Chapter 59 NPCs from Super Dimension! (4 updates, please subscribe!)

“System, why are NPCs so expensive!!!”

Ye Chen just thought about opening the NPC function and adding MapleStory to attract more adventurers, but when he checked the NPC task list in the exchange store, his eyes were full.

This price is not half as expensive, it is extremely expensive!

Ye Chen glanced at it briefly, then was stunned, and then silently counted how many zeros there were.


The cheapest NPC, the janitor who guards the gate actually needs 10,000 adventure points!

Those professional mentors are ridiculously expensive:

Gun Rank Instructor: A young and beautiful, age-unknown, purple-haired old lady with two guns coughs, purple-haired girl, asking for 200,000 Adventure Points!!!

A professional mentor directly asked Ye Chen to fully serve his wealth!

Although it looks good, it is also very powerful!

But this guy is just driving up the price comparison!!!

In addition to her, there is also a realm big demon who is always seventeen years old, what is the name of the eight cloud purple!

Not to mention the price, Ye Chen said he couldn’t afford it.

Except for these two, the prices of the other NPCs are also expensive and purple!!!

Looking at the prices of NPCs that need to go bankrupt to buy them in minutes, Ye Chen587 couldn’t help it, and complained: “System, you are playing with me, why are the prices of NPCs so expensive!”

Ye Chen was speechless. He originally wanted to add some features to MapleStory and place a few NPCs, but he didn’t expect it to be so expensive.

Most importantly, the price/performance ratio does not know where it is reflected.

“Ding! NPC is responsible for managing Adventure City, and in Adventure City, they will get invincible buffs that are immune to all damage, so the most common city guards need 10,000 adventure points to bless the invincible BUFF!

“Ding! And those powerful NPCs are of course more expensive.

Ye Chen frowned and said, “Isn’t this unreasonable, I only spent tens of thousands of adventure points to strengthen myself, but I’m already invincible in the world, and now it takes more system points to summon NPCs than to strengthen myself?”

Ye Chen understands it correctly. Spending so many adventure points does not improve himself at all. It is really hard to say.

“Ding! Host’s ability can’t be calculated like this. The black swordsman suit, golden armor, and treasure of the king are all obtained by opening gift packs. Arturia Pandora’s alternator is obtained by drawing cards, and the price of direct exchange for her is also ten. Be adventurous and start.”

“Ding! Except for Zanpakutō, Mangekyō Sharingan, and Ōtsutsuki bloodline, most of the remaining abilities are obtained as rewards.

“Ding! Host strengthens itself, the system gives free Chakra and Reiatsu, summons heroic spirits, provides free magic power, and is perfectly compatible with various energies!”

“Ding! These are the privileges of being a Host!”

“Ding! Summon NPC, Host will also get new privileges, no matter how you count it, you are not at a loss.”

Reminder: If the system is upgraded again, the Host will get more privileges, such as turning on the [Recycle] function!

Hearing some small grievances from the system, Ye Chen was silent for a while, and sighed: “I have to say, you convinced me!”

It turned out that the system did not pit him, but instead got rewards.

After thinking about it, Ye Chen asked again: “What new privileges will I get by summoning NPCs!”

“Ding! Manage NPCs!

Hearing the system’s simple and clear answer, Ye Chen was speechless, and after a little emotional relief, he directly Kaidō: “It’s up to you to say, if I can’t manage it, why should I summon them.

“Ding! NPCs can manage players in the city, such as closing a small black house! – a kind of power to banish other spaces.

“Ding! And the Host can manage NPCs, so the Host will also gain the ability to shut people up in a dark room.”

“Ah, that sounds pretty good.

This function is very good. Ye (caej)chen didn’t want to remind Charlotte Linlin to use her soul to recharge before, mainly because she was afraid that Charlotte Linlin would cause trouble and kill innocent people and affect the income of Adventure Island.

But with the sanctions of the little black room, Charlotte Linlin would not dare.

Otherwise, let her look good!

After a pause, Ye Chen then asked, “Are there any other privileges.”

“Ding! After summoning the NPC, the City Lord’s Mansion will unlock its true function; the guild system!

“The guild system is interesting.”

Hearing this, the corners of Ye Chen’s mouth rose slightly, and some interesting ideas suddenly appeared in his heart.

Like engaging in guild wars or something.

Ye Chen wasn’t dissatisfied now, but he still felt a little distressed about his system, so he asked, “Are there any good recommendations.”

“Ding! It is recommended by the system that Host can directly purchase card pool gift packs from the NPC card pool in the exchange store, and can get five random NPCs!

“Tell me about the type and price.” Ye Chen asked.

“Ding! The price types are as follows: 50,000 black iron package, 100,000 bronze discount package! 200,000 silver premium package! 500,000 gold package! Million platinum super package! Ten million diamond ultimate package! 100 million

“Stop, stop, don’t 100,000,000, you don’t need to think about it now!”

Ye Chen pouted, and the more he talked, the more unhappy he felt. Thinking of how many zeros there were in the back gave him a headache.

What’s in the “Silver” Value Pack.

Ye Chen can only afford this at the moment, so he asked.

“Ding! The silver premium package can randomly summon NPCs from the super-dimensional, and choose five people as the NPCs in Adventure City! There are ten NPCs in five locations: the City Lord’s Mansion, the Market, the Shop, the Blacksmith Shop, and the Hotel, and there are two people in each location. select!”

“Choose one of two?” Ye Chen frowned slightly. He didn’t expect that the gift package could be chosen from one of two.

“Ding! It’s not a choice, each position has a guaranteed NPC, and the other has to see if the Host’s affinity and personality can keep them!

“I understand, the price of the guaranteed candidates is definitely not as good as luck, right.

Ye Chen smiled instantly.

“Ding! What the host said is very true!”

“I knew it.

Ye Chen pouted, but finally chose this silver premium package.

Because it was the best option he could choose!!!

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