Moonlight Moriah has been involved in the biggest battle since joining the White Night Pirates, which is the Battle of Wano Kingdom.

In the battle between the White Night Pirates and the Hundred Beasts Pirates who crusaded against Kaido, Moonlight Moria’s abilities were indispensable.

Not only did it inflict heavy damage on the warships of Kaido and the naval headquarters that had come to support.

Moreover, he turned the corpse of the hundred beast Kaido into a zombie Kaido, became his own soldier, and at the same time became a major force in the White Night Pirate Diagram.

These were the most meaningful gifts given to him by the captain of the White Night Pirate Regiment.

Moonlight Moria did have ambitions to dominate the world of pirates.

When he was younger, he had seen the execution of One Piece Gordje in Rogue Town.

I also heard Roger’s words that shook the whole world before he died!

Onepiece is real!

So at the time he was just an unknown captain of a small pirate regiment.

But after hearing Roger say these words, he began to work hard to develop his own demon fruit power.

However, in the New World, he was defeated by Kaido of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

All the crew members except him were dead.

His own men died in front of Moonlight Moria’s eyes, so he blindly fell.

Circle the land as king in the Triangle of Terror, and then meet the White Night.

White Night took him under his command and avenged Moria in the Kingdom of Peace.

Such a great Emoria had already penetrated deep into his own blood and bones, so Moria’s loyalty to the White Night was unique.

He dared to say that he was second, and no one dared to call him first.

Moonlight Moriah is based on the shadow because his ability is based on the shadow, so the white night allows him to stay in the country of peace.

In the end, there was no Moonlight Moria to follow the white night to Alabastan.

This is what Moonlight Moria has always wanted to make up for, so that he can return to the Kingdom of Peace when Marco returns.

Let Marco talk a little bit about the situation in Alabastan.

And Haixia Ping, to be honest, has always been very hesitant in the heart of Haixia Ping.

Everything he did was to protect the White Star Princess.

He was the former captain of the kingdom of Fishman Island, and later held important positions in the Sun Pirate Regiment.

Break out of this sea and make a name for yourself.

Let the pirates and navies on this sea know that there is a sea man of a fish island.

It is chivalrous to do things all the time.

So when the White Star Princess took the initiative to join the White Night Pirates, Neptune, the king of Mermaid Island, asked the Sea Man Shihei to join in protecting the White Star Princess.

He agreed without hesitation, although this bond was not as strong as others.

But he couldn’t have betrayed enough.

It’s just that he’s been just guarding so-and-so, and everything he does is meaningful, not his own heart.

The name of the sea hero may also be nothing more than a dignified one.

So this time Ping came to ask Malcobastan what he could do.

It was nothing more than his duty to go.

It wasn’t that he felt he wanted to follow.

After all, after that Arabastan war, the next step is to choose from the rest of them.

Therefore, Shihei felt that it was time to join the battle himself.

Moonlight Moria, although it is the same period as the Seven Martial Seas of the same period.

In the old days, Moonlight Moria thought she was inferior to the Sea Hero.

But now that Moonlight Moria had awakened through his Demon Fruit ability, he had obtained the corpse of the Hundred Beasts Kaido as his soldier, which greatly enhanced his combat effectiveness.

Most importantly, Moonlight Moria is aimed at guarding Lord White Night, which is completely different from Shihei.

One is in the original mind, the other is not.

So the current Moonlight Moria was even more powerful than the Sea Man Shiping.

It’s just that they don’t feel that way.

Under the joint questioning of Moonlight Moria and Haixia Shiping.

Marco just smiled.

He drank the wine from the bottle.

He wiped his mouth and said, “Lord White Night is very strong. ”

Moriah and Shogun looked at each other and said, “I know that Lord White Night is very strong. ”

“No, you don’t know that Lord White Night’s strength is beyond the scope of your and my understanding.”

Marco said calmly, “Lord White Night really hides an unusually powerful ability.” ”

“Whenever we thought that the White Night’s ability had reached its peak, he could even break through again.”

“And his breakthrough is not the awakening of the Demon Fruit, but his breakthrough, it can be said that the attributes of his entire body seem to be improved in all aspects.”

“So on this trip to Alabastana, I didn’t really help much.”

Marco looked up at the moonlight Moria and Shipin standing in front of him.

Marco remembered that White Night could fight calmly in the Blood Cloud state of the Road Lord, and read the game within the creation space.

The White Night Lord can easily deliver a fatal blow to his opponent.

This kind of rapid growth in the event and this physical talent are simply unique in existence.

Marco was deeply impressed by the ability of the White Night Lord.

So Marco told everything that had happened in Alabastan completely.

This made Moonlight Moria and Haixia even so shocked by this kind of thing that they could not speak.

Three days are fleeting.

At dawn on the third day.

The crowd gathered around the hall of the House of Flowers.

White Night sat in the center of the hall, flanked by White Night’s generals.

Nicole Robin walked out slowly from behind.

She held the helmsman of the king of Pluto that the white night had taken, and faced everyone with a solemn face.

This feeling inevitably makes people feel a little nervous.

Nicole Robin said slowly to everyone.

“At present, I have carefully studied the information of the ancient text on this rudder wheel.”

“We’re basically sure what we’re going to do next.”

The crowd suddenly came to their senses, after all, their purpose now was to find the king of Pluto.

Nicole Robin said: “The words on the ship’s rudder wheel are actually a person’s name. ”

Nicole Robin said slowly, “This man and I used to spend two years in the same boat. ”

She continued, “And it is true that he has seen a person associated with the ancient weapon Pluto.” ”

White Night suddenly thought of that person as well.

Nicole Robin continued, “That man’s name is French, nicknamed Iron Man, and one of the crew members of the Straw Hat Pirates.” ”

“We were separated in the Chambord Islands, and then we just have to ask the big bear and we’ll know where he is.”

Nicole Robin said firmly, because she felt that she would soon see the truth about history. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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