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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Hey hey … I said Deputy Captain, is there really no problem for us to do this? The BIGMOM Pirates have just announced their alliance with Kaido’s Beasts Pirates. Let’s attack them now, will we ? Great? ” Yuji asked with excitement on his face.
” If you don’t feel good, how about I allow you to go back now? ” Reina said with a slight twist at the corner of his mouth.
” There’s no need for that! How can the deputy captain do such a dangerous thing? I’d better come to the outpost! ” Yuji patted his chest and replied.
He had wanted to take revenge for a long time, but just happened to meet the BIGMOM Pirates and the Beasts Pirates and announced that they would join forces, and they have now surrendered to the Whitebeard Pirates, so it is not good to act alone, otherwise even if the other party is two four emperors Pirates, he won’t admit it.
I just said this just to test Reina. Now that I know that Reina is really going to attack the BIGMOM Pirates, he doesn’t want to go back!
” Deputy captain, now may not be a good time to start! ” Iji, as the eldest brother of several people, said to Reina with a blank expression.
They don’t have feelings, they don’t have no intelligence!
Naturally, he knew why Reina brought them here.
” Don’t worry, we’re not here to fight them head-on! Didn’t you find out? The navy seems to be too quiet recently! ” Reina said with a slight twist on the corner of his mouth.
” Navy? ” Everyone was stunned. Isn’t their current target the BIGMOM Pirates? What’s the deal with the navy?
” That’s right, you should know all six naval styles, right? Even if you can’t, you should be able to imitate it, right? ” Reina nodded and replied.
Regarding this, the people of the Vinsmoke family said that there is no problem. Although the Sixth Naval Style is called this in name, there are not a few people who have learned this skill, not to mention the people from the Navy and the World Government, even the pirates and the pirates. Many people in the revolutionary army have learned it.
” Vice-Captain, you want the people from the BIGMOM Pirates and the Beasts Pirates to go to the navy and find out what the navy is doing recently? ” Leiju on the side suddenly lit up and asked.
” That’s right, so this time we’re not really going to attack the BIGMOM pirates, but disguised as people from the navy and provoke them! ” Reina nodded and replied.
” But they wouldn’t believe it so easily, would they? ” said Iji, frowning.
Reina nodded and said with admiration: ” Yes, under normal circumstances, the navy will not take the initiative to provoke the pirates in the North Sea, because they need to maintain the stability of the North Sea! But …”
Reina said, smiled, and then continued: ” But now that BIGMOM and the Hundred Beast Pirates are united, it is a good time for us to do something. Whether BIGMOM will doubt it depends on your acting skills! ”
” Huh? ” A few people were taken aback, shouldn’t this kind of thing be arranged in advance? Why do you still need them to act?
” Hahaha … I had arranged for someone to pretend to be a navy surveillance ship before, but after getting close to BIGMOM ‘s site, it was sunk, so we, the intelligence officers, came here again! ” Reina smiled and replied.
” Understood ! That’s why we’re just pretending to be intelligence officers to cause a conflict with the BIGMOM Pirates, right? ” Reiju asked while rubbing her chin .
” That’s right, but remember … We are the navy now, and we call ourselves the navy. Don’t do anything deliberately framed. As long as we appear here, it will already be the biggest conflict! ” Reina said with a smile.
Several people from the Vinsmoke family nodded unconsciously, indeed … If they did this, it seemed that they could prove something more.
It didn’t take long for a few people to quietly come to the front line of the battle between the BIGMOM pirates and the aliens. They observed for a long time and did not find Kaido’s members of the Beasts Pirates.
Reina deliberately found a place with a mirror and said to a few people: ” Is the information wrong? Or is this a smoke bomb deliberately released by BIGMOM and Kaido? There is no discovery here, and there is no sea of beasts. The pirates! How about we go to the Beast Pirates to see? ”
” It shouldn’t be! After all, they are the Four Emperors Pirates. If they hadn’t united, there would be no need to do this! ” Leiju, who was pretending to be a naval intelligence officer, hesitated and replied.
” Or … we’re going a little deeper? Maybe the Beast Pirates just sent someone over to discuss cooperation, and there is no in-depth cooperation yet? ” Iji said after thinking about it.
” No, we can’t go any further. It would be bad if the BIGMOM pirates found out! The headquarters has given orders, and now we can’t do anything, as long as we maintain the current balance in the North Sea! Otherwise, two four With the cooperation of the Imperial Pirates, the people above are afraid that they have already fried the pot! ” Reina glanced at the mirror and said sternly.
When he spoke, he felt it carefully, and just now there was a wave of energy in the mirror, and it flashed past.
” Then what should we do now? If we can’t find any information, we will go back. I’m afraid it won’t be easy to explain! ” Yongzhi also urged him: ” In this case, it’s better to go deeper, as long as you are careful, it shouldn’t be a problem! ”
Reina pretended to hesitate for a moment and said, ” Okay, but we need to disguise a little bit, we can’t be like this! By the way, I didn’t receive information before, when the Germa Group joined the Whitebeard Pirates, but was caught Did the BIGMOM pirates rob them on the way? You all pretended to be Germa. Although we don’t have their transforming device, the appearance after transforming is still very easy to imitate! And I imitated the white beard sea. People from the pirates, so even if the BIGMOM pirates find out, we can still frame each other! ”
” Okay, that’s it! ” Iji and the others said, their eyes lit up immediately.
” Let’s prepare separately now, gather in ten minutes, let’s go deeper! ” Reina said, turned her back to the mirror, gave a few people a wink, and then left first.
Meanwhile, at BIGMOM ‘s station, BIGMOM is drinking with Kaido, one of the four emperors!
” Kaido … I really treat you as a younger brother, but you are really making me a little angry! Gulugulu…” BIGMOM said after taking a gulp of wine.
Usually, she seldom drinks, usually black tea and dessert, but when Kaido is here, she will definitely drink, which makes her feel a little bit like back then.
” Uhhhhhh …” Kaido laughed and said, ” Lingling … Since we were defeated by that straw hat kid on Ghost Island, our so-called Fourth Emperor has long since lived up to its name! “

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