The last trouble is these black-pressed large warships that are now in sight.

On the other hand, look at the warships of the world government and the navy.

The yellow ape touched his head helplessly.

“Na~ look, this time, it must be very difficult.”

“After all, that dragon guy is a monster.”

Saying that, the yellow ape had a headache.

Obviously, he felt that this mission was ‘very unreliable’.

Especially when he saw the dragon and the night maple and thought so.

However, a flash of other light flashed under the yellow ape’s eyes.

In other words, the world government did not intend to absolutely eliminate the other side, but intended to go through the motions.

Therefore— after analyzing the yellow ape in his mind, he decided to turn on the ‘salted fish paddling mode’.

With all his strength this is impossible, it is impossible in this life, there are many people on the other side, and he can’t fight, and he doesn’t want to get tired … Therefore, I can only secretly paddle to maintain the status of an elite vice admiral in the Navy.

Naturally, in addition to the yellow ape, the red dog’s sharp eyes like a vicious dog, but without exaggeration, he showed his claim of absolute justice, while the green pheasant on the side lazily got up and touched the explosive head.

193 The green pheasant glanced at the yellow ape indifferently, and then… Just yawn.

Under the indifferent gaze, the results analyzed by the green pheasant were actually similar to those of the yellow ape.

With the existing forces … It is extremely difficult to eliminate the other party’s fear.

Therefore, there should be other plans on the part of the world government.

However, no matter what the current situation is on the side of the world government, it is inevitable to start a fight, but… Now I’m afraid no one is sure.

Below, with the order of the red dog, the pitch-black shells rained down in the sky for a moment…..


This battle.

It is not so much a shock to everything as the brazenness of the world government.

Red dogs, yellow apes, green pheasants, and CP0 and others who are secretly hidden, because of the high combat power of dragons and night maples.

Coupled with the reinforcements that Ross also dared to come after he was completed, the victory that had deviated from the original deviation showed a rapid collapse.

In other words, the battle itself, as the yellow ape thought, if the world government cannot eliminate the forces of King’s Landing and the revolutionary army, then it is with other purposes, and this purpose is to pave the way for the three of them, as the way to serve as the highest combat power of the world government in the future.

Because Yefeng is not the world government, just like Karp, the world government will grit its teeth and turn its attention to the three of them.

It is also said that after this battle Kaede and Dragon joined, it was extremely funny in itself.


When the time came the next day, Red Dog, Pheasant, CP0 and others had already had to withdraw from the battle.

Moreover, this order was still given by the five old stars.

King’s Landing and the Revolutionary Army are existences that must be killed, but the five old stars are not fools, and blindly continuing will only ruin the interests of the world government.

However, with so many people dispatched, the practice below the five old stars is still extremely shameless.

For example, Kaido was punched out of the original BIG· The credit for the MOM sea area is placed on the Navy, as well as BIG· The same goes for the cleanup of the forces around the MOM Pirates.

After all, the news is blocked to death, so it is easy for the world government to make it up.

It’s like giving credit for defeating Klockdar to Smog in the original.

For the sake of royal power, the world government basically only has the word interest in its eyes, so for this result, when the yellow ape knew, he shrugged helplessly, and the red dog’s face sank, but he didn’t say anything (cgbg), because as an elite he … And how?


And on the other side.

Yefeng chose to meet the dragon alone.

The dragon wants to ‘cooperate’, and Yefeng also needs the cooperation of what the dragon wants.

For example, if it is a transportation route, money, etc., if the dragon can come up with something that interests him, Yefeng does not mind helping the revolutionary army.

Because of the existence of the world government, the friction between Yefeng and him is inevitable.

“By the way, do you have a devil fruit on your hands?”

After talking with the dragon for a while, Yefeng suddenly thought of this.

“Devil Fruit…” The way the dragon groaned, obviously, the dragon’s hand should have it.

“If I cooperate, I want to use a Devil Fruit as a deposit.”

Yefeng said.

The dragon obviously hesitated, because the revolutionary army was in the development stage, and the devil fruit was obviously extremely important to the revolutionary army.

But… If compared to King’s Landing, the dragon thought for a moment and said, “Yes, but if you cooperate, I need trouble to help us provide us with a suitable stronghold and a pass to — the underground dark world.” ”


Ye Feng heard the dragon’s conditions and agreed without hesitation.

The stronghold is nothing to Ye Feng, as for the pass to the underground dark world, Ye Feng is only the person who introduced him, as for what the purpose of the dragon is, it has nothing to do with Ye Feng.

Similarly, because of the dragon as the devil fruit, Night Maple can also open Caesar here to study.

Otherwise, the Bailey that Caesar wasted in building the laboratory would really —make Yefeng can’t help but slaughter him—-!

By the way, a certain guy with goat’s horns on his head on the empty island in the distance inexplicably trembled.

Therefore, Ye Feng could only hope that Caesar would study the artificial devil fruit as soon as possible.

Below, when BIG· The MOM Pirates officially became King’s Landing, so that the news swept like a storm, and Night Maple planned to go back.


Here in the headquarters of the Navy, first the world government was moved, and then it was entangled in things, but something big happened.

To be precise, the person who caused the accident —- Zefa.

And it’s hard to believe that Zefa lost an arm . And even lost almost all the students on the warship.

It can be said that whether it is the death of a recruit or Zefa’s accident, it is an extremely heavy matter for the warships of the navy headquarters. _

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