Chapter 15: Is your head caught in the door?

Akainu's expression was getting darker and darker, and he wanted to give Roan a note of Great Eruption. This kind of lazy attitude towards battle is even worse than Kizaru!

Kizaru secretly releases water in order to get off work early.

And Roan.

He started to release water in an open and fair manner, and even when the Marines were fighting with the pirates, he turned around and walked aside.


This scene.

He almost didn't let Akainu spit out a mouthful of old blood. With his character, being able to endure it until now is enough to show that his patience has improved a lot.


Akainu's eyelids suddenly jumped, and he saw two sharp slashes flying towards him.

whispering sound........

He pursed his mouth in disdain, if it wasn't for training, he wouldn't have left this little mantis to be killed.


Akainu did not choose elementalization, and one of his arms was suddenly covered with a layer of black energy material, which was Armament Haki!

In the first half of the Grand Line, the people who will meet Armament Haki.

Very few!

But in the New World, or in the Naval Headquarters, there will be pirates and marines of Armament Haki, such as carps crossing the river.


Among the Vice Admiral of Marine alone, almost no one can't Armament Haki, and even many Rear Admiral will be armed.


Akainu's virtual hand clenched hard, and two flying slashes came.

it turns out........

Hold him in his hand!


Blue Hank's eyes widened, his face full of awe and disbelief, he exclaimed in shock: "This is impossible! Laozi's flying slash, but even Marine Rear Admiral can kill dead!"

Rear Admiral?

Akainu sneered disdainfully: "You should be referring to the branch Rear Admiral."

Move vigorously.

The slash in his hand was actually crushed by him! Because of this slash from Blue Hank, in the eyes of Akainu.

Weak batch!

At most, he is an ordinary swordsman. It seems that the bounty of more than 100 million yuan is largely due to the fact that he slaughtered too many civilians.


"Captain.... The slash that was enough to kill Marine Rear Admiral was crushed by this Akainu!"


"That kid was already so evil just now, why is this big one so powerful now? Is this Marine's strength?"

"damn it."

"Master Captain, he is no match for this Sakazuki!"

"It's over."


When many pirates saw this scene, they suddenly became disheartened, with a look of ashes on their faces, and the fighting spirit in their hearts has gradually declined.

Take the opportunity.

The Marines started frantically shooting, and soon dozens of pirates were killed by the sword. Such a good opportunity cannot be wasted.


Seeing that the minions of his subordinates fell one by one, the Mantis Pirates, which originally had more than 300 people, now only has more than 100 people left.

It took only 20 minutes to fight Marine, and they had already been killed and wounded more than half! Could it be that the gap with it really that big?

Blue Hank's heart was churning with anger, but there was nothing he could do.

How to do?


Just because Akainu is here, his end is already doomed, and he continues to fight the monster Vice Admiral with the power of Admiral. Isn't this obviously courting death? He had no suicidal thoughts.


Can't run at all, okay? Marine's warship is already very fast, plus there is an Akainu, Sakazuki, who is staring at him.


It's a dead end!

Blue Hank was full of remorse. He heard that One Piece was "captured" by Marine and would be escorted to East Blue for execution soon, so he wanted to go to East Blue in advance to witness the day of One Piece's death.


As soon as he saw the outline of the Upside Down Mountain, Marine was staring at him.



"I...I....I surrender! As long as you Marines don't kill me, I surrender! I, Blue Hank, surrender on behalf of the Mantis Pirates!"

he shouted.

In an instant—

The sound of fighting gradually subsided, Akainu was also slightly surprised, while the pirates of the Mantis Pirates looked unwilling.


"shut up!!"

Blue Hank doesn't want to die at all, although Impel down is known as the purgatory on earth, but he doesn't care so much in order to survive.

When faced with a dead end, only surrender is the most appropriate.

Akainu frowned slightly, looking at the pirates who had begun to give up their resistance, nodded and said coldly: "I agree with your surrender! The rest of your life will be spent in Impel down!"

"Uncle Akainu, did you get caught in the forehead?"


A discordant voice entered Akainu's ears.



ps: The character of the protagonist is closer to Kizaru, but he is more lazy than Kizaru. Kizaru will at least perform tasks from time to time.

The main character...*

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