Chapter 28: The Decaying Marine in Logue Town

"Ding......Congratulations to Host for completing the mission and getting five games!

Rewards have been issued.

Pay attention to check! "

Roan yawned in boredom, looking at the wreckage floating on the sea, without the slightest sympathy for those pirates.


Anyway, pirates are not good people, not everyone is Luffy.

Between five new games and a pirate group, Roan needless to say, must choose the game, the game is the belief of the salted fish!


Since the system has issued rewards, that means Akainu's side.

already solved!


After about an hour, a large group of Marines boarded the warship one after another, and there were many embarrassed civilians on the coast.

Watching Marine.

For the civilians on the island, Marine was their benefactor.

Be reasonable.

If Roan hadn't run out of fresh water, Akainu wouldn't have stopped the boat halfway, and he wouldn't have found out that there were pirates attacking the island if he hadn't stopped halfway.


From a certain point of view, Roan is still their benefactor.

cough cough.

Of course, for Roan, it must be best to hide his merits and fame. If the system hadn't tempted him with a game console, he wouldn't even reveal his strength. Is salted fish bad for a lifetime?

After getting on the warship, Akainu frowned at the wreckage on the sea.

a long time.

Only then did he show satisfaction and said to the ghost spider: "You did a good job this time, you finally have what a Marine should look like."


Instead of punishing the ghost spider Rear Admiral, he praised it unprecedentedly.

after all.

For Akainu.

Pirates are inherently heinous existences. If the ghost spider finds the pirate ship but does not attack, Akainu may scold him, so he is attacking the pirates without authorization.

Akainu did not choose to scold, but praised with great satisfaction.

The ghost spider was a little embarrassed, he hesitated for a while, but in the end he didn't dare to take the credit, and said embarrassingly: "It's Brother Roan... let us attack the giant ship pirates... …”

Akainu: "........."

What the hell?


Akainu feels a little confused, why is there this guy?


Is he trying to compliment Roan? Or to reprimand it? If reprimanded, Akainu would definitely not dare, as for praise?


Very resistant!

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Akainu coughed heavily, hiding the embarrassment on his face, and said nonchalantly: "Anyway, you did a good job this time, and you have the ability to be on your own. In the future, you will be able to do tasks alone."


He seemed to remember something, and his face turned pale again.

"Sakazuki Vice Admiral......What's wrong with your face? Did something happen? Or are you injured?"

The ghost spider asked weakly.


Akainu shook his head, his face a bit ugly: "This group of pirates is not as simple as imagined, these bastards actually colluded with the defenders of Logue town, wantonly looting civilians!"


All the Marines on the warship were shocked when they heard this.



Collusion with Marine! !

This is an absolute capital crime. Marine, who colluded with the pirates, will be sent to a military court and even beheaded on the spot!

All are possible.

"The defenders of Logue town colluded with the pirates, and they also colluded with the pirates of the Grand Line. Are they trying to completely confuse East Blue?"

There was Marine anger in his heart, and he couldn't help gnashing his teeth.


"Since the Marine of Logue town is in trouble with the pirates, it is absolutely impossible to cooperate with only one giant ship pirate group. There must be a huge network of relationships, an incomparably huge relationship network."

"These bastard Marine worms are ruining Marine's reputation!"


"I didn't expect that the most serious thing about East Blue is not the damage caused by pirates to East Blue, but those Marines who have long been rotten and blinded by money!"

"They don't deserve to be Marines!"

"Damn! Get the hell out of here!"


The Marines on the warship were furious. They were desperate outside, fighting with the pirates, and living a precarious life.


Those damn Marine worms secretly colluded with pirates!


Sell ​​weapons to pirates!

No wonder when he was fighting with the Giant Ship Pirates just now, he found that the weapon used by the other party was very similar to Marine's standard weapon.

It seems............

It's very complicated here.

Seeing this, Roan, who was lazy in the corner, couldn't help but pouted.


Corrupt officials.

Which world has it!



ps: There should be two more chapters to come, adding up to five chapters.


Say more and more! *

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