Pirate’s Brood Order

Chapter 275 Vivi

"They're all dead! All the agents of the Baroque Studio are dead." Mr. 8's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and he didn't even dare to take a big breath. A dead man's skin blown by the wind was hanging on the treetop above his head.

"Gulu!" Mr. 8 swallowed saliva with difficulty, and he looked nervously at Miss who also turned pale. On Wednesday, Colonel Yarlin, who apparently planned to observe and contact them, survived the ambush of the Baroque studio. Not only that, but the other party's performance completely exceeded their expectations, which frightened their hearts.

Listening to the horrible killing sound of bones being snapped off, Miss. Wednesday let out a long breath, got up suddenly from the ground and shouted: "Don't kill me, I'm not with them, my real identity is Princess Neferutali Vivi of the Kingdom of Alabasta, I came here to meet Colonel Arlin, and the person next to me is Ikalem, the captain of the Royal Guard of the Kingdom of Alabasta, who is my attendant. "

Miss. Wednesday, should be called Weiwei now, she swears that she has never spoken at such a fast speed in her life, and she didn’t catch her breath during the linking process, her lips moved so fast that she felt her tongue seemed to be a little straight , the most important thing is that Sensen's bone chain is only an inch away from her throat.

The vicious killing intent was clearly imprinted on her skin, fine goose bumps protruded on her milky white neck, and she exhaled cautiously.

Icarem also froze on the spot nervously, not daring to move, staring at Weiwei's bone chain, surrounded by the surviving navy, Mori wiped off the blood stains on his cheeks, circled Wrapping a bandage around his right arm, his eyes flashed thoughtfully.

If it was the original transformed body, then Weiwei might have already been a warm corpse. From this point of view, her luck is very good.

"You want to see Yarlin?" Hochton asked in a hoarse voice. He didn't add any suffixes to Yarlin's back. In the lexicon, it is equivalent to "mother's nest", and the meaning of "mother's nest" is the collection of "creator", "heavenly father" and "God".

In a way, the transmutation is created and given new life by Arlin.

"Yes, I came here to secretly contact Colonel Yarlin. Every word I say is the truth. I swear on my life." Wei Wei gritted her teeth and bit every word very hard. Beads of dripping bean-sized sweat.

The bone chain moved away slowly, and Huo Qidun glanced at Wei Wei fiercely, which seemed to be a silent threat of death, "If you are lying and trying to deceive Yarlin, then you will definitely get something more terrible than death." punishment."

Standing on the deck, Yarlin squinted at Weiwei and Icarem, and asked a little suspiciously: "You said you are the princess of the Kingdom of Alabasta?"

Vivi nodded.

"Then, who are they?" Yarlin pointed to the agents of the Baroque studio who were left alive for questioning. At their feet were corpses and coagulated blood.

"They are the secret agents of Baroque Studio." Weiwei said hastily: "Baroque Studio is a huge criminal company hidden in the darkness of Alabasta, and the current chaos in Alatastan is likely to hide Baroque Studio As the shadow of the royal family, I lurk into this organization as a princess of the royal family, just to find out the real mastermind behind the Baroque studio."

"Baroque studio?!" Ya'erlin's first reaction was that the matter of Longshi Trading Co., Ltd. was still exposed, but he understood and realized that this possibility is unlikely. It will take time to find out the connection behind this. He grinned and said with a sneer: "Why did they come to kill me? I, a colonel in the East China Sea, have not offended the forces of the Great Channel, have I?"

"Colonel, aren't you going to work in Alabasta now? Your transfer is not so acceptable to some people." The feeling of oppression is too terrifying, and now she has some doubts that it might not be the right idea to rashly contact this colonel, but unfortunately, she has no other choice now, "Colonel Collum, the stationed chief of the Alabasta Naval Branch, worked with Baroque The office has been colluding with each other for a long time, and he very much does not want to be transferred from Alabasta."

"So he let the people from the Baroque studio come to intercept and attack me, and then blame the pirates?" Yaerlin pointed to the unknown pirate flag above his head and sneered: "He thought that as long as I died, he could What a naive and stupid idea to continue to sit firmly in your position? Does he treat the upper echelons of the Navy Headquarters as idiots like him?"

Yaerlin's eyes were quite thought-provoking. The moment Weiwei looked at each other, her heart trembled suddenly, and she heard: "In this case, why did you appear in front of me now?"

Weiwei was at a loss for words, she took a deep breath, "This is my mistake, because I'm not sure whether you can survive this attack, so I must be very careful not to expose myself easily."

"Oh!" Yaerlin showed a look of sudden realization, the surrounding air seemed to suddenly become colder by a few degrees, his eyes wandered back and forth on Weiwei, Weiwei felt her nerves tense up, as if a knife was about to hit her. Stick to your skin.

"Keep it a secret!" Yarlin snapped his fingers, and a few strands of black silk went straight into the throats of those living in the Baroque studio. There was a "hohoho" sound of leaking air.

The limp body was still struggling and shaking on the deck, and there was an indistinct sound in his mouth. Weiwei and Icarem looked over involuntarily, and Yarlin showed a gentle smile on his face: "This time there will be no more There is a living person who can reveal the secret, Princess Weiwei can rest assured!"

For Yarlin's understanding, Weiwei only felt that her body seemed a little weak, and she forced a smile on her face.

"Clean up the deck, hang up the navy flag, and continue heading towards the great channel." Yarlin gave an order to Sendu, then turned his head and continued to smile at Weiwei: "Princess Weiwei can tell me now, Is there any reason why you took so much trouble to see me?"

"..." Weiwei pondered for a moment, raised her head to meet Arlin's eyes, Alabasta had already stepped on the edge of the cliff, she had no other better choice, she gritted her teeth and said: "I hope Can get the help of the navy, Colonel Arlin."

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