
Meili, restaurant.

The Straw Hats and Waver have been gathering here for a long time.

During this period, Sami made it clear to Weber the purpose of his group’s coming to Sky Island, and also told him everything about Nolando.

Including his final tragic ending.

After hearing all this, Weber kept his head down and said nothing.

He may need time to digest it all.

The light was dimly yellow, and the figures were imprinted on the wall motionless.

Except for Luffy and Chopper who were still eating and drinking, everyone looked at each other in silence, and the cabin fell into a long silence.

Nami seemed to be unable to wait any longer, and asked Weber, “Hey, you haven’t said a word until now. Do you still not believe me?”

“Nami, don’t be anxious.” Sami advised, ” This news is shocking enough, and he needs some time to digest it.”

“Hmph, this guy was so clean and neat when he attacked others, but now he is taking his time.”

Nami said dissatisfied, “And you, Sammy ! There is such a big golden clock in Shantora, why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“Is this important?”

“Nonsense! Are there any things about gold that are not important?” Nami rolled her eyes at him and said, “Say, Is the Golden Clock big? Can the Melly fit it in?” ”

I’m afraid not.” ”

Ah? Can’t fit it in? Is it as big as the Golden Clock? Wow! Make a fortune!”

“Don’t be so interested in other people’s things. Ah, Nami!”

“What are you talking about? Aren’t we going to do them a favor? Shouldn’t we get some reward?” ”

You ask for a little too much reward.” Sami complained in a low voice.

“What did you say?” Nami raised her fist wrapped in colorless haki.

“Nothing, nothing.” Sami waved his hands hurriedly, tilted his head to one side and whispered to the people around him.

“Why are girls so violent nowadays?”

The person next to him also responded in a low voice, “Yes, yes, when I was young, gentle and considerate girls were the most popular. Today’s little girls are really amazing.”

” Yes, you are absolutely right, uncle…huh? Uncle?” Sami was suddenly startled, and then burst out, “Gan Fore! Why haven’t you left yet!”

Gan Fore slowly said Putting down the teacup, he said, “Don’t be so unkind. I’m also very interested in the history of the Sandians.”

When Gan Fore said this, his heart was filled with emotion.

Although when he was the Sky Island God, he had been committed to the reconciliation of the Sky Islanders and the Sandians and promoted exchanges between the two races.

I thought I had done a lot of hard work, but now it seems that I simply didn’t do enough.

At least he didn’t know enough about the Sandians.

I didn’t expect that this nation that suddenly appeared four hundred years ago would have such a touching historical story.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but sigh: “The Sandians are indeed a great and admirable nation!”

Luffy said with a smile: “Yes, uncle, you think so too! You are indeed a good person!” ”

Good man? Stop being so hypocritical here, Gann Fore!”

Weber, who had been silent at first, suddenly stood up and said angrily to the Sky Knight, “Your rhetoric can deceive people who don’t know the truth, but it will never You can’t fool me.”

“What, it turns out you are a bad guy, uncle.” Lu Fei curled his lips and said.

“Webber, I didn’t expect you to misunderstand me so deeply.” Gan Fore sighed.

“Have you forgotten the efforts I made for peace between the two races back then? I gave it sincerely!” ”

Ah? So you are a good person!”

“Sincerely? Your sincerity is to make us give up resistance and watch helplessly. Are you watching the land of your ancestors being occupied by you?”

Weber said bitterly, “I tell you, the Sandians will never give up the struggle! Let alone surrender to you disgusting guys!”

“Sure enough, they are still a Bad guy!”

“You’re talking about cross talk, Luffy!” Sammy couldn’t help but complain.

Gan Fore was also angry. He stood up and said seriously: “It is because of the existence of ideas like yours that the war has been going on for four hundred years and has not stopped!” ”

How many old people, children, and women have died? Haven’t we shed enough blood between our two races? You idiot!”

“The Sandians will shed the last drop of their blood for the land of their ancestors! This kind of spirit will never be achieved by you cowardly Sky Islanders. Understood!”

Weber yelled, “It’s because you are afraid of sacrifice that you bow to Enel!”

“Think about your men who were killed by him. When they die, they must still hope that you can do it for them. Take revenge.”

Weber’s words were simply adding salt to Gan Fore’s wounds!

Even though Sky Island Knight was well-educated, the Three Corpse Gods were immediately angry and jumped into a rage!

“You bastard!” The old man rushed over and wanted to punch Weber.

Not to be outdone, Weber wanted to shoot Gan Faure with his backhand.

“Stop it, you bastard! Do you want to destroy our ship?”

Nami flashed between the two of them and punched each of them.

Immediately, the current Sandia warrior and the former Sky Island God were both KO’d.

“That’s amazing! Nami!” Chopper’s eyes immediately lit up.

“Really, these two guys really regard this place as their home.” Nami said angrily.

Sami looked at the two people who silently got up from the ground and asked, “Weber, it seems to you that Mr. Gan used to be a very powerful person?

” “Do you mind telling me his identity?” ”

Gan Fore said quickly: “No, no, I’m just an ordinary old man. Weber

glared at Gan Fore and sneered: “Don’t be fooled by his appearance. This guy used to be the god of the Sky Island Clan!” ”

“god? ! ! “×7

“Ah! Uncle, are you the omniscient and omnipresent God? “Luffy was shocked.

“Hey! Chopper, I saw a living god! “Usopp said with an uncontrollable expression.

“I, what should we do, Usopp? Do you want to kneel down and worship? “Chopper also responded in shock.

“Probably. Usopp said uncertainly.

Suddenly he seemed to have thought of something and blurted out, “Nami!” Did you disrespect God just now? Apologize quickly! He will die! ”

Nami sneered. She didn’t believe that the old man in front of her was a so-called god.

Zoro didn’t believe it either: “Oh, he knows everything? Know everything? Old man, you praise yourself for not blushing. “No, no, I’m not praising myself. ”

“Gan Fore quickly waved his hand and said.

“Who else is it if it’s not you? Are there other gods on Sky Island? “Sanji asked.

“To be precise, I am just the former god. “The former god? ”

Can God retire? “Nami asked curiously.

“Hahahaha, this old guy didn’t retire on his own initiative. He was kicked out of his position as a god. ”

Webber laughed and taunted from the side.

“Did someone drive him down? Usopp exclaimed, “Uncle, you are already a god, how can you still be driven down?” ”

Chopper also looked at him with a look of confusion.

Gan Fore said awkwardly: “According to convention, the position of a god should be passed down from generation to generation. Only after the death of the previous god can the successor god succeed. “

We have been following this practice for thousands of years. But unfortunately, things have changed for me. “What change? ”

“An ambitious guy came to Sky Island from an unknown place. “He used powerful force to seize my throne and cruelly ruled the entire White Sea. ”

The omniscient and omnipotent person I am talking about is this guy. ”

“Is this the Enero that Weber just mentioned? ”

That’s right! ” This is a name I will never forget. “Gan Fore said with a livid face.

Weber also said in a deep voice: “That guy also occupies Shantora now, and he is also the enemy of our Sandia clan! “

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