the remaining achievement tasks.

Beyond that, there are only the achievement tasks of the 'Sit-up Rookie' series and the 'Push-Up Rookie' series, which are not like 'Frog Jumping Rookie', and he must practice for a while.

The task of 'sit-up noob' requires doing fifty sit-ups in a row, while the 'push-up rookie' is to do fifty push-ups in a row.

For Ian, it's all harder than fifty frog jumps.

Sit-ups mainly test the abdominal muscles, while push-ups focus on the arm muscles, chest muscles and back muscles, he is now just an ordinary child who has never exercised before, so the muscle strength in these parts is simply not enough to complete these two tasks.

In comparison, frog jumping is much simpler, even for people who have never exercised, the strength of the leg muscles is much greater than the strength of other parts of the body.

With Ian's current physical fitness, frog jumping is obviously simpler than the other two tasks, so he naturally chooses simple tasks to complete first.

In this way, you can get the strengthening points faster, and then use the obtained strengthening points to strengthen the body, and then complete other more difficult tasks, forming a virtuous circle, which is undoubtedly a good way to complete all tasks as quickly as possible.

Sure enough, although it was tough, Ian still completed fifty frog jumps.

After doing the frog jump, he felt that the muscles of his legs were shaking violently, and it was very difficult to even stand up.

[Tip: Complete the daily achievement task 'Frog Jumping Rookie' and get 1 enhancement point.] 】

The unique mechanical sound of the system sounded in Ian's mind.

After thinking about it, Ian once again added the strengthening point to 'physical strength', he currently needs to enhance his physical strength, whether it is 'long-distance running rookie III', or other tasks, he needs to have good physical strength to support.


The next day, Ian still ran five kilometers around the Tree of Omniscience, and his 'physical strength' attribute increased by 2 points, and he obviously felt that running was much easier, and after running, he would not be as exhausted as before.

Just as Ian finished running and wanted to go home, looking at the huge all-knowing tree in front of him, his steps suddenly stopped.

"It's really dark under the lights! The largest library in the whole sea is right in front of me, and there may be a Devil Fruit Guide in it! Ian's eyes lit up, and he quickly walked towards the library.

As soon as he entered the library, he saw a dark-haired girl sitting alone in a corner of the library, reading a book.

"Robin." Ian walked over and called softly.

Robin put down the book when she heard someone call her, and when she looked up and saw that it was Ian, there was a clear hint of joy in her eyes, because this was the only friend she had since she was this old.

That's right, Robin already considers Ian a friend in his heart.

"Are you also reading books?" Robin asked.

"Yes, I want to find a book, but I don't know if there is one here." Ian said.

The O'Hara Library is said to have more than a million books, an astonishing amount, and he really doesn't know where to start.

"Then I'll help too." Robin stood up.

"Thank you, come to my house for dinner at noon." Ian laughed.

"Well, good." Robin nodded.

Reading books in the O'Hara Library costs money, but the price is not expensive, only thirty Baileys in an hour, and Ian directly paid two hundred Baileys.

"What book are you looking for?" Robin asked.

"Devil Fruit Guide, have you ever seen it?" Ian's gaze was full of expectation.


Robin tilted his head slightly, recalled, and after a moment, shook his head and said with a dejected expression: "I haven't seen it." "

It seems that because she didn't help Ian, her pretty face looked a little unhappy.

"No way, it seems that I can only find it slowly." Ian sighed.

"You wait a minute, I'll ask the scholars, maybe they know!"

Robin quickly ran to ask several archaeologists in the library, but these scholars shook their heads and said they didn't know.

They are only interested in history, and the books they usually read are almost all books related to archaeology, such as the Devil Fruit Guide, even if they have seen them, they will not care.

Fortunately, when asked about a fat archaeologist, he recalled for a while, then smiled: "I remember that I saw that book, it should be in the miscellaneous book area, you can go over and look for it." "

"Thank you!"

Ian looked delighted, there was indeed a Devil Fruit Guide here, and he had come to the right place.

The fat scholar smiled slightly, and the other scholars around him did the same, seeing that Robin had a playmate of the same age, they were very happy for Robin in their hearts.

These archaeologists in O'Hara actually care about Robin, not only because Robin's parents are their partners, but also because they love Robin, who has loved to read and learn since he was a child.

However, since almost all of their time is spent on archaeological research, and some scholars even have their own lives in a mess, it is naturally impossible to expect them to take care of Robin.

Not far away, Dr. Kloba, who saw this scene, also showed a smile on his face.

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