
And at this moment, Mr.5 actually picked his nose.

Will had a black line on his face, and was a little disgusting, and secretly said: "This is habitual nose picking?" Or just give me a move booger bomb? He

prefers the latter, after all, normal people who will pick their noses when eating. And, looking at him so ill willingly?

Therefore, Will immediately decided to strike first, and waved his hand directly towards Mr.5 and Miss. Valentine's Day.


A cold current burst out from his hand in an instant, and everywhere he passed, whether it was the table or the ground, it was frozen in an instant.

"Devil Fruit Ability?"

Mr.5 and Miss. Valentine's Day couldn't help but exclaim, although they were also Devil Fruit powers. Moreover, most of the senior members of the Baroque Work Society are capable people.

However, it is precisely because of this that they understand better that in the first half of the Great Passage, the ability is still very rare. After all, it took a lot of effort to bring them together.

However, shock is shock, but there is no fear. I saw Mr.5 pick out a lump of booger from his nose, and then eject it in Will's direction.

"Booger bomb!"


But in the next second, he was stunned, because after his boogers shot out, it inevitably collided with the cold current that Will wielded.

In an instant, it was frozen and fell to the ground.

"Boom..." However

, his ability was not lost, and the boogers still exploded. A flame was lit!

Directly washed away Will's cold current in part.

"Huh..." Seeing

this, Will couldn't help frowning, but Mr.5 on the other side laughed: "It seems that my ability seems to have some restraint on your ability!"

As soon as the words fell, Mr.5 rushed directly towards Will with both legs.

Will didn't dare to get close to him, not to mention that his physical strength was not enough, and the other party's explosive ability alone was not something he could withstand now.

"Ice and fire-scattering!"

Will made a pistol with both hands, and then aimed at the rushing Mr.5, firing both hot and cold airflow bullets.

This trick is extremely fast and fast. It can be compared to the speed of a real bullet!

"Not good

..." Mr.5's face couldn't help but change, and then he shouted: "The whole body exploded

..." "Boom..."

This is his most powerful move, and it is also the last hole card. So, it's very powerful.

Mr.5 In the explosion, the whole person turned into a flame. And the wave of gas formed by the explosion instantly swept the entire tavern.

Most of the wooden things have begun to burn.

Will's face twitched, and he secretly complained: "It seems that after the boss comes back, I am afraid that he will vomit blood in anger." Forget it, after that, all the rewards in front of him will be given to him! "

It is not His Mother who is the Virgin, but he has his own principles and conducts, after all, this is a familiar person. It can't be because you've become stronger... Bully people you know!

Or just think of them as ants! You look at Karp's treatment of people in his hometown....

"Huh? And

at this moment, Will noticed something different in the shadow under his feet. As if something fell from the top of his head, he didn't think about it, and directly flashed.

The next instant.

"Boom..." The

place where Will was standing just now was directly blasted out of a huge pit. And Miss. Valentine's Day was standing there, looking at Wilr and smiling grimly.

Will secretly said that it was dangerous, but fortunately he had always been vigilant, otherwise this blow would have killed him.

Because, Miss. Valentine's Day trick, 10,000 kilograms of guillotine. That is to first change the mass of the body to 0, so that the body floats in the air, and then aim the body vertically above the target, instantly change the weight to 10,000 kilograms and fall.

If this is hit, the whole person will be crushed.


Will couldn't help but snort coldly, he was afraid of Mr.5, it was because the other party had long-range attack capabilities. You miss. Valentine's Day is not... So, Miss.Valentine's Day This is equivalent to sending it to the door!

Wei'er's eyes immediately became playful.

"What are you looking at?" Miss. Valentine's face sank, after.... The look in his eyes turned into horror.

Because, at this time, Will aimed directly at her, which was a move of ice. She didn't react at all, a cold current hit, she only felt that her whole body was cold, and her whole body was like falling into an ice cave.

Then, the whole person was frozen into an ice sculpture.

"Miss.Valentine's Day !!"

At this time, the flames of the previous Mr.5 explosion had dispersed, just in time to see the scene of Miss. Valentine's Day being frozen. I couldn't help but exclaim....

His eyes were full of horror and incredulity.

He never expected that Miss.Valentine's Day, whose strength was similar to him, was directly controlled.

At this time, when Mr.5 looked at Will again, his eyes had changed. Don't dare to underestimate it anymore....


Seeing this, Will couldn't help but chuckle: "You really restrained me with your ability?"

Speaking of this, Will's tone changed: "Since the ice can't be frozen, then take a look at this trick." Lava Hell..." In

an instant, Will's legs turned into a state of high heat. The whole turned crimson, and then the ground heated up sharply under its high temperature, and almost in a breath or two, the entire tavern floor turned crimson.


However, this was only for the flames generated by the explosion after he activated his own ability.

Other flames, he couldn't be unharmed. At this moment, he felt like he was standing in the magma. It simply doesn't stand because it's too hot and hot.

Instinctively wanting to escape from the ground, the whole person jumped, but unfortunately he could not fly. After jumping, it will still fall


cried Mr. 5 in horror, but to no avail, he fell back to the ground. The pain in his feet almost broke him down. However, he understood... Only those who defeat the ability can be truly rescued.

So he endured the severe pain and rushed towards Will.


the threat of death, Mr.5 threw the most powerful punch of his life.

But the next second he was desperate, because Will raised his right hand, the temperature on his hand dropped sharply, and the air around his hand immediately froze.

"Ice shield..." In

an instant, Will used the cold air to create a huge ice shield, protecting his entire person behind him.

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