
Darth Vader looked at the white night nervously, this kind of thing was no longer something she could interfere with, and she could only let Smaug decide for herself.

With the life of the whole town of Rogue on one side and his faith on the other, this choice was extremely difficult for Smaug.

In fact, in addition to these two choices, there is another way out, that is, to defeat the White Night, if he can defeat the White Night, he does not have to choose.


He can’t win the White Night, so the choice continues!

After a long time, the changeable Smaug took a deep breath, as if he had made a decision, and his face looked a little dark: “I promise your cooperation!”

In the end, Smaug agreed to work with White Night.

Even if there are thousands of unwilling in my heart.

But for the sake of the lives of everyone in Rogue Town, he had to agree!

He could not care less about his name

But the lives of thousands of people in Rogue Town, he must not care!


Darth Vader still whispered the name, and now she didn’t know what to say, and her mood was extremely complicated.

Hearing Smaug agree, White Night gently clapped his hands and smiled, “Colonel Smaug, I said!” ”

“Navys that trade with pirates abound, and if Colonel Rat can trade with pirates, then you can too!”

“And don’t be ashamed, there are not many people at the top of the Navy who trade with pirates!”

The Navy trades with pirates, which is really not a scandal, after all, there are too many people at the top of the transaction.

The Warring States Generals, to some extent, have made some deals with the sea thieves, but they are just unknown.

“Don’t compare that rat guy to me!”

Smaug was distraught and cried out coldly.

Isn’t it an insult to him to compare himself with a scumbag like Colonel Mouse?

Colonel Rat cooperates with the pirates, and it is for his own benefit, and he is for the whole town of Rogue.

The two have fundamentally different levels.


What’s different?

Bai Ye didn’t think much of it in his heart, he said it so nicely, it seemed that the two were different, but in fact, they were all similar, they were all cooperating with the pirates, and they all had their own needs.

But in order not to provoke Smaug, he was not speaking.

Although the verbal ridicule is very funny, it is also troublesome to say too much.

Once this guy Smaug got out of control, it was estimated that he really ignored the life and death of the entire town of Rogue.

“Your deal with me is very simple, just give me a warship and a map to the town of Magic Valley, as long as you give me these things, you will have no worries!”

White Night said his terms.

Magic Valley Town.

Once part of Gaya Island, most of Gaya Island was washed up four hundred years ago, and Gaya Island was gradually regretted and became the town of Magic Valley.

“That’s it?”

Smaug was a little suspicious, White Night’s request was too simple, simple to make him a little incredulous.

Is this the style of a sea thief?

Of course, it is still very excessive to ask for warships, and the general navy basically does not give it, but thinking about what the white night has done before, it is not too much to ask for warships.

After all, the Navy warships were robbed of an unknown number.

If nothing else, Crick has grabbed quite a few.

Darth Vader was a little confused, she also considered the White Night Lion opening his mouth, who knew that White Night Money did not want anything, but only a ship and a map.

“If you think it’s less, I can add a little!”

White Night Fun Laughs!

His demands are not very much, and money and other things are not very attractive to him.

Because this is a world where strength is supreme, as long as you have enough strength, you don’t need to look for money, and the money will automatically come to you.


Almost at the same time, Smaug and Darth Vader spoke at the same time, and the request for a white night was the best.

“You’re a little different!”

Smaug looked at the white night, his face a little complicated: “You look a little more human than other sea thieves!” ”


Bai Ye laughed loudly and laughed gently, “You said the opposite, I am a little bloodier than other sea thieves!” ”

“And I didn’t want to be a pirate, but you imposed it on me!”


Smaug’s undeniable sneer, ignoring the White Night.


Smaug and Darth Vader went back to the naval headquarters where Luo was following.

Start preparing White Night for what he needs

Their speed is also very fast.

Ten minutes to be ready.

On the dock.

A warship slowly left the town of Rogue.

Watch the departure of the warship.

Darth Vader looked confused, turned his head to look at Smaug and asked, “Colonel, what do we do now, do we have to report this matter to the above?” ”

“And the danger and whereabouts of the White Night!”

They now knew the whereabouts and purpose of the White Night, but Darth Vader could not guarantee that it was not the smoke bomb of the White Night, or whether it was really not afraid of death and revealing the whereabouts to tell them.

“You just told the above that the pirates snatched the warship in the white night, left the East China Sea alone and disappeared, and let the top track down!”

Smaug let out a puff of smoke and said lightly, “You tell these words to the top and let them decide for themselves!” ”

“White Nights is not something we can handle now.”

At this point, Smaug paused for a moment, his eyes getting colder: “But sooner or later I will arrest the white night!” ”


Today’s events are a disgrace to him.

An indelible, unforgettable shame.

He must repay this vendetta.

If you don’t report back, you won’t be at ease in this life.

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