It was past eleven when we returned to the luxurious accommodation provided by Carrera.

The night was dark, and after Nicholas dragged his body directly back to his room, he heard that there was another person on his bed at this time.

The other party seemed to be sleeping soundly, completely unaware of Nicholas' existence.

After Nicholas stepped forward to help tuck the quilt, he also got in, hugged him directly and fell asleep.

When I woke up again, it was noon the next day.

It was raining lightly outside the window at this time, mixed with the sea breeze passing through the city, and blowing the wind chimes hanging by the window.

He got out of the bed with ease, Anthrace... No, after he got up from the ground, Nicholas was still a little confused. I began to rummage through my clothes to find something.

Soon a small bottle of blue bottled oral liquid appeared in Nicholas's hand, skillfully flicked the bottle cap with his fingers, and drank all the green-purple liquid inside.

Later, when I came to the mirror, I found that the colorful colors on my face had faded, and even the two bright mushrooms growing in my nostrils were directly pulled down.

"Ah, Captain? Why are you up so early?"

Bellin's voice came from the bed behind her. The whole person was obviously still awake. Even with the mask of Doctor Crow, she could still feel that she was still a little confused.


Nicholas looked at Beilein's graceful figure and the way she felt last night, and decided to ignore the fact that Beilein was dishonestly kicking him out of bed last night.

"Cough, it's okay, you can continue to sleep."

After speaking, Nicholas directly put his body into an elemental state, and with a crackling electric shock, a faint colorful smoke appeared on Nicholas.

After all the colorful colors on his face disappeared, Nicholas released the elemental state.

Looking at Beilein who had slept again, Nicholas couldn't help but sigh. It's like doing nothing, hugging and sleeping all night. If the two meet frankly or even relieve themselves from a distance, I'm afraid they shouldn't try. Just die, as for elementalization, anthracene...let's forget it.

After getting dressed, Nicholas left the room and walked outside. Today, he will go to the black market of the Seven Waters to see if there is anything good.

"Ah, I always feel that every time I visit the black market, my three views will be refreshed."

Looking at the various things that appeared on the black market stalls, Nicholas sighed helplessly. As a person who has experienced the shining of a red star, he is still unable to adapt to some evils in the world of pirates.

Soon Nicholas stopped in front of the door of a shop with a sign printed on a sign with a net and a chain intertwined. This sign can be said that people in the underground world basically know that it belongs to slave traders and pet traders.

In their hands, not only can they buy all kinds of slaves, but also all kinds of rare pets.

Nicholas walked directly inside, and when the receptionist in the shop saw Nicholas's face, his face immediately smiled like a chrysanthemum. After all, the big pirates in the New World were one of their important customers. A lot of things are scattered through the black market.

"Mr. Nicholas, you don't know what you want to buy. Although our slaves are not comparable to the New World and the prosperous islands, there are also many slaves full of various styles..."

In the face of the enthusiastic recommendation of the slave merchant, Nicholas waved his hand directly. This time he came to buy pets, not to mention that he is a serious person.

After expressing that he wanted to buy a pet, the smile on the slave merchant's face did not diminish. You must know that the price of some pets is several times higher than the price of slaves. After all, slaves are easy to get, but some cherish them. Animals are hard to catch.

Then Nicholas entered the interior of the store under the leadership of the slave trader. After passing through a corridor, several doors with different icons appeared in front of him. Some icons looked like a woman, and some were men. shape, as well as tiger, fish, and bird egg-shaped icons.

"Mr. Nicholas, if you want to buy pets, we have three types of sea, land and air. Which do you want?"

the slave trader asked with a smile.


"Then Mr. Nicholas, please."

Then, under the leadership of the slave trader, Nicholas entered the gate with the sign of the bird's egg.

Entering the inside, Nicholas felt that he had come to the Bird Expo. It can be said that there are birds everywhere, such as small canaries, hummingbirds, and some raptors the size of fighter jets.

Soon at Nicholas's request, the slave trader brought a bird's egg.

This egg was as big as a washbasin, and it was estimated to weigh twenty or thirty pounds.

"Sir Nicholas, this is the egg of the raptor, the wind-splitting eagle. When it is an adult, it is often huge in size and powerful in attack. It has amazing strength that ordinary falcons do not have, and even its speed in adulthood can tear apart the wind."

After he finished speaking, he handed the egg to Nicholas.

And Nicholas just got the basin-sized egg in his hand.


There was a muffled sound at first, and then Nicholas saw a crack clearly appearing above the egg with a dazed expression, and then gradually expanded. In the light "click", a light yellow bird's beak protruded from the crack. out.

Then the cracks on the surface of the egg began to spread in other directions, and from time to time small pieces of the egg shell fell off.


Click! The eggshell above the giant egg was directly pushed open, and a bald head suddenly emerged from the inside.

Tender pink skin, featherless wings, and small eyes full of wisdom, if not for the introduction of the slave trader before, Nicholas almost thought that this was a shedding Sigh! "

And this bald 'chicken' made a loud cry after it got out of the eggshell and looked around. It was full of joy and fluttered its wings and came out of the eggshell, standing in a dumbfounded Nicholas On his arm, he rubbed his head affectionately in his palm.

Nicholas used both hands to hug the bald 'chicken' with its wings inserted into his arms. Seeing the innocent eyes from the little guy, he immediately looked at the slave trader with a bit of pain: "Whatever you say, it comes out. What is it? Don't you think I can be bullied and plan to buy and sell by force!?"

As a loyal user of the anti-fraud app, Nicholas looked at this familiar routine and immediately felt that it was a conspiracy from slave traders.


Before the slave merchant could explain, the bald 'chicken' on his hand croaked instantly, as if to protest.

"Mr. Nicholas, we don't know either. If you like this thing, we will give you a 40% discount?"

The slave trader also wanted to cry but had no tears. It was really mud that fell into the crotch of his pants, not **** or shit. After all, it was some kind of "selling technique".

If it were an ordinary person, he would have forcefully bought and sold it, but if he dared to do so, it would be unreasonable for their stronghold in the Seven Waters to be demolished, and if he was lucky enough not to die, he would definitely be punished by the headquarters. The gang of guys killed him to apologize to this guy.

And Nicholas was holding this bald 'chicken', looking left and right, looking at the other party and looking at his intelligent eyes with curiosity, Nicholas decided it was it, after all, it is a pet, and fun is the most important thing.

"Okay, that's it."

Nicholas made the decision directly in the happy expression of the slave merchant.

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