Pirates: Mechanic

Chapter 263 Volcanic Stone

Staring at Qiuhe's undisguised face, Robin was completely stunned, his mind stuck in a state of panic.

This person, of course she knows, the mechanical thug, the traitor of the navy, the sinner of the world... all these titles refer to the person in front of her.

Robin met Qiu He a few years ago, because Qiu He, who was a bounty hunter, simply let him go, so she had a deep impression on him.

After a few years, although Qiuhe's appearance gradually faded in her mind, she still remembered that there was such a person.

Recalling Qiu He's appearance again, it was on the newspaper some time ago. Robin never expected that the bounty hunter who let him go would become a world-renowned figure.

And such a person who was wanted all over the world actually appeared in front of her now.

"Let's get to know each other again. I'm Qiu He, the world's most wanted criminal. Miss Robin, would you like to be my companion?" Qiu He handed her right hand to Robin, and said with a light smile, "Being my companion, you are completely Don't worry about being betrayed by me."

Of course, there is no need to worry about being betrayed. If Qiuhe dared to appear in front of the world government, he would be hit like a storm immediately.

Compared with Qiuhe, the world government's blow to her is just a drizzle.

If she really becomes a companion, she doesn't have to worry about being betrayed by Qiuhe, but Qiuhe should be more worried about being betrayed by her.

However, to be able to survive under such a crazy wanted by the world government, Qiuhe obviously has a hand, and it should be pretty good to be his companion and get his protection.

"You are such a big shot, why do you need me as a companion?"

For what reason, in fact, Robin already knew that her value was only a high bounty and knowledge of ancient texts.

Qiu He, the world's most wanted criminal who intercepted the gold from the sky and was offered a reward of one billion, was obviously not for her bounty, so Qiu He's purpose was already very clear.

However, knowing that she knew, she still wanted Qiuhe to tell his purpose in person.

"It's very simple, because you know the ancient texts, I want to pursue the truth of history, and I want to find the final island of Ralph Drew, you are indispensable."

Qiu He didn't hide anything, and stated his purpose very directly.

He and Robin only met twice,

There is no relationship at all between the two of them. They are called companions, but they are actually just a cooperative relationship.

Only with the same goal can the relationship be firmly linked.

"I see, is it for the treasure of the One Piece?"

"No, Ralph Drew does not have the treasure of One Piece. There is only a blank hundred years of history there. The reason why Roger of One Piece said that is just to wait for a suitable person to announce that period of history."

Regardless of whether what Qiuhe said was true or just lied to her, the content of the answer alone really satisfied her.

Robin's pupils flickered, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he held Qiu He's outstretched hand.

"Nicole Robin, just call me Robin."

After the companionship was reached, Qiuhe put the helmet back on, took out a small wooden box from his backpack and handed it to Robin.

"This is a meeting gift for my companions, I hope you like it."

Robin took the small wooden box with a smile, turned it over and looked at it twice. The pattern engraved on the bottom of the box immediately caught her attention. It was the acronym for the words 'Tree of Omniscience'.

His expression changed, and Robin immediately opened the box, and a medal was neatly placed inside the box.

Reaching out and gently stroking the medal, Robin's face gradually became sad, and tears slowly dripped from the corners of his eyes.

This box is exactly the wooden box made of branches of the tree of omniscience that Qiu He got shortly after he came to this world, and the medal in the box was found by Qiu He when he was in the navy.

Originally, Qiuhe planned to find a special jewelry made by O'Hara and put it in a box, and planned to give it to Robin when she met with Robin, so as to get closer. medal.

As far as Qiuhe knew, Robin passed the doctoral examination when she was a child, and when she fled, she obviously wouldn't carry the medal with her. This gift should have a good effect.

Now it seems that the effect of this gift is really good.

It took a long time before Robin calmed down, closed the box gently, and carefully put the small box in his pocket.

Robin looked up at Qiuhe, with a smile from the heart on his face, and thanked softly, "Thank you."

"As long as you like it."

Qiu He nodded, and handed the wet towel to Robin again.

Robin wiped his face, looked at Qiu He, and asked, "So, what are we going to do next?"

Qiu He clutched her stomach which started to protest again, and said, "Let's go eat first!"


She was about to have dinner just now, but was interrupted by the man on the ground with a different head. Now she is also hungry.


"Unexpectedly, you don't know anything about this island. How did you land on the island?"

Robin took Qiuhe and walked on the streets full of barbecue restaurants. After talking with Qiuhe, she realized that Qiuhe didn't even know the name of Sisippi Island, let alone what was on the island.

"You'll know when you leave, don't talk so much now, let's hurry up and find a place to eat!"

His body was surrounded by mixed aromas, and Qiu He, who was already very hungry, felt even hungrier now. He felt that he could eat a cow now.

"There are barbecue restaurants outside here. I'll take you to a famous restaurant, which has all the delicacies of Sisippi Island. It's a worthwhile trip for you!"

According to Qiuhe, they will only stay on the island for one night and will leave tomorrow, so Robin plans to take Qiuhe to eat at a restaurant that has all the delicacies on the island and tastes very good.

Although he was already very hungry, Qiuhe could only endure it a little longer for the sake of delicious food.

Along the way, Robin has not been idle, and has been popularizing the knowledge of Sisippi to Qiuhe.

If it's boring historical and cultural knowledge, Qiu He really doesn't know how to listen, but when he talks about food, Qiu He immediately becomes interested.

Sisippi is a volcanic island, where a very unique volcanic rock is produced. This volcanic rock will leave a high temperature after being buried in the ground for several days or even dozens of days.

It is precisely because of the existence of this unique volcanic stone that the unique volcanic stone food culture of this island has been created.

The most famous ones developed are the three delicacies of volcanic stone barbecue, volcanic carnation fish and volcanic stone baked desserts.

If you come to this island and don't eat these three delicacies, it is simply a waste of time.

And most of the shops only sell one kind of food separately, only the shop that Robin plans to take Qiu He to sells three kinds of food together, and the taste is very good.

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