I would like to report the current subscriptions to everyone: the current average subscription is 141, which is still halfway from the passing line of 300. Although the 300 subscription is still going to die, thank you very much for your subscription. Really, the worst case I envision is the average subscription If it doesn't even break 100, at least it won't be so miserable.

Hope to pass, 300 subscriptions, 10 to 1 subscription ratio is the passing line of the starting point, it seems that there is a little hope, a little hope is to break the average subscription of 500, then it should be considered as the life and death line of the starting point, For the kind of people who forcefully push all the way to the shelves, 500 subscriptions can be regarded as rushing to the street, but we are running naked on the shelves, and have been running naked. If we can have 500 subscriptions, I think it is very beautiful, which means that our results are really not bad (say Maybe the editor will take a look at me), hehehe, so. . . . . Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe.

I was very touched when I saw many friends contributed their first order so late last night, hehehe, and thank you for the 10,000 point reward of Jiaxu, the poisoner of the Three Kingdoms 2 (the first rudder owner in this book), thank you for who robbed me The name of Dongfang Fantasy 3000 points reward, thank you PP idler for 1000 points reward, thank Xuexian Xiuya for 100 points reward, thank you for not being cold and cold, 100 points reward, thank you for killing and lovesickness, 1000 points reward, thank you for your integrity, dedication and friendliness, 500 points reward Reward, thank you star? dust? Of? Ai 500 points reward, thank you for crying 200 points reward, thank you I am really not a hero 100 points reward, thank you for killing Buddha sword 100 points reward, thank you pp I will not go to the starting point even if I die 100 points reward, thank you Book friends 20170608144540654 100 reward points.

Thank you for your rewards, the children's shoes who know the rewards are especially supportive of Ah Man, thank you!

Also, thank you for the children’s shoes who voted for the monthly pass yesterday. To be honest, I forgot the monthly pass myself. I can only vote after this thing is on the shelves. It is said that the monthly pass is especially precious. I hope that the children’s shoes with a monthly pass will vote for me today, so that I can experience being suppressed by the monthly pass. The feeling of death hehehe.

Thanks to everyone who has given me support and encouragement from book reviews, thanks to the children's shoes who have been voting for recommendations, thanks to the friends in the book group, and thanks to those friends who have been silent but subscribed silently, and thanks for watching pirated copies, but In the end, this book was given to friends who ordered the original version first, thank you very much.

Oh, by the way, today is still Dad's birthday. If the first order is good, it will be really happy. I hope that today's dream will come true, hehehe.

Well, I went to type, and I was nailed to the computer before dinner.

Announce the qq group old group 453204744 (currently more than 200 people), the new group mother nest was built 798230019, I hope friends who like it will join the group, let's chat together, and talk about mountains. . . . .

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