Pirate's Rescue

Chapter 1036 The Disaster Appears

Three years have passed in a blink of an eye, but the sense of oppression of impending disaster has become stronger and more chaotic. Even ordinary people can feel as if something big has happened.

Thanos's early preparations have been completed and he has begun the Infinity Stones collection operation. He has set his first target on Xandar where the Guardians of the Galaxy store the Power Stones. The Nova Corps on Xandar did not cause much damage to Thanos. Threatening, Thanos easily took away the Power Stone.

After obtaining the Power Stone, Thanos' power greatly increased, and he set his target on Asgard, which had just experienced Ragnarok. The Space Stone was in Thor's hands at this time.

Asgard is also plagued by disasters. First, Odin died unexpectedly, which led to the return of Hela, the god of death who had been suppressed by him for countless years. Thor and Loki met Hela for the first time, and they were defeated. Even Thor's The hammer was crushed by Hela, which shows how powerful Hela is. When Hela returned to Asgard, she immediately carried out a large-scale purge of Asgard, killing all those who opposed her, and resurrected her dead Legion.

Then Thor led the Hulk and Valkyrie back to fight Hela in Asgard, but Hela was extremely powerful. Even though Thor awakened the powerful power of Thor, he was no match and was blinded by Hela. One Eye later defeated Hela with the help of Surtur, but Asgard was also completely destroyed by Surtur, and the palace of the gods completely disappeared from the universe.

The miserable Thor and Loki took their people on a spaceship and wanted to fly to the earth to settle. Who would have thought that they would encounter Thanos' spaceship halfway. In order to snatch the space gems, Thanos led his men to attack Asgar. Germany's spaceship.

Even when Banner transformed into Hulk, he was no match for Thanos. He was easily defeated by Thanos. If Heimdall hadn't borrowed the power of the gods to send Hulk back to Earth, Hulk would have died in this attack. .

Thanos's purpose was to destroy half of the life in the universe, so he also killed half of the people in Asgard. Even Heimdall and Loki died in the hands of Thanos. The biggest failure in his life, watching his people and his brother die in front of him without being able to do anything, Thor himself was also severely traumatized and wandered into the universe.

Thanos, who possessed the Power Stone and the Reality Stone, became the top powerhouse in the universe. His pace did not stop, but he once again attacked the Collector's Field of Ignorance and snatched away the treasures stored here by Thor. The ether particles, also known as the Reality Stones, allowed Thanos to easily gather the three Infinity Stones. At this time, only the Time Stone, the Mind Stone, and the Soul Stone hidden on the planet Vormir were left.

At this time, the Guardians of the Galaxy who were wandering in the universe received a distress signal from an attack on Asgard. Xiaopang immediately asked Star-Lord to drive the spacecraft to the location where the signal was transmitted. Although the spacecraft rushed to the scene of the incident at the fastest speed, But it was too late, Asgard's spaceship had exploded, and there were fragments of the spacecraft and a large number of Asgardian corpses floating in the space.

"How could this happen! We're late!"

"Thor! Loki! Where are you? Heimdall! Come out quickly! Old man Odin, where are you?"

Fatty Xiong rushed out of the spaceship immediately and looked for familiar figures everywhere in space. Even though sound could not be transmitted in space, Fatty Xiong was still shouting loudly, his eyes full of worry. This was Fatty Xiong's first time. This is the first time he showed such a sad expression.

After all, he has stayed in Asgard for more than a thousand years and has deep feelings for Asgard, especially Thor and Loki who fought alongside him. Xiaopang regarded them as relatives, and now Asgard When De encountered such a tragic thing, how could he not be sad and worried!


While Fatty was trying his best to search for Loki and Thor in the universe, Star-Lord and Rocket were following Fatty in the spaceship, and suddenly a corpse crashed into the spacecraft.

"He's still alive!"

The "corpse" was lying on the window of the spaceship, and suddenly opened his eyes and glanced at Star-Lord and the others. Gamora pointed at the "corpse" in shock and said.

"Little Fatty, there is still one alive here!"

Gamora immediately contacted Xiaopang through the communicator, and Xiaopang immediately flew back to the spacecraft after receiving the message.


Xiaopang recognized Sol lying on the window at a glance, and entered the spacecraft with Sol in his arms.

"how is he?"

Xiaopang anxiously looked at Sol lying unconscious on the operating table and asked.

"He's still alive, he's seriously injured, he should be fine."

Gamora said after checking Thor's condition.

"What happened to Thor? He was actually defeated! Who attacked Asgard?"

Fatty Xiong looked at Thor anxiously. Although Thor had not fully grown up yet, Fatty Xiong knew Thor very well. Someone who could hurt Thor to such an extent was extremely powerful. He might be one of the most powerful people in the universe. One.


Suddenly Thor shouted and stood up.

"Thor, what happened?"

Upon seeing this, Fatty Xiong immediately grabbed Sol's arm and asked.

"Little Fatty? Why are you here? Where are you?"

Sol opened his eyes and saw that it was Fatty Xiong who had disappeared for a long time. He was stunned and asked in surprise.

"You are on our ship, which is the Guardians of the Galaxy's ship. We received your distress signal and rushed over immediately, but we were still late."

Xiong Xiaopang explained.

"Guardians of the Galaxy?"

Thor glanced at Star-Lord and others surrounding him, and then looked at Fatty Bear, with mixed feelings in his heart.

"What happened? Where is Mr. Odin? Where is Loki? Where is Heimdall?"

Xiong Xiaopang asked anxiously.

"Father has passed away, Loki and Heimdall were killed, and we were attacked by Thanos. He attacked us for the Space Stone!"

Thor thought that his relatives and friends had died at the hands of Thanos, and his heart was filled with anger and sadness.


The rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy exclaimed, especially Gamora, whose face was extremely ugly. She had guessed before, but after confirming it, Gamora was filled with worry. She thought of what Thanos once told her. Regarding the plan to save the universe, it can be seen from what Thor said that Thanos has already begun to implement the plan.

"Why is old Odin dead? Why is Thanos trying to steal the space gems? And why are the Asgardians here?"

Xiong Xiaopang asked sadly.

"This starts from a legend in Asgard, about the Twilight of the Gods..."

Thor slowly told what had happened during this period, talking about Odin's death and Hela's attack, Loki's changes, the Twilight of the Gods caused by Surtur, the destruction of Asgard, and Thanos' attack.

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