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When this news was learned by the naval headquarters and placed on the table of the Marshal of the Warring States, the first reaction of the Warring States was not joy, but frowning.

“To engage an unknown power, in other words, not to fight with the remaining four known emperors… Nor is it a war between navies …”

The emergence of unknown forces in the New World that were not inferior to the Four Emperors was not good news for him or for the navy.

And he deduced carefully, and he could probably vaguely guess who was fighting with the Kaido Pirates.

“Except for the one who has just entered the new world, I am afraid that there is no one else… It seems that I still underestimated him? ”

Looking at the report carefully, the Marshal of the Warring States let out a turbid breath, and his fingers gently tapped the desktop.

“But Aquaman, I didn’t appear for a while…”

“It’s just not clear whether Aquaman is involved in this matter… It’s fine if anything. If not, the strength of the Great Onmyoji will have to be re-estimated. ”


And the group of whitebearded pirates, who returned to the New World, also got the news.

After getting the news, Marko directly dropped the intelligence on the table and gritted his teeth.

“It must be that guy, except for that guy, there is no unknown force that can fight like this with the Kaido Pirates.”

“And from the perspective of timing, it is also just right.”

Marco turned his head and looked at Whitebeard, “Dad, I request to march to the Worm Island area and teach the Great Onmyoji a lesson!” ”

Whitebeard didn’t answer positively, took a sip of wine, and laughed out loud.

“Kula la la, Marko, are you afraid of that little one?”

Marko froze and said, “Dad…”

Whitebeard shook his head, and the smile on his face narrowed.

“Don’t think about it so much, I fought that little guy once, so I know that little guy should have no problem suppressing Kaido. But it’s not like this with the Kaido Pirates. ”

“There must be someone else involved, so… Let’s wait and see. ”

Whitebeard paused, and his eyes suddenly deepened.

“And, do you think… Will the Kaido Pirates be destroyed so easily? That’s the Four Emperors! ”

Hearing this, Marko fell silent. Kaido, that’s the same level as the four emperors of the same level as Whitebeard.

How can others be allowed to peep into it?

Indeed, as Whitebeard expected.

Three days later, the sea area under the control of the Kaido Pirates group themselves shrank to the core of the domain power, silently licking their wounds.

It’s not that there are powerful pirates who hope to pick up bargains in a vain attempt to challenge the Kaido Pirates, who are suspected of being greatly injured.

But these powerful seas that do not know how to be evil finally gave bloody warnings to the world with their lives.

The injured Kaido is more fierce than usual.

Whoever offends will be killed.


After walking in the sea for several days, Su Ye came to an island, and what was even more thankful was the presence of people on this island.

“Fortunately, there are people! If it’s another island, you’re blind. ”

As soon as he entered the island, Su Ye breathed a sigh of relief, rested well on the island, and cultivated his energy to the top.

Although with Su Ye’s strength, even if he fought with a strong enemy for ten days and ten nights, it would have no effect.

But being in a hedonistic mindset and relaxing is still very good for the conditioning of the mental state.

Came to the hall and ordered a meal, Su Ye found a newspaper, and sure enough, as he expected, there were countless information about the Kaido Pirate Group on the newspaper.

“Escaped back to the core hinterland of the sea… I don’t know if the big tengu has had a huge impact on them! ”

Su Ye saw that the newspaper did not mention the content of the big tengu, so he sighed, shook his head, and then began to flip through other materials.

In general, only the Kaido Pirate Group had an accident with the recent major events, and another thing was that the bounty amount of the Great Onmyoji was freshly baked, up to 500 million.

The first bounty was as high as 500 million, which was also a small sensation, but it did not cause a huge sensation.

Because the previous wanted order issued by the Navy for Sea King, the first time it was as high as 800 million, and the first reward amount was as high as 800 million, that was the real shock.

Even the Four Emperor-level pirate group was inquiring about the news of the Sea King, and they didn’t understand who could attract such attention from the navy.

“It seems that that the Sengoku guy has also made up his mind… Or the Warring States guy has already judged that the incident on Worm Island is related to the Great Onmyoji. ”

Su Ye nodded slightly, appearing extremely calm. If the bounty amount is useful, what else should the Navy do?

For the new world in the late Great Voyage, the bounty amount can even be used as a measure of the pirate’s strength and influence.

“Don’t care about that!”

Throwing the newspaper aside casually, after Su Ye moved his body, he heard whispers around him, revealing a message that he was very surprised by.

“Former Admiral Zefa, finally leaving!”

“Yes, I really don’t understand why the former admiral of the Navy has to be stationed here!”

“I heard that it was to find the Seven Warrior Sea? Don’t you go and see, if you really become the Seven Wuhai, then it will be powerful. ”

“Think too much! Didn’t you see that Hawkeye is also with Zefa, Hawkeye is also Nanabukai, but have you ever fought Hawkeye? ”

Hearing this news, Su Ye’s expression changed several times, and his eyes revealed a strange look.

“Is that Zefa guy here too? This is also a bit of a coincidence! ”

Su Ye also did not expect that Zefa, who was driven off the naval battleship by himself, would actually appear on this island.

“Wait a minute… It’s been so long, Zefa should have been rescued a long time ago! ”

“And when I entered the island just now, I saw that there were no naval warships there in Ship Harbor. In other words, Zefa came here to do business? Nanabukai! ”

Su Ye’s eyes lit up all of a sudden, and he suddenly got up and walked to the few people who were talking.

“I am very interested in Zefa, can you tell me some information about Zefa?” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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