Pirate King Chaldea

Chapter 250 248. Evil Flame, Moon Blade, Rainbow, Yellow Spring

Always appearing in the dark night, like Shinigami with a sickle in his hand, he is called the evil sickle.

According to rumors, every night the evil sickle appears, it will be accompanied by blood and death.

On his sickle that exudes a cold glow, I don't know how many lives have been harvested.

Evil sickle was wearing a black windbreaker, and under the colorful energy behind him, the windbreaker was gently floating behind him.

But everyone couldn't see his face clearly, and could only see a figure covered by shadows.

"Why is he here?"

After seeing the evil sickle on the top of the tower, the bishop asked with some fear in his eyes.

The people on Rainbow Island don't know the name Evil Scythe. His cruel and bloody killing methods have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The sickle inserted into the ground trembled slightly, and a gust of wind blew by, and the chill seemed to envelop everyone's bodies.

The bishop couldn't help shivering.

The disc on the top of the high tower was still spinning, and the brilliance that came out of the disc slowly converged after piercing the night sky.

"Kill...Kill him!"

The noble Doldo finally reacted, roaring in horror, and then pointed to the evil sickle on the top of the tower.

The soldiers who surrounded Doldo to protect him immediately picked up a musket and fired at the scythe on the tower.

Bang bang bang...

More than a dozen gunshots rang out in a row, and the bullets burst into faint sparks in the dark, and then all the bullets were submerged in the evil sickle.

However, these bullets passed through the evil sickle weirdly, and did not cause any injuries to him at all.

"How... how could this be..."

"It's useless at all?"

"Is he immortal?"

The soldiers said in shock.

Others also showed a look of astonishment, especially the group of priests.

At this moment, the brilliance that was converging on the top of the high tower completely disappeared, and then a rainbow of colorful lights appeared in the pupil of the right eye of the evil sickle like a flame.

This rainbow of light beckoned the head of the evil sickle.

"This...this is the devil!"

Suddenly a priest roared in horror, he could see the head of the sickle clearly.

It was a head made up of twisted and hideous skeletons, and the rainbow in the pupil on the right was like an evil flame capable of hell power.

On the evil sickle's body, wearing a pair of bone armor, it looked like an evil spirit from a yellow spring.

"Captain, are there real demons in this world?"

Garon, who was watching this scene in the distance, asked in a low voice.

Chaldea smiled, staring at the evil sickle on the tower and didn't take it back.

He said softly: "How could it be possible."

"Look at the energy appearing in his right pupil. Does it resemble the power of Devil Fruit?"

"You mean... this guy is Demon fruit power?"

Kanon said in astonishment, and then thought of the scene where he was shot just now, and instantly reacted, "The Logia ability person!"

"Yes, the bullet passed through his body just now, it should be an elemental feature of Logia."

"And in him, I felt a familiar breath."

Chaldea whispered.

"Who is he?" Garon asked.

"I've seen it during the day, the show is about to begin, let's keep watching."

After speaking, the two were silent, staring at the evil sickle on the tower.


The sickle on the high tower moved slightly, and a slight vibration erupted from the right foot on the top of the tower.

At this moment, the rainbow on his skull suddenly began to spread, until the entire head was covered, and his body suddenly jumped from the tower.


Evil sickle's body fell to the ground, and a strong cold breath spread.

"Block him!"

Doldo yelled, and the surrounding soldiers rushed towards the evil sickle with horror.

"How could this happen, how could the evil sickle appear suddenly?"

The bishop said unbelievably to himself.

"Bishop, what should I do?" a priest asked.

"Go to light the torch again, and you must burn the sinner to death."

The bishop said sullenly, and then looked at the scythe coming towards the soldier step by step.


The priest reignited a torch and quickly rushed towards the sinner Kada.

Just as the torch was about to fall on Kada, the evil sickle's right hand took out a small ring with sharp blades around it, and it quickly rotated in the evil sickle's hand.

The evil sickle's wrist shook slightly, and the ring crossed a rainbow line, piercing through behind the priest.

Puffed out.

The priest's body was penetrated, and then a burst of colorful rainbow energy exploded in his body.

There was a boom.

The rainbow exploded, and the priest's body was completely submerged. The ring that pierced the priest's body quickly revolved in mid-air, and then returned impressively, passing the path where the soldiers rushed over.

The circular blade continuously passed through the body of the soldier, but in an instant, more than a dozen soldiers died instantly.

From the beginning to the end, the evil sickle did not speak, like the evil spirit from the yellow spring, cruelly beheading the creature in front of the person.

The ring made a whirling sound in the night sky, and then returned to the evil sickle's hands.

The evil sickle caught the ring, and after closing the ring, he calmly walked towards Kada who was tied to the cross.

"Is the evil sickle a man or a ghost?"

The bishop was shocked and said, "Is it true that he is a ghost from Huangquan as in the legend?"

"Bishop, stop him!"

Seeing the evil sickle coming over, Doldo couldn't help but roared.

But even if he is the bishop of the Rainbow Church, it is impossible to stop him in the face of this powerful force.

And their will to fight has disappeared at this time.

"Master Doldo, leave quickly!"

The bishop whispered.

These words completely woke up Doldo, and for a while because of fear, he forgot to run away.

"Hurry up and escort me away."

Doldo reacted immediately and yelled at the bishop.

The soldiers he brought have been killed.

Seeing the evil sickle coming step by step, Doldo's fear has spread all over his body, and a lot of cold sweat broke out on his body.

But to his surprise, the evil sickle ignored him and went straight to the sinner Kada.

But when Kada was one meter in front of him, he suddenly stopped.

He glanced at the crowd with a terrifying head.

No eyeballs, no facial expressions, the whole head is blocked by the skull like a mask.


At this time, his right hand in the depths of the evil sickle held the sickle inserted into the ground.

The moon blade of the sickle flashed a cold light in the night sky, and then lightly swiped it.

A transparent moon blade swept across the 100-meter area around it. The moment the transparent moon blade touched the body of the priest and the noble Doldo, a colorful rainbow burst out.

Guanghong is so sharp that it penetrates everyone thoroughly.

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