Chapter 24 Happy hour is here!

Adventure Island, in the Crystal Hanging City, Ye Chen looked at Whitebeard and others in the crystal projection on the throne, and smiled slightly: “The game is about to start again, I don’t know what rewards I will get this time.”

Ye Chen was playing with a transparent spell in his hand, which was the reward given by Monkey·D·Dragon for clearing the temple escape game just now.

The dragon also has one in his hand.

There is something special about this new map of Temple Run!

Divided into: individual mode and competition mode!

In the personal mode, the Devil Fruit ability cannot be used, and the speed is also limited. Admiral runs a little faster than the monster inside, and his strength and stamina are 10,000 times stronger, but the speed is not fast. Falling off a cliff will kill you just like falling into a trap.

The game mode is different. Although the speed and destructive power are still limited, the Devil Fruit ability can be used.

It’s just that the opening condition of the game mode is that at least seven people can participate, and a deposit is required, no one can play a game: 10,000 gold coins.

The one who runs the furthest in the end is the winner and receives a random mystery reward.

At the same time, every time the temple escape competition mode ends, Ye Chen will also get a reward, and the reward is also random, depending on how far the contestant runs.

The last time Monkey D. Dragon won, this time adding Whitebeard is not necessarily the case.

A total of ten people participated in the competition mode this time.

Among them are Whitebeard, Ice Witch, Phoenix, Buggy, Mochi, Kabaji, and Ivankov, Monkey·D·Dragon, Tyrant Bear and a fat nobleman of Goya Kingdom.

At this time, all the contestants were ready in the standby room in the temple map.

“Kuhahahaha… I’m looking forward to seeing what fun there will be.”

Whitebeard has been regarded as the strongest man in the world, and he has not pursued much in terms of combat, and he has not been in such an uplifting mood for a long time.

As soon as the words were finished, a countdown appeared on the small screen of the coin machine, three, two, one, start!


As the prompt sounded, the GO signal sounded on the crystal projection screen, and the ten contestants disappeared from the standby room at the same time and were sent to various passages for escape from the temple.

In the first half of the competition mode, each player will be assigned to an independent track, and the track will merge after 10,000 meters, so that the competitors can adapt to the first 10,000 meters and start playing later.

Moreover, if everyone is on the same starting line, I am afraid that a war will break out as soon as they enter, so there is no point in the game at all.

In other words, whoever starts faster will have a better chance later, because a melee will definitely break out at 10,000 meters.

There is also a game rule, that is, you cannot cross the track, you must run forward, or you will be banned from the game.

At this time, the scene in Temple Escape was like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers.

In the first runway vision.

“Jie Jie Jie, this kind of thing, this uncle is the best at it, the reward for the first place must be mine.” Buggy’s ability to get away is really top-notch, but this time his opponents are not those small characters in the past.

After Buggy finished speaking, he directly used the fruit ability and flew up, leaving only his feet to continue running on the runway. Various obstacles were relatively easy for him.

The two tracks next to Buggy were Mochi and Kabaji. I thought they were here to accompany them. In front of the top powerhouses like Whitebeard, they had no chance of winning. It was hard to say whether they could last 10,000 meters.

However, in Mo Qi’s vision, the style of painting is a bit strange, the guy is riding the furry beast running wildly on the track.

“Hey, I didn’t expect that my animal trainer ability would be effective for these guys.” Mo Qi rode the giant beast with his legs crossed, his face full of enjoyment.

The operation of the other Kabbage was also a bit surprising. The guy stepped on the unicycle directly, like an acrobatic troupe, but the overall speed did not lag behind.

The Phoenix’s ability seems to be born for the competition, directly unfolding the phoenix wings and a Luffy line, and has always maintained a long lead.

Not far from the Phoenix is ​​Monkey·D·Dragon. Although his Devil Fruit ability has been partially weakened, he is a man with the same wind, and this weakening cannot limit his performance at all.

The rest, Ivankov, Tyrant Bear, Ice Witch, and Fatty Noble basically maintained the same forward speed, because they felt that the latter was the key time to exert their strength.

However, the most unbearable is the runway at Whitebeard, which looks like a demolition as a whole.

Other players have their own unique tricks to win, but Whitebeard is like a child, only caring about his own fun, I don’t know how long he hasn’t been so happy.

“Kuhahahaha…Interesting, exciting!”

Whitebeard slapped monsters, ducked in, and ran wild with laughter, it was pretty cool.

Bang! Bang! bang…

None of the obstacles on the runway survived, and they were all destroyed by Whitebeard. The most terrifying thing was that after being hammered several times by him, many weak and furry monsters did not dare to approach.

just too violent…

At this time, the clown Buggy came to the position of 8000 meters, and he could soon reach the merging of the runway…

Bang! Bang! bang…

“I’m going to your uncle, who is it?!!!!”

Suddenly, on Buggy’s track, more than a dozen huge monsters fell from the sky, blocking the track at once.

The appearance of these monsters is not the setting of the game. Buggy is also aware of this. He has read the introduction of the game, and there is no such situation where a dozen monsters appear at the same time, and they are in front of the track.

The same thing happened to the two runways next to it.

“Help, Boss Buggy, save me!!!” Mo Qi also cried out in pain.

“Forgive me!” Kabbage was pressed and rubbed on the ground by more than a dozen monsters.

However, all this is no accident, in fact, these monsters are all gifts from Tyrant Bear to Buggy, Kabaji and Mochi.

Along the way, once a giant monster appears behind Tyrant Bear, he will use the fruit ability to shoot the monsters flying, store them at the front of his track, and then shoot them on Buggy’s track at one time.

So, such a prank was created.

Moreover, Buggy and their disasters are more than that. There are also typhoons that appear from time to time. It is not the setting of the game, but the masterpiece of Monkey·D·Dragon.

The crystal projections on East Blue Adventure Island and New World Adventure Island are showing pictures of temple competitions, and the content is simply too hot for the eyes.

Even Ye Chen couldn’t help but chuckle.

At this time, the soldiers of the Whitebeard Pirates were watching the content of the game in the crystal projection outside, and they were cheering for their favorite players.

“Dad, use your enthusiasm to burn the arena! You are the strongest!!!”

“Captain Marco, spread your wings like a phoenix, you are the best!”

“Captain Whitebee, come on, let them see your heroism!!!”

One match, one match for one afternoon, was quite intense, and three people had already been eliminated.

That evening, when Sengoku arrived at the temple island with the fleet, he was stunned.

Looking at the temple runway, the joyful little giant like a child!

Sengoku exclaimed strangely, “This is… Whitebeard?”


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