Yesterday was not cleaned, there are still broken glass bottles on the floor of the living room, and the wine has dried and turned into stains.

Robin put on an apron with a sunflower smiley face printed on it and cleaned up.

Ian walked over to help, but she said, "I'll be alone, you can rest again." "

"It's really bothering you."

Ian didn't refuse, he did feel a little pain in his head and discomfort on his body, which was the aftermath of a hangover.

Robin cleared the ground and left, she still had to go to the O'Hara Library to return the books, the books she had borrowed before had been read, and she had to change them.

Ian rested for a while and felt a little more comfortable, so he started doing push-ups and frog jumps, and after sweating, he obviously felt much more relaxed.

[Tip: Complete the daily achievement task 'Frog Jumping Rookie II' and get 1 enhancement point.] 】

After doing frog jumping for three days in a row, the system finally prompted that 'Frog Jump Rookie II' was completed.

Ian added this 1 enhancement point to the 'defense', his defense is too weak, the power increase of the power fruit is indeed very strong, but his defense must be able to keep up.

Otherwise, if a strong punch hits someone, others will be injured, but he himself will definitely not be able to please.

Looking at the clock, it was already half past nine.

"It seems that it will not be possible to complete the 'fishing rookie' today." Ian sighed softly, brought some money, and went to the shopping street to buy ingredients.

When he returned from the shopping street and finished another five-course meal, Robin also returned from the library and gave Ian a hand.

Robin obviously wanted to eat Ian's cooking more than she cooked herself.

Among the ten dishes, Ian also made a famous dish from his previous life, Peking duck.

However, due to equipment problems, the roasted duck meat is not very perfect, but it is also roasted crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, full of aroma, if not for professionals in previous lives, there will be absolutely no flaws in it.

In Ian's previous life, this dish was a well-known dish, but it was the first time it appeared in this world, and Robin couldn't stop eating.

This way of eating duck meat wrapped in dough cakes made her feel extremely novel.


After eating, Ian took the fishing rod to the beach, and although he definitely couldn't catch fifty fish today, he came anyway.

Because he felt that the reason why he didn't catch a fish yesterday morning was because the location was not well chosen, not because of his own technology....

He believed that as long as he could find a place with a lot of fish, he would definitely catch fifty fish, so he had to find a good fishing spot.

This is actually very important for this task.

After all, even if you are lucky enough to complete 'Fishing Rookie', there are "Fishing Rookie II" and "Fishing Rookie III" behind.

The requirements of these two follow-up missions are to catch 50 fish for three days and 50 fish for ten days!

If you want to catch fifty fish for multiple days, you obviously can't rely on luck alone, if you don't choose a place with a lot of fish, this task may die at any time.

After an afternoon of searching on the shores of O'Hara Island, Ian finally found a place with a lot of fish, an area with a lot of rocks and water plants.

In just an hour, Ian caught eight fish!

Although only one of them is slightly larger, the others are small fish, but as long as they are fish.

The mission only required to catch fifty fish, and did not specify the size of the fish.

Before coming, Ian thought that he would definitely not catch fifty fish today, but when he caught it until eight o'clock in the evening, he actually caught fifty!

[Tip: Complete the daily achievement task 'Fishing Rookie' and get 1 enhancement point.] 】

After the system's prompt sounded, Ian packed up and prepared to go home.

All the small fish were released, leaving only three large fish.

He decided that these three fish would be one of the ingredients at noon tomorrow.

On the way home, Ian once again added the 1 Booster Point he had just gained to the 'Defense' attribute.

At present, his main combat power is to rely on the ability of the power fruit to increase his strength, so to improve his defense power as soon as possible, he must at least be able to use this power freely.

Looking at the 'defense' that has turned into 6 on the attribute interface, Ian is full of thoughts.

It may be less than a year before O'Hara was destroyed, and he was going to leave here early when he was stronger, but now he feels very troubled.

Because of Robin!

Although he knew that Robin would not have an accident in the end, and he escaped from O'Hara smoothly, he was still not at ease, what if something happened?

After all, the future he knows is only seen in the comics, what if the reality is different?

"Take Robin out early?" Ian frowned, then shook his head again, Robin would never leave, because she still had to wait for her mother in O'Hara.

As for persuading those scholars not to study that blank period of history, this is also impossible, and with O'Hara's archaeologists' dedication to history, they will not give up exploring history in any case.

This is not seeing the coffin and not shedding tears, thinking that you can hide it from the world government, but you don't know how serious this matter is.

Although they all have the determination to lose their lives for this, this is already what they think is the worst outcome, completely unaware that the result is far more cruel than they imagined.

"Robin's mother only came back on the day of the Demon Slaying Order, can she only take Robin away on that day?" Ian was very distressed, he didn't think he could escape with the force of the Demon Slayer Order, let alone take Robin with him.

Among those troops, there are also two future generals, Red Dog and Green Pheasant!

Ian thought that O'Hara's vortex would not reach him, but in fact, when he came into contact with Robin, he was already entangled in this vortex, unless he could ignore Robin and escape alone.

"Forget it, don't think about it, let's talk about it then!" Ian shook his head, his goal now was to improve his strength as soon as possible.

He has now completed four of the refreshed daily achievement tasks, and all other tasks are also being done except for 'Little Goldfish Brother'.

"I'll finish this task tomorrow!" Ian gritted his teeth.


The next day, when Ian and Robin met, he said directly: "Robin, let's go on a date!" "

After speaking, the corners of Ian's eyes twitched slightly, and he felt extremely ashamed in his heart.

"Dating!" Robin's face instantly turned red.

She naturally knows what dating means, but isn't that something that can only be done between couples?

Does Ian like himself?

Thinking of this, her little face turned even redder.

"Would you like to?" Ian asked again.

"I, you let me think about it." Robin lowered his head and said shyly.

"Consider?" Ian was stunned, and then reacted.

He asked Robin for a date to complete the task, but Robin didn't know it!

That is, Robin thought he was courting her!

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