“What, what!” The king of Alabastan broke out in a cold sweat.

He didn’t expect the boy in front of him to say such a surprising thing.

“You’re saying that the Road Fighter guy isn’t dead?” Didn’t he just get buried in quicksand? ”

“Is he a demon fruit powerhouse?”

The king of Alabastan pondered, and then he said, “He was buried in quicksand, is he the same as Crokedal?” Is it also the ability to rustle fruit? ”

Nicole Robin shook her head and said, “Crokedale is not dead, and the power of the Demon Fruit can only reappear somewhere in the world when the holder dies.” ”

“And in this world, only one of the rustle fruits is a demon fruit that controls sand, which is a characteristic of the natural demon fruit, unlike the superhuman and animal lineages, there are other branches, only a single unique individual exists.”

“So the Rustle Fruit is the only Devil Fruit in the world, right there in Crokedal.”

Nicole Robin stressed it again, because the former Seven Arms Sea Crockdale had been Nicole Robin’s partner.

So for Nicole Robin’s attitude towards Crockdal, although this man of the former Seven Martial Seas has committed acts of theft, he is just a complete pirate.

Just because he was a pirate, his behavior was normal.

Like the adventurer behavior of Straw Hat Luffy, in fact, it is also an alternative existence in the pirate world.

Nicole Robin pondered, she considered what the Lurbo’s abilities were.

She set her sights on Lord White Night, wanting to ask for help, but somehow, Nicole Robin seemed to have great trust in the teenager in front of her, perhaps because White Night was a relationship between the Five Emperors and a very powerful presence in the world of pirates.

Not only did he dare to openly oppose the world government, but he also provoked the Five Emperors, and even killed all the members of the Hundred Beasts Kaido Pirate Regiment, one of the Five Emperors.

And legend has it that even the Five Old Stars were his defeated generals, and even he killed one of the Five Old Stars.

And all he had to do was to completely subvert the pattern of this world and the order of the world, and the world ruled by the Dracos should also say goodbye.

White Night gazed into the gaze from Nicole Robin.

This kind of gaze is the kind of inquisitive gaze.

Nicole Robin’s experiences should have given her the ability to be insightful a long time ago, but even so, she still threw an inquisitive glance at White Night, perhaps because White Night had the ability to detect the opponent’s state of mind.

Bai Ye shook his head and said calmly, “Lu Ba is indeed not dead, he has been following us since just now, and I don’t know how he did it, as if he had a doppelganger, and he had his thoughts in the whole space.” ”

Nicole Robin was also pondering White Night’s words, and she knew that White Night had absolutely a hand in reconnaissance and detection, but this ability could not play any role here.

But White Night looked up and said to Nicole Robin and King Alabastan.

“No matter how he sneaks up on us, our ultimate goal is to translate historical texts.”

“We have to do this, because only I can control the ancient weapon Pluto.”

The king of Alabastan nodded in agreement, after all, for himself, this Alabastan had no ability to hide this secret, and he promised to save the Alabastan country from the hands of the road lord.

It is reasonable to trust this young man named White Night, that is, he believes that this young man named White Night can already achieve the realm of taking the ancient weapon Pluto into his arms but not letting him lose.

Nicole Robin was silent, knowing that for Alabastan the ancient weapon Pluto was their secret, but for O’Hara’s family who could find out the secrets of historical texts, the shock of this secret was too great.

And as an archaeologist, Nicole Robin’s secret of this blank century immersed in history is definitely related to this ancient weapon, Pluto.

But the White Night itself was powerful enough, and if he got the ancient weapon Pluto, it would be even more able to add to his strength.

From then on, there was no need to fear anyone at all, and it was more likely that even Lord Im, who was the king of the Draco, would not have to be afraid.

But whether this white night can save the whole world as he said, and not bring disaster to the world, no one knows.

But Nicole Robin thought about it again, even if White Night got the ancient weapon Pluto, maybe he wouldn’t use it very well.

After all, this legendary weapon, who can drive him, must be a person with special abilities.

Nicole Robin thought about it and put her mood down slightly, imagining that it would rather be the owner of the ancient weapon Pluto than let the thief Lu Ba get it, and she was now angry at the thought of the face of the Road Lord.

The road lord should be their enemy, and the white night may be just a brother.

White Night looked at Nicole Robin’s heart so nervous, and suddenly laughed.

He looked at me Nicole Robin, turned around and forgot about the king of Alabastan again, and then he smiled and said playfully.

“Please, two, come and crack the historical text.”

The king of Alabastan knows where the historical texts are located in this palace.

In this dimly lit underground palace, only the king of Alabastan knows the true location of historical texts.

He turned his head and said, “Come with me, I’ll take you to the historical texts.” ”

Several men followed the king of Alabastan, and the crowd walked forward in the darkness of the wall.

Then they came to a place full of the fragrance of flower petals.

It’s like being hit by some kind of sunlight coming in.

Therefore, it will be possible to have the necessary space for vegetation to grow.

Among the vegetation that grows underground, there is a huge historical text stone standing here.

Nicole Robin walked over, she had been here before, and at that time her identity was still Crokedal’s partner.

And she refused to translate the text of this historical text.

But this time is completely different, the Lord of the White Night is not Crokedal.

He didn’t have the ambitions of Crockdal, he had the kind of dream of subverting the world.

Nicole Robin came to the stone block of the historical text and gently touched these memories of history with her hand.

At this moment, she seemed to be in the middle of a long river of history.

This simply made Nicole Robin unable to calm down for a long time.

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