Pirates: The Salary Is In Place, The Four Emperors Are Kicked Out

Chapter 114 The Person Respected By The Deliveryman Polusalino

At this time, Doflamingo, who was just a yellow-haired kid, limped out of the cabin with excitement and joy on his face. But soon, the expression froze on his face as he noticed the stranger behind Rosinante, Polusalino.

"You're back, Rosie!"

Rosinante's father, Donquixote Honagu, also came out of the room with a weak body, and the smile on his face froze in an instant like his son Doflamingo.

Seeing his brother and father like this, Rosinante was about to explain Polsalino's situation to them, but Polsalino himself took the initiative to speak.

Moreover, Polsalino clearly said what he said with a smile, but the content of his words made the three Rosinante family shudder in an instant, they only felt like falling into an ice cellar!

"Honagu, Holy Doflamingo, good evening~"

With all his conscience, Polusalino did not have the slightest ill will towards the Donquixote family of four. The reason why he called Doflamingo and his father the way he called Celestial Dragons was purely out of a temporary bad taste, just to see how the two would react...

And it turned out that his words completely frightened the Donquixote family of three - Doflamingo and his father Honagu were stunned in place, their eyes were wide and cold sweat was oozing from their foreheads; Rosinante was Trembling, he slowly turned towards Polsalino, his face full of disbelief.

"Bo, Mr. Polsalino...?"

"Ah, forgot to thank you,"

Porusalino chuckled, "Thank you for leading the way, St. Rosinante..."

The moment Polsalino finished his sentence, Rosinante's small body reacted first before his brain - he slammed towards Polsalino and hugged the latter legs, and shouted loudly without looking back:

"Dover! Father! Take your mother and run!!!"


Doflamingo and Honagu also reacted and shouted anxiously.

"Run! I'll hold him back!"

Rosinante, who held on to Porusalino's calf and refused to let go, actually had a very simple idea - he had brought the bad guy Porusalino here, so he should be responsible for this responsibility. While the father and brother were injured, and the mother was in bed again, the bad guy Polusalino seemed to be very strong.

In this case, it is better to let the wrong self hold Polsalino and give his father, mother and brother a chance to escape - as for how long he can hold Polsalino, is there any sacrifice in his sacrifice? Meaning, none of this is in Rosinante's mind.

"You bastard! Hurry up and let go of my brother!! Ah-!!"

Doflamingo's eyes were flushed, and he limped with his small fists towards Polsalino, who was much taller than himself.

"Hey, it's obviously your brother who is holding me and doesn't let go..."

Porusalino said helplessly.

Although Rosinante and Doflamingo obviously couldn't do any harm to Polusalino, Polsalino was still very resistant to being hugged by the two children viciously on his legs. The reason is actually very simple - first, Doflamingo and Rosinante are not the cute little Loli that Polusalino likes; second, it's too shameful.

Therefore, Polsalino activated the ability of Sparkling fruit before Doflamingo's fist hit him, and at the same time as asking Rosinante, he instantly turned into a photon and appeared behind Honagu who was standing in the distance.

Rosinante stared blankly at his hands. He was holding Polsalino's calf with the strength of his milk just now, but now he is holding only a void of air.

Doflamingo also stopped sprinting and stood there, staring wide-eyed in front of him.

(He was still here just now! Where is that tall enemy?! Why did he suddenly disappear?!)

Honagu was equally surprised and shocked, but as an adult, he quickly reacted and looked behind him quickly.


"Your two children are overreacting, Honagu~"

Polsalino was still smiling.


"Run! Father!"

Doflamingo and Rosinante heard the voice from here, and turned around in a hurry, shouting anxiously.

After the initial panic and surprise, Honagu restrained his emotions. After turning his body to Polusalino completely, he said desperately:

"...you were sent by them, right?"

The first time he saw Polsalino, Honagu knew he was not a mob who wanted to take revenge on his own family - the aura of Polsalino was completely different from that of ordinary people who were possessed by anger and resentment. Different.

"My wife is about to die! Even so, won't they let our family go?!"


"I will be responsible for the stupid choice my wife and I made, and I am willing to be executed by you! But Dover and Rosie, and my wife, they are all innocent!"


"Please spare their lives! Just come at me!"


"Father, run away!"

The plot of the Donquixote family's true father and son's filial piety is really touching, but Polsalino doesn't want to continue to watch it any more - it's bad fun, it's good to have a little bit of fun, but if it's always bad fun and doesn't get to the point , that is pure waste of one's time and trouble for oneself.

So he raised his hands that were still holding the beef packing box in surrender, and tried his best to show his most harmless smile:

"Who said I was here to kill you or to harm you..."

"I am Colonel Naval Headquarters, I ate Sparkling fruit from Logia in Devil Fruit, and I am a shining man."

"My name is Polsalino."

"But it doesn't matter, because my status is just a passerby delivering food to you..."

"Look at these big boxes of beef in my hand - isn't it delicious? Don't you want to eat it?"

With that said, Porusalino looked at Rosinante again and smiled:

"Answer me, Rosinante, is this beef fragrant? Although it's definitely not as good as it was when it was just roasted, it should be pretty good..."

"The bastards sent by the government! Don't think that a few words can make us let our guard down! Even if we are killed by you, we will die here! We will never eat a bite of your beef!"

Doflamingo stopped Rosinante who was about to speak, and glared at Porusalino with a stern look.

But then the "gurgling" sound from his stomach exposed his true condition.


"It's delicious! This beef! I haven't eaten something like this for a long time!"

In the cabin where the Donquixote family lived temporarily, Doflamingo gulps down beef. He was still chewing in his mouth, and his hand was already reaching for the next piece of beef, which was simply too satisfying.

His father Honagu and his younger brother Rosinante were no better than him either, and neither of them spoke a word, shoving meat into their mouths piece by piece—before they ate it, of course. , they have fed some soup to the Gianlina Palace lying on the bed.

The latter is really too weak, and for the time being there is no way to eat in big mouthfuls. grain

From time to time, Polusalino, who occasionally took a piece of beef and fed it to his mouth, could understand the three starving ghosts in front of him. After all, they hadn't had a good meal since they left the Holy Land Mariejois.

Finally, after chewing for five minutes, the relatively mature Honagu turned his attention from the beef to Polusalino.

"I've heard your name, Colonel Polusalino."

Honagu looked at Polsalino and said slowly.

"Oh? You've heard my name?"

"Well, when I was a world noble in the Holy Land, a battle image of you and another Naval Headquarters Colonel Sakazuki was circulated among some Celestial Dragons in the Holy Land. Although I have not seen this video, nor have I communicated with them. , but I still heard your name."

"After all, the future World government's highest combat power training target like you has a very close relationship with our Celestial Dragons."

"The future World government's highest combat power?!"

Hearing what their father said, Doflamingo and Rosinante, who were feasting on beef, were stunned. Doflamingo couldn't help but said, "Isn't that protecting our Marine Admiral when we are in danger?!"

"Dover, we're not Celestial Dragons anymore..."

Rosinante reminded.


Doflamingo glared at Rosinante and went on to deal with the beef in frustration.

"You heard my name in this way..."

Polsalino nodded knowingly.

"You don't have to use honorifics anymore, Colonel Polsalino,"

Honagu said with a wry smile, "We voluntarily gave up our status as Celestial Dragons, and were rejected by the rest of the world nobles of Mariejois... Now we are just ordinary people."

"Besides, you kindly brought us food. It stands to reason that we should show respect to you..."

"You misunderstood,"

Porusalino smiled, "Of course I know that you are no longer Celestial Dragons, and the reason why I still use honorifics to you is because I think you are a person worthy of my respect - this is the same as meeting the rest of me. Using honorifics for perfunctory use at Celestial Dragons is a completely different situation."

"I have nothing to respect..."

Honagu was stunned for a moment, then smiled self-deprecatingly, "I'm an irresponsible husband who almost killed his wife, an irresponsible father who makes his children suffer... I'm the one who is full of fantasies. Bar……"

"You're right."

Polsalino nodded in approval.

Honagu looked at Polsalino who didn't play his cards normally.

(When I quarreled with my girlfriend before crossing, I would follow her whatever she did, so you, a big man with his own faults, expected me to comfort you and pull you back? It doesn't exist...)

"Just like you said, you are indeed an irresponsible husband and father, your wife and children have suffered consequences they should not have due to your choices... You are thinking of giving up The identity of Celestial Dragons, when pursuing the life you want, have you considered bad situations? Have you thought about how they will live in the future? You don't, you are just pure idealism..."


Honagu lowered his head decadently.

Porusalino then changed the conversation: "But apart from these, you also have something worthy of my respect... You have seen those ordinary civilians who are oppressed by your compatriots, they are in the world's nobles. It's just objects, not people at all... and as the former Celestial Dragons, you can treat them as equals like you, just this thought alone is worthy of my respect..."

"What's more, although there are some failures, but you love your children, even if you sacrifice yourself, you must protect them..."


Rosinante held back the tears in his eyes and looked at Honagu with a slightly weeping voice.

Doflamingo also slowed down the speed of eating meat a little - he only felt that his nose was inexplicably sour.

"Thank you, Colonel Polusalino...Thank you!"

Honagu wiped his red eyes slightly with the back of his hand, his voice trembling, "But Colonel, you shouldn't just come to see us and say these things to us, what are you doing...and I'm also curious. , how do you know the identity of our family and our location... Rossi should not tell you our identity, and Mariejois's side is even less likely to reveal this to a low-ranking Marine officer like you..."

"You have a lot of doubts, let me answer them one by one,"

Porusalino laughed, "First of all, why do I know the identity of your family, to be honest, I have a very close relationship with a certain female Celestial Dragons in the Holy Land, and I learned about your family from her. ."

(Liandel Palace, please block it for me, I am a traveler and I know the plot is the pot...)

"...Female Celestial Dragons? Close relationship?"

Honagu was stunned for a moment, then looked Polusallino up and down with odd eyes.

(Although the headmaster is a little different, but there is absolutely no strength to say that there are indeed many women in the Holy Land who are good at this... Is it the 58-year-old Eftana Palace? Or the 65-year-old Catherine Palace? )

(Landel Palace: "It's the 17-year-old beautiful girl Leander Palace! Not these old women!!!")

Porusalino didn't pay much attention to Honagu's strange eyes - in his opinion, Honagu should just be surprised that the female Celestial Dragons would tell him the news inside the nobles of this world.

So he continued: "The second is why I know your family's location, which is a real coincidence - I stopped briefly on this Puerto Rico island for a mission and happened to see your son Rosinante stealing Got caught while someone else's stuff..."

Honagu looked at Rosinante, who nodded slightly embarrassed:

"...That's it, Father."

"Finally, it's the purpose of my visit to your family..."

Porusalino smiled and said, "Actually, the reason I said before is true, but it's only part of the reason - I respect you very much, so I thought that I might be able to help you by visiting your family. "

"Thank you... Excuse me, is there any other reason?"

"Do you want your children to be happy? Honagu."

"Huh? Of course it's hope..."

"So what do you think of having Rosinante and Doflamingo join us Marine?"


The three members of the Donquixote family were stunned. Honagu was the first to react and smiled bitterly:

"Colonel Porusalino, are you kidding me? Marine is a violent organization directly under the World government, and all actions must follow the arrangements of the World government... Those who master the power of the World government and are located in the high world of Mariejois Nobles, will never allow the shame of us Celestial Dragons to return to the system of World government..."

"You don't have to think about whether it is feasible or not, you just tell me, if it is feasible, as a father, will you let them join our Marine?"

"...if possible,"

Honagu murmured, then turned to look at Doflamingo and Rosinante, who had stopped all movement and focused on his conversation with Polusalino.

"If feasible, let these children make their own decisions... After all, I have made a wrong choice for them. I have ruined their lives and completely ignored their ideas and objective reality... This time, if it's really feasible... let them decide their own lives according to their own wishes..."

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