Chapter 99 Naval Headquarters lying down with a gun… (4 more, please subscribe!)

East Blue Adventure Island, Crystal Hanging City.

“Hahaha, this guy Golden Lion…to use god-level driving skills like this, amazing!”

Ye Chen couldn’t help laughing when he watched Golden Lion’s operation.

But what deserves credit is the Golden Lion’s mind, which converts the awakened giant lion into a Transformer, and then can make full use of his rewards in Adventure Island to drive. The god-level car skill is a god-level skill that can completely control the Uranus ghost, dragon, and god skeleton. The power of this trick really has two hits!!

“Wow, what a cool mech!”

Little Makino, who was leaning on Ye Chen’s throne, looked at the cool mecha in the crystal projection, and his eyes shone with starlight.

Although girls like cute toys, the second awakening like Golden Lion is really cool.

Makino, who also loves adventure in his heart, was also very shocked when he saw it.

Not to mention the players in MapleStory.

“It’s not just cool, it’s infinitely more powerful in power and control!

Ye Chen said lightly.

Uranus ghost dragon god skeleton as the theme of the mecha, plus the technology of god-level car skills, Golden Lion is now equivalent to Kira Yamato in the world of Gundam, the strongest pilot!

Judging from the appearance of the signs, it is estimated that this time Whitebeard is a bit hanging!

“Then wouldn’t their fight be devastating, and would it affect innocent people?”

Makino said with a worried look.

“Don’t worry, it’s the Calm Belt, it’s not a country and it’s very few residents.”

Ye Chen said indifferently.

This time, he did not intend to stop it, after all, it was the Adventure Island reward that 617 others had worked so hard to get.

Ye Chen, who has an influence on MapleStory, will take action, and if he can ignore his personal grievances, he will try his best to ignore it.

The reason why the Charlotte Linlin incident happened last time was because her ambition was too great. She wanted to eradicate all hostile forces.

That’s why Ye Chen was forced to stop it.

“However, those few residents are innocent.”

Makino pouted and said aggrieved.

“Don’t worry, if the situation gets out of control, someone will come forward.”

Ye Chen said with a smile.

After saying that, he continued to watch the play with little Makino in his arms.

And at this time, on the battlefield in the sky.

“Cola la la la… Come on, this old man also wants to see how far his abilities can go!”

Whitebeard did not admit defeat because of the gap in size, but went upstream and took the initiative to invite battle.

“Then I will fulfill you!”

Golden Lion said, and made a move.

“Mecha Lion King Furious Fist!

Golden Lion controls the mecha behemoth, and the huge mountain-like arm pulls the bow back, and punches at Whitebeard’s direction!


At the moment of punching, a strong coercion blew the clouds away, like a giant meteor falling from outer space, penetrating the air layer, unstoppable!

However, Whitebeard did not admit his counsel, and directly counterattacked under great pressure.

“Giant Wei · Grand Slam!”

Whitebeard’s whole body was steaming, making his body turn red, and then his right fist was tightened to his waist, and the powerful weapon-colored energy was released, causing the surrounding space to tremble slightly, and finally he jumped out of the box for life.


At the moment when the fists of the two sides confronted each other, a dazzling fire broke out, creating signs of scorching sun. At the same time, the terrifying explosive force directly caused a tsunami in the sea below, and the entire Calm Belt also produced a violent earthquake!

The explosion roared through the sky, echoing throughout the Calm Belt!

The final result was a draw between the two sides. Whitebeard was knocked back by a thousand meters due to his body size, but the Golden Lion’s mecha monster also retreated a few positions.

“Look how long you can hold on!”

Golden Lion didn’t say much, and directly launched the second attack.

“Lion King Power Judgment Hammer!”

Golden Lion controls the mecha behemoth, merges his fists, and then slams it down, the moment the fist falls, it creates a strong pressure, making the sea below dent!

Whitebeard gritted his teeth and fought back again.

Giant “Wrath Crack Air Shock!”

Whitebeard is half-squatting, his body is accumulating energy, and his whole body bursts with an amazing outflow of air. The next second, he kicks violently, and the air layer under his feet explodes.


At the moment when the fists of the two sides collided, the picture freezes, and the dazzling dazzling light covers the entire sea area, making people unable to look directly, only to hear a loud noise like the sky is falling!

A few seconds later, the aftershocks of the bombing of the fight spread, staged a doomsday, and the amazing wind blew an isolated island in the Calm Belt near the battlefield.

In addition to the isolated islands that were blown away, the other islands in the Calm Belt range were also spared, all suffered a 20-level storm, and some were directly submerged by the tsunami!

Boom boom boom!!!!

Only Rainbow Islands is safe and sound.

At this moment, the spectator (cae) players on Rainbow Adventure Island were instantly stunned, looking at the sky in a stunned manner.

“Damn it, it’s so powerful!”

Doflamingo frowned.

“Sure enough, the legend is still not easy to mess with.”

Edith swallowed hard, and instantly felt that his pride was not worth mentioning in front of Whitebeard and Golden Lion.

“It’s tough this time.”

Zephyr’s face gradually solidified.

“I’m really behind.”

Garp said solemnly.

It seems that “the gap is still huge!”

The black-robed man frowned, and only when he saw Whitebeard with such a world-destroying power, did he realize that he was far from enough.

The most innocent, however, was Naval Headquarters, who was shot while lying down.

The uninhabited island that was blown up by the strong wind happened to hit the Naval Headquarters, and most of the buildings were directly destroyed.

In the ruins, Sengoku scolded the sky: “What the hell is that bastard!

We “Marine messed with whoever, and suddenly gave us such a generous gift.”

The ghost spider said helplessly, a good Naval Headquarters suddenly turned into ruins.

“Say it’s so big!”

The exorcist said innocently.

Kong angrily picked up the phone to contact Garp on Rainbow Island, and the moment the other party connected, he yelled, “What a fool, this is, an island hit our Naval Headquarters head?!!”

“Marshal Kong, Whitebeard and Golden Lion fought. We couldn’t stop it. As for why, you should be clear. The island was not thrown by Golden Lion against our Marine, but was blown away by aftershocks.”

On the other end of the phone, Garp said with a depressed expression.


Kong’s expression froze instantly when he heard this, he couldn’t imagine what kind of battle it was!

Now the Marine executives are shaking and trembling.

Whitebeard is okay, don’t mess with him, he won’t mess with you.

The Golden Lion has a grudge against the Naval Headquarters.

This is trouble.

After a pause, Kong said hurriedly: “You guys think of a way to stabilize the situation, I’ll go to the Five Elders for a meeting.

After that, hang up the phone bug.

Rainbow Adventure Island, Garp scolded: “Stabilize the situation, Laozi also wants to stabilize.”

It’s not a hit at all.

The monsters of the same level as him in the past were one level higher than him because of the rewards from MapleStory.

“Guan Jian is still Adventure Island.

Akainu gritted his teeth.

At this moment, the surrounding players are also discussing this issue.

“Yes, it is Adventure Island, the power of Adventure Island can be so strong.

“The Age of Adventure Island is indeed irreversible.”

“Hey, one day I will become so powerful!

At this time, someone was worried.

“But it’s not the way to fight like this. The aftermath of their battle will destroy the nearby Calm Belt.”

“The Naval Headquarters is not too far from here, the normal voyage is only a few days away.”

“I think Naval Headquarters might be on the hook.”

Garp wouldn’t tell them, however, that Naval Headquarters had been tricked.

Who can stop them.

At this time, the three sisters, Redhead, Hawkeye, Benn Beckman, Blackbeard, and Boa Hancock, who had their own harvests, all came out of the Pokémon map.

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