Pirates: Mechanic

Chapter 278 Request

Navy Headquarters, inside the Office of Marshal Sengoku.

Zhan Guo sat in his chair with a solemn face, thinking about why Qiuhe went to the Chambord Islands at this juncture.

You must know that Qiu He's arrest warrant has only been released for a few months. In terms of the world's backward information transmission technology, Qiu He's news enthusiasm is far from cooling down, and it can even be said that it has just reached its peak.

However, at such a time, he didn't find a place to hide well, and faded out of the world government's sight, but ran to the Chambord Islands so close to the Navy headquarters. Isn't this purely courting death?

Did he really think the Navy couldn't find him? Or did he think that even if the navy found him, he wouldn't be able to keep him?

Or is there something he has to do in such a turbulent time, making money is his real purpose?

The 10 billion gold in the sky is not enough to spend. Is it because the revolutionary army has recently taken some major actions that require a large amount of money?

Zhan Guo pondered for a moment, and decided that it would be better to talk to Wulaoxing after the matter came to fruition.

General Akainu sat on the sofa, staring at the teacup on the table with a gloomy face, looking like a volcano about to erupt.

"I should be allowed to go with him. His existence will only shame the justice of the Navy and must be cleared as soon as possible."

"Yellow Ape, Green Pheasant, and Zilong have all gone. If the three of them can't catch him, even if you add one, it won't help."

With two generals and one alternate general, it stands to reason that it would be more than enough to catch a Qiuhe.

However, there is a feeling in the heart of the Warring States that things are not as simple as imagined.

"However, I recruited him into the navy, so I should have captured him with my own hands."

Akainu clenched his fist, the back of his hand began to turn red gradually, and traces of magma overflowed from the back of his hand.

"It's not your fault. He deceived all of us. Even if we change someone, it won't be any better."

Sengoku picked up the green tea in front of him, took a sip, and softly enlightened Akainu.

Akainu's temper is too hot, and he believes in absolute justice. This is a good thing and a bad thing.

To keep him from messing around,

Warring States will call him to the office and stare at him.

"Marshal, what's new... Corinth St. and Cabarine Palace were hijacked in Mangrove Area 15, Chambord Islands."

An admiral rushed into the marshal's office in a hurry, and opened his mouth to spit out a very bad news.


The overly surprised Warring States directly squirted out the tea that had just been imported and had no time to swallow.

"Are you kidding, hasn't the yellow ape already arrived at the Chambord Islands! Why would someone hijack the Tianlongren..."

Just halfway through speaking, a figure flashed in his mind, and Zhan Guo couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

"The one who hijacked the Tianlong people, could it be..."

There was a wry smile on the general's face, and he replied, "It's Qiuhe from the revolutionary army. General Huang Yuan has already fought him, but because he is holding Tianlong Ren hostage, General Huang Yuan has to stop."

Sure enough, it was him.

Warring States couldn't help having a headache. He had already guessed that Qiuhe, a bold guy, would never do anything good if he went to the Chambord Islands.

But he didn't expect it to be such a big deal.

First it was Tiantianjin, then it was Jinjin City, and now it is Tianlongren, each of which is enough for the world government to sentence him to death.

It’s true that you don’t have to worry about debts, and you don’t bite if you have too many lice.

Warring States still wanted to ask something more, but at this moment, the telex bug on his desktop suddenly rang 'Blu-Bru-Bru'.

He glanced at the general standing there, and then decisively picked up the telex bug's microphone.

"Hey, are you Mr. Warring States? It's really sad. You didn't tell me when you changed your number even though you were a colleague. I still have to ask Uncle Huang Yuan for your phone number."

Only a few months later, of course the Warring States could hear that it was Qiu He's voice, but compared to when he was in the Navy Headquarters, Qiu He's voice became much more cheerful.

Warring States ignored Qiu He's nonsense, and asked directly, "Qiu He... What is your purpose for hijacking the Tianlongren? It should not just be to contact me!"

"Go straight to the point? I wanted to talk about the old days, but I don't mind if I have something to say."

On the other side of the phone bug, Qiu He chatted with Zhan Guo in the tone of an old acquaintance. From the phone bug's expression, it can be seen that the smile on Qiu He's face has not changed.

"Actually, my request is very simple. It's really just a small request. I want the identity of Qi Wuhai."

Qiuhe whispered his request, and made it as simple as eating and sleeping, as if the Warring States period could be done by raising his hand.

"Hehe." Hearing Qiu He's words, Zhan Guo couldn't help being amused, "Do you think this is possible?"

"Why is it impossible? Is it because of the staffing problem? No, Qibuhai is not fully staffed now. Even if the World Government already has a candidate, as long as it hasn't been announced, they can be replaced."

"I'm still afraid that my deterrence against other pirates is not enough. I shouldn't worry about this. Anyway, I also killed the lonely red Baloric Redfield, the evil king Abalo Pizarro, the giant People who are vicious criminals such as the battleship San Juan Wolf should also have some deterrent power."

"By the way, it must be because of my identity as a revolutionary army! Don't worry, as long as I become Qi Wuhai, I will immediately announce my separation from the revolutionary army. Damn, those guys, let me take the blame. They took away all the Baileys that I managed to get, and now I have to sell things to survive."

Zhan Guo didn't speak for a while, he didn't know if this was Qiu He's real thoughts, or another lie.

However, Qiuhe's deal was impossible to realize from the very beginning.

The position of Qiwuhai can be exchanged for the position of Qiwuhai with Tianlongren. Once such a precedent is set, in the future, as long as there are pirates with some ideas, they can hijack Tianlongren in exchange for the identity of Qiwuhai when Tianlongren is on the order.

If this continues, Qiwuhai will have to increase its staff and change its name to Baiwuhai, Qianwuhai, or even Wanwuhai.

"It can't be because the weight of the two Tianlong people is not enough to exchange for Qi Wuhai's position. I don't know if the weight of the Tianlong people is enough."

Maybe it was because the Warring States period was silent for a long time, Qiu He, who was opposite the phone bug, directly threatened.

"No, if you kill the Tianlong people, then the matter will really be out of the question."

Although he knew that Qiuhe was just a threat, Zhan Guo didn't dare to bet, so he hurriedly stopped it.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, in the final analysis, this matter is still your problem. It is obvious that the revolutionary army ordered it to do it. You actually put a reward of 1 billion Baileys on me. This is the only way I can get rid of it."

There are basically only two ways to get rid of Qiuhe's bounty, one is to kill him, and the other is to become Qi Wuhai.

Of course, this is just talking to Warring States. In fact, Qiuhe's purpose is not to become Qiwuhai.

Even if he really wanted to become Qi Wuhai, the world government would not allow it.

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