For his own ideals, Luffy practiced almost every day.

In the afternoon, Luffy carried out the daily training program as usual. What he called training was to have some friendly exchanges with the tiger in the mountains and Xiong Shi.

In an unscientific world like pirates, the physical qualities of people are completely different. Some people may gain strength beyond ordinary people through accumulated exercise, while others are only strong even if they train themselves to death. A little ordinary person.

In addition to Luffy, there is another person, Sabo, who is also training hard.

He set aside a few hours a day to practice, and he has never stopped over the years.

In pursuit of a better training effect, Sabo tied a stone weighing more than 100 pounds to his body and jumped directly into the shallow sea. During the process of falling, he slowly improved his breathing and began to consciously use water pressure to exercise muscles throughout the body.

When his feet are on the bottom of the sea, fists, strides, and punches are broken down into countless basic movements, each of which is extremely slow and laborious due to the resistance and pressure of the sea water, but even so, he is still mechanically boring like this. 's practice.

Ten minutes later, he rushed straight up from the water.

He breathed the air greedily.

I was almost suffocated. I used this method to train in the sea for so many years. No matter it was windy or rainy, I went on as usual every day. At first, I could only last for tens of seconds, but now I can last for ten minutes.

And the physical quality is far beyond that of ordinary people, and even those fierce beasts in the mountains are no longer his opponents.

It was addicting to feel his growing strength, so after a few minutes of rest, he sank into the sea again.

Repeating this, three hours later, Sabo dragged his tired body to the shore, wringed his clothes dry, and smiled involuntarily as he looked at the huge figure in the distance on the sea.

Although he can easily kill that guy, but it is Luffy's prey, he will not do it easily.


At this moment, an excited voice suddenly came from the shore, and then a pair of rubber-like arms stretched out directly from a distance and grabbed his shoulders, and a figure was rapidly approaching him with the help of the elasticity of the arms. .


Sabo stretched out his hand to block in front of him, and Luffy, who was approaching quickly, slammed directly into Sabo's hand.

"Hey, it hurts!"

This time, Chapter 17b Si. Luffy kept rolling on the ground with his hands covering his face.

Facing the trickster Luffy, Sabo just smiled, then stretched out his hand to pull Luffy up.

At night, in a tree house filled with all kinds of sundries collected from all over the place, the two sat on the edge of the tree house and looked at the sea in the distance.

"Sabo, are you planning to go to sea like Ace?"

Luffy asked curiously while eating the barbecue handed by Sabo.

"Well, according to the agreement, I should go to Ace. Ace is really amazing, he became a supernova in his first year at sea."

Sabo looked at the different wanted notices of Ace on the wall of the tree house, with a smile on his face.

"What is a supernova, I want to become the Pirate King!"

"Luffy, I will become the Pirate King, but I will become the Pirate King before you and Ace."

Sabo rubbed Luffy's hair and said with a smile.

In 1517, after Ace, Sabo also planned to go to sea.

In the Kingdom of Goya, dozens of soldiers in the city were rushing to the south, headed by a man who was nearly two meters tall. It was not difficult to see his identity as an officer from his clothes.

"Lord Kelian, are we really going to fight those guys?"

A soldier came to Claire's side and asked nervously.

Stelly Kren, one of the minor nobles of the Goya Kingdom.

Kelian looked at him silently when he heard the soldier's words, and then said: "Speed ​​up, and when the pirates are repelled, everyone's reward will be indispensable."

Hearing the reward, the eyes of many soldiers suddenly lit up. Although the pirates are a little more difficult than the bandits, they are only difficult in their opinion. After all, there are no powerful pirates in the East China Sea.

Some of the soldiers wanted to say something, but they were swept by Kelian's indifferent eyes, and immediately swallowed the words in their mouths.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. Kelian looked in the direction of Nancheng, and his expression was a little gloomy. As a small nobleman of the Goya Kingdom, he was not an uninformed person, and the big pirates were different from the pirates.

Weak pirates will not have the courage to attack a kingdom, even if the kingdom is only a kingdom in the East China Sea.

Although he knew the danger, he couldn't escape. His everything was built on the Goya Kingdom. Once the Goya Kingdom was gone, he could almost be said to have nothing.

The people on the street were awakened by these movements, and when they opened the window and suddenly watched a group of soldiers from the Kingdom rushing to the south of the city from all over, they panicked.

Many people could no longer sleep, and began to inquire about what happened.


The dull sound of thunder, the indefinite light brought by the burning buildings everywhere, mixed with the **** smell that made people vomit and disgust, rushed into Kelian's ears, eyes, and nose.

Suffocation, fear, screams, wailing, and the severe pain on his body made his whole body tremble.

Here is the battlefield!

The cannon fire shattered the human body and dyed the ground black and red, and corpses with tragic deaths filled every place in the field of vision. The once-familiar streets had turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the roar and laughter of the pirates had mixed into the movement of hell.

Everything in front of him, in Kelian's line of sight, was distorted with blood that had changed, Mohu.

March 17, 1517 in the Haiyuan calendar.

The Goa Kingdom in the East China Sea was attacked by a group of pirates who escaped from the advance city. The two sides fought for less than ten minutes, and the Goa Kingdom defense line was completely defeated!

died! all dead!


Thunder flashes dull thunder, deafening.

"Head, there's still a live one here!


In the sight of the lake molded by the blood, a somewhat surprised voice sounded, followed by the sound of a long knife cutting the flesh soon.

Kelian's whole body trembled, and there were two more figures in his sight.

Looking at the two figures approaching, and the weapons in their hands that were still dripping blood, the feeling of fear, depression, and suffocation made him almost lose his mind.

"Hey, it's really alive! Hey! It's so lucky to survive the first round of attacks by those monsters.

You go and kill him, after killing him, we might be able to pick up something good if we hurry up. "

"Just look at it, boss."

The cold, hideous voice made Kelian tremble all over. He saw not far ahead, the blood-soaked pirate carrying a knife, walking towards him with malicious intent.

"no, do not want!"

Shouting in his heart, Kelian wanted to move and escape, but he was hit by the monster's attack just now, causing his body to be severely injured, and he didn't have the strength to resist at all.

After two or three steps, the pirate raised the long knife and swung it fiercely at him.

The corners of Kelian's eyes flickered, accompanied by a burst of pain, his right arm was directly cut off, and the severe pain caused him to let out a shrill scream.

Make a big tyrant. "Haha! What a sweet voice."

Looking at the screaming Kren, the pirate laughed recklessly, and at the same time held the long knife, and stabbed again.

This knife was aimed directly at his right arm, obviously the other party planned to torture him before killing him.

"Who will save me!"

Seeing the long knife slashing at him again, Claire made a desperate prayer in his heart.

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