Departure, Shampoo Land

Without even talking to Robin, Sami asked her to go see Nami.

As good best friends, they girls should be easier to talk to each other.

After watching Robin leave, Sami ran to find Xiaoba.

He startled the other party as soon as he showed up.

For Sami, even if he is as slow as Hachi, he is extremely impressed.

After all, Sami was the one who killed Arlong the most. Except for a few cadres who fought against Luffy and the others, almost all the other fishmen died by Sami’s hands.

If Sami hadn’t intentionally spared Xiaoba’s life, he wouldn’t be alive today.

That kind of terror and killing still scares Xiao Bahou even to this day, and she often wakes up from her dreams.

Now that the monster in the dream has come to the real world and is standing in front of him, Xiaoba is almost scared to death.

He subconsciously wanted to jump into the sea and escape.

Sami grabbed him and said with a smile: “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, I’m not here to kill you this time.” ”

Really, really.”

“Yes, that’s right.” Sami smiled, “I don’t do that anymore. Besides, we are friends now.” ”

That, that’s true.”

Xiaoba’s slow brain worked again, and he reluctantly believed Sammy’s words.

Sammy looked at him and said, “I saw you were looking sad just now. Is there anything that’s bothering you?”

Xiaoba scratched his head and lowered his head, feeling very embarrassed.

Zoro explained on the side: “This guy has been very embarrassed since he knew that we saved her.” ”

We were enemies, but you saved me. I am really ashamed.” Xiao Ba said weakly. .

“What’s more, Brother Aaron has done so many excessive things to Nami before. I really don’t know how to face her…”

“Are you afraid that Nami won’t forgive you?” Sami asked.

“It’s normal for Nami not to forgive me for what we did, right?” Xiaoba raised his head and showed a wry smile.

Sanji said seriously: “Boy, although we saved you, don’t be complacent. As long as Miss Nami still hates you, I can’t let you on our ship.” Sanji wanted to say

something else, but Sami Pull him back.

He said to Xiaoba: “This is the only grudge between you and Nami. I have no power to forgive you on her behalf.” ”

But I can remind you that Nami is not the kind of person who lives in the past. You just need to be sincere , I think she will forgive you.”

When Xiaoba heard Sami say this, a little hope immediately appeared in his eyes.

He stood up happily, rubbed his hands and walked around twice, seeming to be thinking of ways to show sincerity.

After a while, his eyes suddenly lit up and he smiled at everyone: “Are you hungry? I’ll treat you to takoyaki!”

Sanji shouted excitedly: “Hey! We are not discussing how to make Nami Miss, do you forgive me? Why did the topic turn to eating?”

“I want to eat!!” Luffy immediately raised his hand in response.

“Don’t change the topic!” Sanji yelled at Luffy.

“Why?” he asked in confusion, “I want to try it, can’t I? I haven’t eaten takoyaki yet.”

“Is it time to eat now? Now is…”

“Sanji!” Mi yelled to stop him from continuing the attack.

Then he smiled at Hachi and said, “I happen to be hungry. Let’s try it together. By the way, Usopp, go ask Nami to come out and try it too.”

Usopp responded and quickly ran over to call Nami. .

Xiaoba was very happy to see Sami agreeing, and quickly called on Kemi to help.

After a while, a small takoyaki stall was set up, looking decent.

The materials and tools were quite ready, and Xiaoba even dressed up as a store owner, which looked very interesting.

It’s just that Sammy always felt that something was wrong, but couldn’t say anything.

After a while, the first portion was ready.

Luffy immediately stretched out his rubber hands to grab it, but Sami suppressed it hard with telekinesis.

Hachi carefully took the takoyaki over and handed it to Nami, then stood there and looked at her stupidly.

Nami took it, then glared and said, “Why are you still standing here?”

Xiaoba quickly reacted, smiled awkwardly, and ran back to continue working.

Soon, everyone had a taste of the delicious takoyaki.

Sammy thought it tasted really good. It was soft and waxy on the outside, and the octopus meat inside was very elastic. It was really delicious.

Soon, Hachi saw Nami finishing her first portion and looked at her nervously.

But Nami didn’t seem to see it at all, and she didn’t say a word from beginning to end.

Sammy secretly nodded at her to signal her to say something, but Nami pushed her away.

“Um, Nami, you…” Xiao Hachi said hesitantly, looking cautious.

Nami looked up at him and said, “I know what you want to say, but you don’t think that just this takoyaki can offset the things you and Aaron have done to me over the past many years, do you?”

“No, no, I don’t dare to expect that.” Xiaoba waved his hands quickly.

“It’s good that you know.” Nami said coldly.

Xiaoba stood awkwardly, feeling awkward and didn’t know where to put his eight hands.

Suddenly, Nami picked up the plate and handed it to him: “However, the takoyaki is still delicious. Let’s have another plate.”

Xiaohachi was stunned immediately.

Although he was slow, he also knew that Nami was satisfied with his takoyaki.

Although I still didn’t explicitly say that I forgive him, that was enough!

Luffy, Chopper and Usopp, when Nami and Hachi were talking, they all felt so cold that they didn’t dare to speak.

When Nami said this, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief and began to praise loudly.

“It’s so delicious, Hachi, is this takoyaki?”

“It’s so delicious! I want to eat a hundred more.”

“Okay, then I’ll eat a hundred and one, which is exactly one more than you. Chopper!”

“You’re so awesome, Usopp!”

The three of them were playing and playing, and kept putting takoyaki into their mouths like a perpetual motion machine.

Sammy really admired their ability to speak clearly while chewing things in their mouths.

Robin picked up a piece of takoyaki and looked at it for a while, then muttered: “This is the first time I have seen an octopus man making takoyaki. Do you think the octopus meat in this piece is related to him? ?”

“Pfft!” Zoro spit out a mouthful of wine.

Usopp quickly shouted: “Don’t say such horrible things! Robin, just wait until I finish eating!”

“Yo ho ho ho! It scared me so much that my heart was beating fast. Although I am a skeleton, there is no Heart!”

Brooke echoed exaggeratedly.

Franky put the takoyaki in his mouth and said vaguely: “It tastes really good. I wonder why we should also add this thing to our recipe? How about it, cook?” “That’s

long-winded, it’s about food. You don’t have to worry about everything, I will arrange it.” Sanji said impatiently.

In fact, he had already memorized all the making methods when Xiaoba made his first batch.

Now it seems that everyone likes to eat this food, especially Nami and Robin, so naturally they have already made plans.

Sami finished eating the last bit, patted his belly with satisfaction, and then said to Xiaoba: “Thank you for the treat, I’ve finished eating.” ”

You’re welcome, this is what I should do.”

“By the way, Xiaoba , you should have listened to Kemi, right?” Sami said, “We want to go to Fish-Man Island, I wonder if you can take us there?” ”

That? Of course it’s no problem.” Xiaoba smiled, “But, Because Fishman Island is 10,000 meters under the sea, you can’t go directly.”

“Oh? Do you want to do something?” Franky asked immediately, “Do you want to modify our ship?”

” It’s not considered a modification.” Xiao Hachi said, “We need to coat it with a coating so that it can take you to dive.”

“Coating? What is that?” Usopp asked curiously.

“This is a special technology that allows ships to submerge.”

“Really?” Frankie looked interested. He has always been very enthusiastic about technology.

“Can you do it? Xiaoba?” Franky asked quickly.

“No, I don’t have that ability.” Xiaoba waved his hand and said, “The closest place where ships can be coated is the Chambord Islands. We have to go there to find coating craftsmen.” “So,

we still have to go there. How long will it take to go to Fish-Man Island?” Sanji looked disappointed.

He has always wanted to see the mermaid!

“Don’t worry, it will be healed soon. It won’t take a few days.” Xiaoba comforted, “Besides, I happen to know a very skilled coater, and I can ask him to help you.” “It’s just a

matter of time .” That’s all.” Sammy nodded, “Let’s go to the Shampoo Islands first as Hachi said.” ”

Okay, let’s go!” Luffy shouted happily when he heard that he was going to adventure in a new place. Get up and “head towards the Banana Islands!”

“Idiot! It’s the Chambord Islands!”

“It doesn’t matter, just set off for adventure anyway!”

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