Pirates: The Salary Is In Place, The Four Emperors Are Kicked Out

Chapter 187 Polsalino: My Little Brother Is So Strong!

"Both sides introduce themselves first!"

Standing in the center of the Enies Lobby arena, a certain CP9 agent as the referee said loudly, "Let's start from the left!"

The two-person team standing on his left immediately began to introduce themselves. It was none other than Robin, Hina, and Zhan Taomaru, who were Marine Intermediate students.

"Marine Intermediate Robin, 10 years old."

"Marine Intermediate Class student Hina, 11 years old."

"Marine intermediate class student, 13-year-old Zhan Taomaru is also!"

The CP9 agent who was the referee nodded, then looked at his right hand: "It's your turn."

"Official member of CP9, Rob Lucci, 9 years old."

"CP9 Phase I Reserve, Passerby A, 12 years old."

"CP9 Phase II Reserve, Passerby B, 12 years old."

Seeing that both sides had introduced themselves, the CP9 agent continued: "This time the Marine Academy and our CP sequence are conducting a joint assessment between the students. Although the purpose is to test your training results and strength, they are not allowed to make a killing. If you do it, those who violate it will be considered a failure of the assessment, understand?"

"Understood!" X6

"Very good, then I will explain to you the specific content of the assessment and our evaluation method..."


When the CP9 agent was introducing the specific content of the assessment, outside the arena, Spandain flattered and spoke to Zephyr Admiral beside him:

"Zephyr Admiral, do you think the first team on your side has a higher winning rate, or is it the first team on our CP side that has a better chance of winning?"

Zephyr Admiral gave Spandain an expressionless look. Although he didn't like this guy very much and didn't want to talk to him, he wouldn't be good at giving other people a cold butt if he had a hot face, so he could only do it out of politeness. The faint opening said:

"You have a big chance of winning."

"That's right, I'm... eh?"

Spandain smiled and nodded subconsciously, but he quickly realized that Zephyr Admiral said that they had a bigger chance of winning, so he couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

According to Spandain's assumption, after he asked this question, Zephyr Admiral, who has always been proud, should have said that Marine students had a better chance of winning, and then he could take advantage of the situation to flatter... I didn't expect Zephyr Admiral to actually Don't play cards according to common sense.

"You, do you really think our CP students have a better chance of winning?"

"Or else?"

"But... Zephyr Admiral, I think your students' side has a higher win rate. After all... After all, after all, your first group has two Demon fruit powers!"

(NICE! As expected of Laozi! Instantly thought of a reason to boast!)

"Who told you that the more Demon fruit power, the higher the winning rate?"

Zephyr Admiral glanced at Spandain with a frown. As a pure physique expert, he has always been unfamiliar with Demon fruit power. "There are many factors that determine the outcome of a competition, and Devil Fruit's ability is only one of them."

"Yes, yes, you are right!"

"...Well, do you usually pay attention to that kid named Rob Lucci in your CP group?"

"Rob Lucci, he... uh..."

Spanda smiled shyly, "I was in charge of his assessment task before..."

"I heard Polusalino tell the story of this child, and I'm looking forward to his performance!"

Zephyr Admiral said this while squinting at Rob Lucci in the arena.


The world never revolves around one person. Every moment, there are big events that are extremely important to someone or some people. Many unknown little people are often famous for these big events. .

Time is now, place is on the other side of the Red Line.

Under the sunlight, the blue sea looks very deep and beautiful, but if you go deeper and deeper into the water, the light will gradually disappear as the water depth increases. When a certain depth is reached, the dark environment seems to devour everything, and in the silent silence, only the occasional giant Sea Kings swimming by will stir up a little movement.


This is a deep sea 4000 meters above the water surface, a world of absolute darkness that cannot be reached by the sun's rays. A figure went straight up, breaking through the sea with ease, and kept going up.

This is definitely not the speed that ordinary fish can achieve, and it can even be said that even ordinary murlocs cannot achieve it, it is like a sharp arrow!

The distance between the red figure and the water surface rapidly decreased.



The water splashed, "it" rushed out of the water, and his eyes kept looking at the sky, at the top of the Red Line deep into the clouds, at the holy place of the world, Mariejois.

The red figure is an unusually tall murloc named Fisher Tiger. Under his tall physique, he is full of fearless adventurous spirit.

In the pirate world, most of the murlocs live on The fish men island, which is a paradise for murlocs and mermen. The ultimate deep sea, 10,000 meters below the sea surface, is an area that is difficult for humans to set foot on. It is precisely because of this that the non-human race of murlocs is able to breathe a little in this world where humans are absolutely dominant.

However, not all murlocs are willing to stay in the dark deep sea forever, and can only rely on the roots of the sun tree Eve to bring a little sunlight to the bottom of the sea to survive. Men who yearn for sunshine, air, freedom, and adventure are everywhere on the sea, and there are even more of them after Roger's death.

Fisher Tiger is one of them.

He has been the head of Fishman Street since he was a child. He is regarded as the most reliable big brother by all the younger brothers. Everyone who has met him thinks that he is undoubtedly a man full of manliness. In this way, he is not willing to stay underwater all his life. He wants to see the world, the world of the rulers of the world, the human beings.

So, as an adventurer, he started a journey around the world, which was like a dream.

The process of adventure is also quite interesting, with partners, wine, meat - it can be called a sweet dream.

But soon, the dream turned into a nightmare.

It was none other than the Celestial Dragons who inhabited the high sanctuary of Mariejois, the self-proclaimed descendants of the great creators, who turned Fisher Tiger's dreams into nightmares.

They are also the guys that Fisher Tiger wants to take revenge on this time.

Fisher Tiger's story is actually quite simple:

Three years ago, when the Celestial Dragons suddenly started collecting slaves, Fisher Tiger, who was on an adventure around the world, was tragically arrested and brought to Mariejois.

As a murloc, he is not as rare as a merfolk as a slave, but the natural strength of the murlocs still makes them highly sought after by Celestial Dragons. After all, mermaids can only be used for viewing and abuse, and murlocs are quite suitable whether they are used as means of transportation or sent to the arena.

From this, Fisher Tiger began a three-year life of hell - until the Celestial Dragons he bought some time ago went out, and he was able to find a chance to escape.

If it is an ordinary person who can be liberated from the hellish slave life, then this person will definitely cherish this rare opportunity and try his best to be farther away from the Celestial Dragons, such as the three Hancock sisters. But Fisher Tiger is different. As the boss of Fishman Street, he almost regards loyalty as the most important thing in his life-only he escaped alone, he is not satisfied, he wants to try to liberate those who are still in Mariejois Suffering compatriots, he can't watch them continue to suffer in hell!

So, with the deepest hatred and determination to die, Fisher Tiger came to the Red Line again, aiming directly at Mariejois, the holy place at the top of the Red Line.

For those without legal status, the top of the Red Line is their untouchable presence. Without the elevator set up by the World government, Red Line is like a natural moat that blocks the vast majority of people in this world.

But Fisher Tiger has his own way - as a murloc powerhouse, his natural physical fitness is like a monster, plus the three years of training as a gladiator in Mariejois, he can already rely on His terrifying physical strength climbed up the high Red Line with his bare hands!

Based on this alone, even if Fisher Tiger failed to rescue his comrades who were slaves, he was enough to go down in the history of the pirate world.

"Wait for me, my compatriots! I will surely save you!"

After encouraging himself with a firm vow, Fisher Tiger resolutely started his dangerous and long Red Line ascent.


"Finger Pistol!"

The strength of 12-year-old Rob Lucci is certainly not comparable to that of himself in later generations. The ordinary "Finger Pistol" he uses now is also far less powerful than the reinforcement he will use after he enters the "life return" state in the future. Version. But even so, the power of the Finger Pistol he uses now is comparable to that of a pistol bullet - after all, his hardened fingers for ultra-high-speed thrusting gather the strength of his whole body.

"Don't think about breaking through my defenses! Iron Body!!"

Although the dress is a bit naive (the perennial patterned red belly Kabuto), Zhan Taomaru's talent and strength in defense is really not to be said - so far, only one student in the Marine intermediate class has touched the threshold of Haki, That's him. Although it is still very small, Armament Haki has indeed been reflected in his body - which is enough to prove why in the future, although his strength is not top, Armament Haki can cultivate to an advanced level that only top experts can achieve.

The "Iron Body" specializing in defense, coupled with Zhan Taomaru's powerful physique and Armament Haki, who was first glimpsed at the threshold, Rob Lucci's Finger Pistol was literally blocked.

With the tingling sound of gold and iron clamoring on the scalp, invisible air waves swept across the battlefield, Rob Lucci withdrew his numb fingers and his face became serious. Zhan Taomaru twisted his neck and grinned.

"What a strong defense!"

"Of course, I want to be the man with the strongest defense in the world!"

"But if you think my attack is the only way, then I can declare your defeat! Tempest Kick!!!"

Without the slightest stagnation, Rob Lucci jumped and jumped into the air. Immediately, his right leg suddenly flickered like a phantom, and a slash was formed, falling from the sky towards Zhan Taomaru.

I have to say that Zephyr Admiral's feeling is not wrong at all. Although Rob Lucci is not yet known as "CP9" the strongest and most ruthless killing weapon in history and the strongest in Enies Lobby "CP9" for 800 years, his strength The talent and talent have been fully revealed - no CP agent has ever been able to have such a master level for the Six Styles at his age.

But this also shows how much water Spandaine is in the end - as the top officer of CP9, the superior leader of CP1-8, he can not care about the situation of his subordinates (after all, there are too many people), but people like Rob Lucci Super genius, good seedling, he still has no special training plan or focus on it. It can only be said that it is no wonder that he has racked his brains for decades to climb up and can only climb to the middle level of World Government.

In the face of Rob Lucci's menacing Tempest Kick slash, Zhan Taomaru knew that he couldn't stop it as easily as before. After all, Tempest Kick is known as the strongest attacking move in the six moves, and Rob Lucci's Tempest Kick is obviously not low in power - if he resists hard, he is very likely to be severely damaged.

But Zhan Taomaru didn't plan to retreat, because it was a team battle, and behind him were two teammates, Robin and Hina.

"Iron threshold!"

Hina moved forward quickly, and Bai Nen's little hand slapped Zhan Tao Wan, and the ability of Cage-Cage Fruit was activated.

——That's right, the target of Hina's fruit power is not Rob Lucci who is an enemy, but Sen Taomaru who is a teammate.

The reason is very simple - first, Hina's ability can only be activated by touching the enemy, and Rob Lucci not only attacked, but now he is in the air, and Hina can't touch him, so naturally he can't use the fruit ability; second, The iron bars made by her Cage-Cage Fruit can indeed restrain the enemy's actions, but if those iron bars appear on one's own body, they can also be used as simple armor to enhance defense. Neither enemy nor mine.

Therefore, after having an iron threshold like a simple armor on his body, Zhan Taomaru shouted again and used Iron Body.

"Iron Body!"


With a dull sound, Rob Lucci's sharp Tempest Kick slash slashed through the armor that Hina had blessed with Sen Taomaru, but at the same time consumed most of the power. After the remaining part touched Zhan Taomaru's body, it dissipated in the air without hurting him at all.

"It seems that your attack still can't break through my defense!"

Zhan Taomaru laughed.

Rob Lucci's face suddenly became extremely ugly: "So what!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his body instantly became a little blurry, but in the blink of an eye, he rushed in front of Zhan Taomaru, and he was already in the state of Zoan Devil Fruit's second-stage ability activation, orc!

If the strength of an ordinary adult male is 1, then the strength of a 9-year-old Rob Lucci under normal conditions is about 10-20; and when he enters the first stage of Zoan Devil Fruit, that is, after partial animalization, his strength The strength can reach 30-40; and if he enters the second stage of Zoan Devil Fruit, that is, after the orcishization that fully combines the advantages of humans with the advantages of animals, his strength will reach an astonishing 100 or so!

100 times the strength of an adult male, coupled with the Tempest Kick slash that is achieved by exploding the tempered leg muscles, Rob Lucci has tried it, and it is powerful enough to break through a one-meter-thick masonry wall!

In order to further increase the power, Rob Lucci also showed his body almost folded in half, and his right leg almost stretched over his head. ! Rob Lucci bursts with power!

“Tempest Kick!!!”

With almost zero distance, the slash didn't even have time to form, it was just wrapped around Rob Lucci's leg, forming a slightly dazzling blue-blue coating, and the target was directly at Zhan Taomaru's neck!

There is no doubt that with such a terrifying blow, the ordinary human body may be easily kicked away if the head is hit - just like his name Rob Lucci means "take away the light", Rob Lucci's heart is full of darkness , The proud move was blocked twice in a row, and his killing intent was completely unstoppable!

The rules of the fight that can't use the ultimate move?

—— Rob Lucci has completely forgotten, he just wants to kill Zhan Taomaru in this arena!

On the side, the CP9 agent as the referee only felt his scalp tingling - Rob Lucci's Tempest Kick power, even an old CP9 agent like him is ashamed!

But the scalp was numb and the scalp was numb, and the CP9 agent reacted quickly and wanted to stop Rob Lucci.

But at the moment when his body was about to move, an inexplicable coercion suddenly swept through his whole body - this ruthless government agent whose subordinates were stained with the blood of more than 100 people, under this powerful coercion , I only felt that the hairs all over my body stood on end, my heartbeat seemed to stop, and my legs even had the urge to bend back and kneel!

Although "never eaten pork" and "never seen a pig run", this old CP9 agent also "heard about the appearance of a pig"——

(Haki at Conqueror's?!! How could that be?!! Is... Zephyr Admiral?!!!)

Why Zephyr Admiral is using Conqueror's Haki to stop him, the CP9 agent has no time to think about it, he is now exhausted just staying awake.

In fact, the reason why Zephyr Admiral stopped him is very simple - as the dean of Marine Academy, Zephyr Admiral is very aware of the approximate strength of each student in the academy, and for this group of elite students, he has guided and understood each of them individually. .

Therefore, in his judgment, Zhan Taomaru has the strength to take this move——and, as depicted in all pirate adventure novels, such an enemy attack that challenges Zan Taomaru's limit , Once Zhan Tao Wan can succeed, it will be a precious experience and a lot of growth for him.

And the fact is true - facing the terrifying attack, Zhan Taomaru did not move. In terms of speed, he's certainly no match for the orcish Rob Lucci, and there's no point in dodging.


"Iron Body - Hard!"

"Hina wishes you a helping hand!"

"Flower Shield!"

The strong physical quality of its own, the advanced "Iron Body, hard" defense of the six-style "Iron Body", the Armament Haki who first glimpsed the doorway - this is the first layer.

Armor made of high-strength iron bars - this is the second layer.

Robin's ten pairs of arm shields containing the hard bones of the human body made by Flower-Flower Fruit - this is the third layer.

Zhan Taomaru, who was fully played by the two assistants Hina and Robin, has suddenly become a tank tank role in Polsalino's previous game, with full defense!


Zhan Taomaru's body flew out backwards, drew an arc in the air, and then landed firmly on the ground.

"Damn! Didn't you say you can't die?!"

Seeing this, Spanda broke out in cold sweat, and his facial features were also distorted by anger-except for the CP0s, it was the first time in the CP sequence that someone dared to go against his will, which made him angry; and Rob Lucci was not at all. The act of "killing" Zhan Taomaru without leaving his hand scared him.

They also have legal killing licenses given by the World government, but their CP can't solve Zephyr Admiral (power and strength are not allowed) - and if Zephyr Admiral kills them in anger, at most they will only suffer some formalities. punishment.

Besides, Spandain is also counting on this performance to hug Polsalino's thighs well, and this is all over!


"Don't get excited, Spandine."

Zephyr Admiral said indifferently.

I don't know if it was Spandain's delusion, but he always felt that Zephyr Admiral seemed to have raised the corners of his mouth?

"But your students..."

"It's your little guy named Rob Lucci who suffers."


Just like what Zephyr Admiral said, not long after he kicked Zhan Taomaru out, Rob Lucci groaned and stumbled to his knees on the ground, unable to stand up with his right leg at all.

"Cough... It seems that my defense seems to be better! Cough..."

On the other side, although there was blood on the corner of his mouth, everyone could see that Zhan Taomaru was only slightly injured.


Rob Lucci stood up with difficulty, a sharp pain in his right leg. While breaking through the three-layer defense of Taomaru, he also felt as if he had kicked an iron plate, and then his strength seemed to be rebounded instantly—a bone fracture was a matter of course.

"The fight is not over yet!!"

"No, the fight is over."

Zhan Taomaru grinned, "Robin!"

At this moment, all the male students of the Marine Intermediate class under Bidoutai could not help but clamp their legs after Zhan Taomaru called out Robin's name.

"Master! Crushed!"



Just when Rob Lucci suffered the biggest shadow and pain in his life on Porusalino's birthday, Luo, who was rescued by the dragon, also met him at this time, the most important thing in his life. 's companion.

Maybe Polsalino's birthday is so special, so that's not necessarily true~

Since Long went out to run errands early in the morning, Luo was tired of being alone in the house, so he went out to relax-he came to the entrance of the forest before he knew it (the stronghold established by Long was in the forest), The figure of a big white bear and two children came into his eyes.

"Stop fighting! Stop fighting—!"

White Bear is talking.

"...Huh? What's the matter? There are talking bears in the world?"

Regardless of whether the white bear can speak or not, the scene in front of Luo's eyes is not peaceful - the duo desperately kicked the unresisting white bear from behind.

"Hehe! This guy is obviously a bear but so useless!"

The brown-haired boy in the peaked cap poked the bear in the head.

"Hey! Go back to the forest honestly!"

Another teenager kicked and said, "PENGUIN" (Penguin) written on the hat he was wearing.

(These two guys are so boring...)


The scene in front of him made Luo very unhappy and could not help shouting.

The duo heard the sound and looked over.

"Hey! What do you want to do, kid! What to watch! Do you have any comments!"

The boy in the peaked cap spit out clichéd punk-like lines, and also put on a snappy accent.

"It's nothing. I'm not interested in the two of you or the bear. It's up to you. I just don't like what you're doing. I don't target anyone."

"Huh? How dare you brat?! This self-righteous attitude is really annoying! By the way, keep all the valuables on your body, and we'll let you go!"

This time it was the boy's turn to find fault with the "Penguin" hat.

(There are such troublesome guys everywhere...)

"What are you pretending to be?!"

"Tie him up!!"

The two teenagers charged towards Luo with knives and bats.

(That's enough!)


Luo calmly whispered the word, and at the same time, with him as the center, a spherical transparent circle appeared.

"What, what is this?!"


"Although I'm sorry, but it looks like I have to trouble you to accompany me to practice my latest research ability... Oh, by the way, room means room, you can understand this circle as an operating room, I It's your doctor."

Luo slightly raised the corner of his mouth, "Doctor, I have always hated bullying the weak, so... um, sorry."

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!!!!"


Luo, who took the two gangsters who bullied the white bear as the test subjects of the new ability, did not know that just when he used this ability called "ROOM" for the first time, in the deepest part of the Holy Land Mariejois, the mysterious In the room, Lord Yimu, who was behind everything, slowly opened his eyes.

"Is it completely someone else's shape, Op-Op Fruit..."

"It's just as restless as Nika..."

"The world will never allow the appearance of a second immortality surgery..."

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