We just want to end a lie

The shocked expression on Gan Fore’s face, even though it was mostly hidden by his helmet, was still clearly felt by the Straw Hats.

Sami smiled and said: “Uncle, your expression has told me that you know the news about the Sandians.”

“Ah? Well…”

“We don’t mean any harm, uncle.” Sami explained, “You You should know that the ancestors of the Shandia people came from Qinghai, right?”

“We are also from Qinghai. We were entrusted by others to find the descendants of the ancient Shandia people. If you know the news about them, please tell the truth. ”

Gan Fore’s face became serious. He stared at Sami and said seriously: “I do know the Sandians.”

“But unfortunately, I don’t know where they are hiding now. I advise you not to either. Ask around to avoid getting killed.”

“Hide? Why did you say hide?” Sanji was keenly aware of Gan Fore’s unusual choice of words.

Sami said: “Isn’t this simple? The Sandians are at war with the Skylanders, and they will probably be beaten badly.”

Gan Fore looked at Sami blankly and asked in disbelief. “How do you know this? Didn’t you just come from Qinghai?”

Luffy said proudly: “Uncle, Sammy knows a lot of things. He is the smartest person I have ever met.” ”

He is also the most sinister person. .” Usopp muttered quietly from the side, for fear of being heard by Sami.

Gan Ful swallowed his saliva and asked: “You must not be ordinary people, who are you?”

Luffy smiled and said: “I am Monkey D. Luffy, and I am the man who wants to become the Pirate King. This is Sami, nicknamed Killing War… Oops!”

Before he could finish his words, Sami punched him open.

“My name is Ragnar Sammy, and I am a pirate.” Sammy said expressionlessly.

“I am Captain Usopp, a sea warrior who can fight giants!” Usopp said bluffingly.

It’s a pity that Gan Faure didn’t listen to him at all, and only stared at Sammy.

“Brother, your knowledge reserve really surprises me, and your reasoning ability also surprises me.”

“You are right, the Sandians are indeed at war with the Sky Islanders.”

Gan Fore said again Returned to normal state: “This war has lasted for hundreds of years. I don’t know how many people have been killed. It is far more tragic than you can imagine.” ”

So I advise you, it is best not to have anything to do with the Sandians. Otherwise, your life will be in danger.”

“Uncle! I promised others that I would find people from Sandia to help him fulfill his wish. I will not break my promise!”

Luffy used a rare, He said with a serious expression.

“Which is more important, a promise or a life?”

“Of course it’s a promise! Uncle!” Luffy said solemnly, “Those who lose their lives may still live in people’s hearts, but those who don’t keep their promises will definitely be worse than dead!

” Mi nodded: “That’s right, Luffy.”

Gan Fuer was once again shocked by the audacity of the group of people in front of him.

“Am I really old? Today’s young people are really scary!”

Sami asked again: “As far as I know, all Sandians are martial and have good fighting ability.” ”

They actually fought in this war At a disadvantage, are the Skylanders very powerful?”

“The Skylanders are not more powerful than the Sandians.”

“Then why?”

“Because they have the help of gods.”

“Gods?” Usopp trembled. , and Nami looked at each other.

Sauron said: “Hey, old man, don’t scare us with some weird names.” ”

I admit that there are humans as powerful as gods in this world, but gods cannot exist.”

Sami: Wear the one next to you . That’s Straw Hat.

Gan Fore said with a gloomy face: “He is God, the omniscient and omnipresent God!”

The Straw Hats were froze by Gan Fore’s cold tone and were stunned for a moment.

Gan Fuer thought to himself: You guys finally know how to be afraid.

Luffy suddenly shouted in surprise: “There is a god! Sammy! Did you hear it?”

Zoro also grinned: “Really? Interesting guy, I would like to meet him.”

Sanji also said indifferently: “No matter who he is! If he dares to hurt Miss Nami and Sister Robin, I will kick him out!”

“Okay! Let’s go find him! I haven’t seen God yet!” Luffy laughed loudly. smiled.

“Wait a minute! Luffy!” Usopp shouted, his timid trait activated again.

“Please wake up! That’s God! Do you want to kill us?”

Nami also shouted: “That’s right! You should consider our feelings at least! Idiot!”

“What, don’t you want to? Do you want to go and see? That’s a god.”

“I don’t want to at all! When you treat a god, you just have to worship from a distance and then leave immediately. Otherwise, you will die if you anger the god, you idiot!”

Usopp roared .

“Uncle, take that weird guy away! We don’t need a penny. We’ll go back to Qinghai right away. I don’t want to stay in this miserable place for a moment longer!”

Nami also changed her mind instantly.

“Hey! Nami! I don’t want to go back now!” Luffy said angrily, “I haven’t helped Uncle Curiket find the Golden Land yet!” ”

Idiot! I don’t want to die for someone else’s sake!”

” I don’t care!”

“I care!”

“Miss Nami, don’t worry, I will always protect you!”

“Go away! If you stay away from me, you are protecting me!”

“Ah! Cold Miss Nami is so sexy!”

Nami saw that Luffy had a stone head and couldn’t explain it, so she turned around and angrily yelled at Sammy: “Look at what you did! Sammy!”

“What did I do?”

” You should know that Sky Island is dangerous! Why didn’t you stop us in the first place? Why did you let us come to such a dangerous place?”

Sami spread his hands and said, “Have you forgotten? Sky Island has a golden land!”

“Very good! Immediately Let’s go find the golden treasure!” Nami was immediately captured by the money.

“Nami!” Usopp was shocked.

Will I have to fight alone again in the blink of an eye?

“Hehe, Nami, that’s right. Sky Island is very fun.” Luffy saw Nami’s change of attitude and immediately laughed.

Robin also said at this time: “I heard that the history of the Sandians is very interesting, and I am also very interested in Shantora, the Golden Land.” ”

Now that the two ladies have decided, let’s set off immediately!” Sanji Show your support immediately.

“Hey, Green Algae Head, come and pull the sail, we’re off!”

“Don’t order me, idiot!” Although Zoro didn’t like being ordered by Sanji, he still took action.

“Hey! You guys! Let me say something!” Usopp suddenly collapsed when he realized that he had been completely ignored.

“Hahahaha, don’t worry Usopp, everything will be fine.” Luffy comforted others for the first time.


“Well, being killed doesn’t hurt at all.”

“Stop talking, you bastard!” Usopp angrily struggled with him.

Soon, while Gan Fore was stunned, the Mellie set sail and moved forward rapidly.

“Hey! You guys! Didn’t you listen to me? Is that God? Aren’t you afraid of death?”

“Afraid.” Sammy smiled, “But death is one of the fun things about adventure, isn’t it, uncle?”

” What do you, you guys, want to do?”

“Us? We just want to end a ridiculous lie!”

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