“Invite me because I’m strong?”

With a frown, he said, “Is it just for this reason?” ”

“Of course it’s more than that!”

Bai Ye said calmly, “There are many reasons for inviting you, and your strength is only one of them, but it is also the most important one!” ”

“If your strength is not strong, I will not invite you!”

Hearing this, I smiled a little confused.

At first, he thought that Bai Ye would say some brainwashing things to him, who knew that Bai Ye would directly open the door and tell him very bluntly.

I just value your strength, only because your strength is very strong, so I want to ask you!

What a blunt word.

However, joining the pirate was not a smile, he hesitated for a moment and said, “Thank you for your kindness, but I don’t want to join the pirate for the time being!” ”

Laughing at these words, Bai Ye had already expected that this guy was very upright and unaccustomed to pirates, so it was normal to reject him.

“Don’t you refuse so quickly!”

Bai Ye smiled lightly and said lightly, “I am not a pirate, the name of pirate was only imposed on me by the Navy or others!” ”

“At the same time, I’m not interested in Roger’s treasure!”

“I invite you not to fight for Roger’s treasure, but to do a big thing, an earth-shattering big thing!”

“What kind of things, the old man is willing to hear about it!”

The smile was a little moved, and did not directly refuse.

Mainly he was also a little moved, he wanted to know what White Night really wanted to do.

“Laugh and I ask you, is the Navy justice?”

White Night did not answer directly, but looked at it and asked with a smile.

Is the Navy justice?

This question is a bit tricky, and it makes a smile a little deep.

If you change to someone else, you may only answer yes or no, both of these answers.

But a smile is not an ordinary person, as a ronin he has experienced a lot, and his vision and knowledge are not comparable to ordinary people.

The question is not just yes and no.

After a long time, he looked up at the white night with a smile and said in a deep voice: “In the old man’s opinion, the navy should be righteous, he may not be perfect, but because of the existence of the navy, many people in this world have been able to survive peacefully, because their existence of pirates cannot act arbitrarily!” ”

“Then do you think the Dracos are just?”

White Night still asked rhetorically.

Hearing this question, he smiled calmly for a long time and replied in a deep voice: “No! ”

Draco, of course, is not justice.

He is even the abyss of sin of many things, and countless people are grieving because of them.

“Then I ask you, what would you do if one day the Dracos killed a man and you were nearby as the righteous navy?” Turning a blind eye, still arrest this Draco man! ”

“This question Peach Rabbit can also answer!”

Bai Ye smiled lightly and said, “At the same time, I want to remind you that if you capture the Draco, not only will he not be punished, but because of the status of the Draco, you will be punished and even become their slave!” ”

“Of course you can also ignore this, this is nothing, because now the Navy is doing this!”

The words came out.

Peach Rabbit was speechless and didn’t know how to answer.

If it is operated normally, it will definitely not catch the Draco.

The navy is a dog of the Draco, and the admiral can be commanded by a Draco, so how can some ordinary navies catch the Draco.

Seeing that neither of them spoke, Bai Ye smiled faintly, “The so-called justice of the navy is only for ordinary people to see, if they face the Draco, they are still a dog, a dog that is loyal to the Draco!” ”

“And the Dracos have created far more disasters than some pirates, and if they hadn’t allowed the shampoo owners to become a blessing in the slave industry?” If it were not for their protection, would sin have nourished? ”

“The absolute justice in the mouth of the Navy, Lao Tzu did not believe from the beginning, their justice is only for the general public, just like I killed a navy colonel who mutilated innocents, and was directly rewarded with fifty million Baileys!”

“And on their side, the reward for the sea thieves who killed tens of thousands of people is only 20 million baileys!”

“If the Dracos kill this general, will the navy dare to say anything?”

Bai Ye sneered, “Laugh, I said so much, there is no other idea, just want to tell you that I want to overthrow the Draco, overthrow the world government, and create a truly just order, not an order ruled by the Draco.” ”

“It’s just that if you want to overthrow the rule of the Draco, it can’t be done overnight, and I can’t do it by my own strength, so I specially came to invite you!”

“Of course, if you want to join the Navy to carry out false justice and be willing to be a lackey of the Draco, you can leave now, I will not stop you!”

After speaking, Bai Ye looked at it quietly and smiled.

The peach rabbit on the side looked complicated, looked at the white night and smiled, as if he wanted to say something, but finally he could not say it to the lips.

Because she knew that what White Night said was not wrong.

Naval justice is false.

Just a lackey of the Draco!

No matter what the Dracos does, the justice of the Navy will not go to him!

“I join you!”

Smiling, he raised his head and said in a deep voice to Bai Ye, “If you say that you plan to overthrow the Draco, then I would like to help you.”

White Night’s words seemed to move a smile.

Hearing a smile agree, Bai Ye smiled and said, “You will be proud of your decision in the future!” ”

And right now.

With a smile and an eyebrow move, he whispered, “It seems that the Navy is coming!” ”

White Night’s sight and smell also sensed the change, and smiled: “They should come too!” ”

At this time.

In the middle of the sea not far from them, two naval warships slowly advanced.

In the bow part of the warship, Cap stood above it in a large dog hat, looking deeply at the Ark Proverbs in the air.

As for Lieutenant General Tsuru, he was on the sidelines.

The navy has come to rescue the White Night’s combat power has finally come!

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