"Report captain, the intelligence is correct, it is this little devil with two swords, who has the ability to threaten the kingdom!"

One of Dalton's men stood up straight and replied respectfully.

"What about this kid in the hat?" Dalton pointed to Luo and asked.

His subordinates shook their heads in unison, indicating that they did not know where Luo came from.

Dalton was silent for a moment.

In fact, he didn't want to catch Lin Mo and Luo.

After all, he had not seen Lin Mo's ability with his own eyes, and he was not sure if Lin Mo really had the strength to crush bullets.

Not long after Valpo became king of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, he had already enacted many unequal ordinances that made the people living in the Magnetic Drum Kingdom complain.

But if there was anything unfavorable to Valpo, whether it was people or something else, Valpo would order the immediate eradication of the aftermath.

Even if the child had no intention of destroying Magnetic Drum Island or going against him, Valpo would still order the child to be expelled or killed.

"You two go, leave Magnetic Drum Island right now, I can assure you that the innkeeper is safe." Dalton still couldn't bear to attack the two children.

Luo looked directly at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo walked forward in silence.

The surrounding guards immediately took the spears in their hands and aimed their muzzles at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo ignored them and walked past Dalton.

Luo smiled and immediately followed Lin Mo and walked with him to the castle not far away.

Dalton stunned as Lin Mo walked past him, and turned his body in the direction of the castle, looking at the backs of Lin Mo and Luo.

His subordinates, on the other hand, held their guns and followed at a distance of about two meters next to Lin Mo and Luo.

Until Lin Mo came to the gate of the castle.

The castle gate was pushed open from the inside.

A fat, ugly man, dark purple hair, a large mouth, a cylindrical tin plate on his chin, wearing a white hooded shawl made of deck and tin, sat on a fat, somewhat silly-looking hairy hippopotamus named Robson, surrounded by many soldiers around him, appeared at the gate of the castle.

This man is the current tyrannical king of Magnetic Drum Island, Valpo.

Valpo, nicknamed 'White Iron', is a superhuman with the ability to devour fruits.

He can use the fruit ability to eat anything, and what he eats can become part of his body or synthesize something new.

He can even eat himself, and after eating, he will become thin if he spits himself out.

The ability to swallow the fruit is actually very strong, and if you develop and use the ability of this fruit well, it is quite powerful.

It's a pity that no matter how strong the fruit ability is, the user is too wasteful, and it is also a waste.

"Huh? Why are two imps here? Valpo sat on Robson's back, looked at Lin Mo and Luo with a high spirit, not bothering to distinguish who could threaten him, and said directly, "Ahahaha, it doesn't matter who it is, anyway, don't think about leaving here when you come."

Valpo suddenly clapped his hands.

His men escorted out the innkeeper whose hands were tied behind his back.

"Smelly boy, if you don't want this guy to die, just give me a chance to stand there obediently and don't move." Valpo said viciously, "Come man, kill those two imps for me, ahahaha, as long as they die, there will be no more guys in this country who can resist me, ahahaha." Seeing

that Lin Mo was really here, the innkeeper said anxiously: "Little ghost, you guys run, leave me alone, you are still young, you can't die here."

Lin Mo stared at Valpo expressionlessly.

Valpo's men immediately surrounded Lin Mo and Luo Tuantuan.

Dozens of guns were pointed at them.

Luo Wei hooked the corners of his mouth and raised his hand to a ROOM, covering everyone who surrounded them in it.

"You don't have to shoot, I can handle these guys." As soon as Luo finished speaking, a flash disappeared.

Valpo's guards widened their eyes.

"Huh? What about people? Where did that little imp in the hat go?

"Why did it suddenly disappear?"

Just when everyone was surprised, Luo suddenly appeared behind several of them, directly using his own knife, one move to the slaughterhouse, and quickly cut off the arms and legs of these people.


Forehead? I'm alive?

"Oh my God, monster. This little devil is a monster, run..." The

rest of the people who had not yet been cut down quickly spread their legs and scattered and ran out.

But they are still in Luo's ROOM space, and in terms of speed, they are definitely not comparable to Luo.

Before the group of scattered and fleeing people were about to run out of the ROOM space, Luo caught up with them, and everyone in the escort, except for those who were not in the ROOM space, without exception, were all cut into several pieces by Luo and scattered to the ground, but they were still alive.

"Huh?" Valpo's eyes bulged in shock, "What is this ability?" It's so powerful!

"Hmph!" Luo chuckled, "Don't worry, the next one to be dismembered is you."


In a flash, he appeared in front of Valpo.

Valpo was shocked, and before he could run, he was cut into countless segments by Luo.

"Aaaa Valpo's men shouted in a hurry.

Luo chuckled and returned to Lin Mo: "This group of useless guys is really vulnerable.

Lin Mo walked forward in silence.


Dalton used the cow fruit to turn into a black bull and block in front of Lin Mo and Luo.

"I don't want to do anything to you, but my identity is the captain of the guard, even if the king of this country is incompetent, I can't let you hurt him." Dalton said with a calm face, "You two, leave this country immediately now, don't force me to do something to you!"

Lin Mo did not stop because of Dalton's words.

It's just like when I first came up from the bottom of the mountain.

Lin Mo directly ignored Dalton's words and continued to walk forward.

Until it was almost past Dalton.

Dalton immediately roared, even if he didn't want to, he had to strike.

Dalton rushed towards Lin Mo violently, trying to knock Lin Mo out with a powerful impact.

When he was close, Lin Mo easily dodged Dalton's multiple attacks, and just when he was less than three meters away from the innkeeper, Dalton was still persistently attacking him.

Lin Mo raised his hand, and when he was close again, a blow hit Dalton's chest cavity, directly knocking him flying more than ten meters away.

The color of the arms on his hands slowly faded.

Lin Mo came to the guards who were holding the innkeeper.

He hasn't said anything yet.

The guard, whose legs trembled in fright, unconsciously loosened his grip on the end of the hemp rope tied to the innkeeper and took several steps back.

Lin Mo indifferently untied the hemp rope that bound the innkeeper.

After regaining his freedom, the expression on the innkeeper's face was quite rich: "You, Lin Mo, you, you actually knocked Dalton, the captain of the escort, flying with one blow?" Oh my God, is everything they say true, are you really that powerful? "

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