Zhang Yang is not maliciously belittling or accusing Monchi… Dragon.

But after reading many reports about the GE Army in recent years,

Real conclusions drawn.

This one seems to be fighting for freedom,

Organizations fighting for civilians,

In fact, in addition to increasing the casualties of innocent people,

Over the years, they have not been able to stabilize any of the state regimes they have overthrown.

The countries and peoples that they liberated,

Today, life is still in dire straits.

In addition to those that have been handed down,

In addition to the “heroic deeds” that can be sung and wept,

They have not been able to bring about any real change for these poor people.

One in the face of an attack by pirates,

Forces that cannot even keep their own base areas,

How can it be an opponent of the Navy headquarters or the world government?

In the end, it’s still too weak.

In addition to the dragon, Saab, the five army commanders, and the tyrant bear who joined the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty and received transformation, these high-end combat powers.

The middle echelons of the ge. Army have little combat effectiveness that can be supported.

The victory they achieved,

The vast majority rely on the tactics of the sea of people.

And countless civilians who rose up to fight back,

It became one “freedom war” after another,

The only casualty.

“Candle Dragon, although I admire your actions for the common people, for justice… But I don’t agree with what you just said, if you don’t even have the courage to resist in the face of oppression, then this country…”

Although “Dragon” knows that what Zhang Yang said is the truth.

But he had to make a defense.

But he hadn’t finished speaking.

Zhang Yang interrupted in an impatient cold voice:

“I don’t need your approval, just said that… It’s my warning to you!”

“I don’t care how you toss in ‘Paradise’ and ‘New World’, but if E. Ming Army dares to meddle in the turmoil in the four seas, I will personally lead the troops to clear it!”

The cold words that threw on the ground made the “dragon”‘s brows suddenly jump.

He could see it.

Zhang Yang is not joking.

In front of this rapidly rising naval supernova,

But it has a strong strength comparable to the four emperors.

Originally, they had also studied counter-publicity in the military department.

But now it seems,

It doesn’t seem like that possibility anymore.

Zhang Yang is right.

From a hard power perspective,

The ge. Army is indeed too small.

Zui’s corner arced a slightly imperceptible bitter arc, and after looking at Zhang Yang for a moment, the “dragon” said with a complicated expression:

“When I go back, I will order people to withdraw from the four seas, but I also hope that the Candle Dragon General can keep your previous promise!”

This man, who was recognized by the world government as “the world’s most vicious criminal”,

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In the end, he chose to compromise.

Compared to the bragging strength,

What really makes the “dragon” more headache and fearful is his ruthless means that are more unscrupulous than pirates.

After all, the prestige of the “Navy Mad Dog”, which terrified pirates, was not for nothing.

If the G. life army that is in the growth stage is now targeted by Zhang Yang,

I am afraid that the pace of subverting world governments will be seriously hindered.


Next second.

The tall figure of the “dragon” quickly disappeared into the dark sky in a gust of wind.

A sly look flashed under his eyes,

The flamboyant zui horn gradually arced a bad smile of successful conspiracy,

And in a voice that only he could hear, he muttered:

“Hehe, Dragon, don’t worry, what you Ge Ming Army can’t do, I will definitely do it for you, but before that… I need you to help me get the attention of those idiots in the world government!”

After being promoted to general,

Zhang Yang suddenly received more “attention” from the world government.

So he desperately needed someone who could help him share this “attention.”

It just so happens that “Dragon” and his ge. Fate Army are the best candidates.


“Aaaaa The boat looks like it’s going to capsize, it’s terrifying!”

Usoppe’s terrified screams came from the Golden Melly.

“Hey, Luffy, when we enter the Great Voyage, you will immediately find me a navigator, I am a cook, not a helmsman!”

Yamaji, who was driving the boat, said with a dissatisfied look.

“Got it, got it!”

Luffy, who was sitting at the bow of the boat, said with a grin.

“Hey, everyone, look at that light… Is it a lighthouse on the island?”

Solon shouted, pointing to the lights that suddenly appeared in the distance.

“Usopp, the entrance to the Great Passage should be in front of that light, right?”

Luffy asked, pointing in the direction of the lighthouse.

“Bastard Luffy, why do you ask me about this kind of thing, I’m not a navigator!”

Usopp, who was clinging to the railing, suddenly said with a look of horror.

“Yes, it is indeed the entrance to the Great Route… But are you really ready?”

An icy voice suddenly sounded from behind everyone.

Zhang Yang didn’t know when he was already sitting on the deck.

“Who are you, and why are you on my boat?”

Luffy asked with a puzzled look.

“Idiot, this man is a senior admiral of the Navy headquarters… Candle dragon!”

Yamaji, who reads the newspaper every day, recognizes Zhang Yang at a glance.

When I was at the sea restaurant Bharati,

He could always hear guests talking about the highly regarded admiral.

And all kinds of newspapers as long as they have something to do with him,

It is sure to sell out soon.

So he is no stranger to this “star” general.

It’s just that he took the initiative to come to the door now.

Is the voyage that has just begun,

Is this the end of it?_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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