Chapter 058 Dressrosa’s request for help! ! [The first request for support]

“However, this is only the first step…”

A smile appeared on Luo Xiu’s mouth, and his eyes slowly radiated eager light.

Haki’s training is endless, and his use in battle is even more complicated and changeable.

As far as Luo Xiu knows, the advanced form of Armament Haki has a flowing Haki superior Haki like “Emission”.

Not to mention that on top of “Emission”, there are even more powerful Haki means capable of destroying the inside of the opponent’s body.

As for Observation Haki, there are more varieties.

The ability to hear the voice of all things, and the Observation Haki, powerful enough to predict the future.



At this time, the voice of the phone bug suddenly rang, interrupting Luo Xiu’s contemplation.

“A communication from the headquarters?”

Luo Xiu frowned, looking at the military phone bug in his hand, he couldn’t help thinking.

Logically speaking, the headquarters will rarely contact G-5.

He connected to the phone bug.

“I’m Luo Xiu.”

He said solemnly.

The low, solemn voice of Marshal Marine Sengoku came from the phone bug.

“Luo Xiu, something happened to Dressrosa.”

“Don Quixote Doflamingo, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, led his pirates to appear in Dressrosa, threatening him to collect a huge sum of 10 billion Berry within a day, or he would lead his troops to capture Dressrosa.”

“The headquarters has just received a request from King Riku, King Dressrosa, for help. He hopes Marine will send personnel to mediate.”


Hearing the name, Luo Xiu’s eyes suddenly flashed coldness.

However, he did not immediately agree to accept the task, but calmly said:

“Marshal Sengoku, if I remember correctly, Marine is not allowed to interfere in the internal affairs of the country.”

“Dressrosa is also a member of the World government. Marine’s rash appearance in Dressrosa’s borders will probably cause an uproar from fishing boats.”

Hearing Luo Xiu’s words, on the other side of the phone bug, Sengoku immediately scolded.

“Stinky boy, don’t play these political officialdoms for this old man!”

“Dressrosa is an extremely important commercial route center point in the New World, and King Liku has been praised by many people during the years of managing Dressrosa, and it has greatly supported our justice!”

“Doflamingo is now a pirate, a pirate group is threatening the king of the World government allied countries, what’s the matter!?”

“If it wasn’t because the time was too urgent, and the military support from the headquarters was too late, how would I ask your G-5 branch to take action?”

“You go quickly! Sakazuki Vice Admiral has left the headquarters with an army, and he will join you as soon as possible.”

Luo Xiu narrowed his eyes and suddenly laughed.

“Marshal Sengoku, it’s not that my side is unwilling to send troops.”

“But there is a very serious problem in it.”

“That’s who Doflamingo is.”

“The Donquixote Family was the royal family that ruled Dressrosa many years ago, and he is now back in Dressrosa, presumably to regain his position as king.”

“He is willing to take such a big risk, and he must be the king.”

“So what I mean is that if I send troops here, the G-5 branch will have a fight with the Don Quixote Pirates.”

“Then the result of this battle…”

Luo Xiu did not continue.

But he knew that on the other side of the phone bug, Marshal Sengoku, known as “The Resourceful General”, would definitely understand what he meant.

Sure enough, Sengoku fell silent.

Luo Xiu wasn’t in a hurry, just waited quietly.

Although the G-5 is relatively independent from the headquarters, it is difficult to say all these military operations without the approval of the headquarters.

Time passed minute by minute.

The hot air waves on the ground are rolling in, but Luo Xiu’s heart is getting colder and colder.

until a certain moment.

Sengoku said slowly:

“Doflamingo can’t die, that’s the bottom line.”

“Your goal is simply to stop his actions and prevent Dressrosa’s regime from changing hands.”

“Let Sakazuki take care of the rest.”

His tone sank.

Luo Xiu said coldly:

“I know.”

He just hung up the phone bug.

Then he slowly turned around, and the corner of his mouth drew a coldness again.

“Vergo Commodore, you’ve heard it.”

Virgo nodded numbly, unable to see the change in his expression.

Luo Xiu slowly put on the snow-white cloak hanging on the side.

The frigid wind came on, blowing the cloak, as if churning iron and blood.

“Let’s go, then, we’ll have a big battle soon.”

“Are you right, Vergo Commodore.”


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