[Inventory of the shocking battle name scenes of the top 10 powerhouses of the heavens].

“Oh, it’s the yellow-haired boy?”

The world of death, in the Void Night Palace.

Lan Ran, who was sitting on the throne, smiled sideways with interest, but he didn’t expect that the inconspicuous brat could be included in the TOP10.

In this way, about half of the list after that are characters on their side, right?

Although it may expose some of its strength, it is also extremely good to let the corpse soul world feel the fear in advance.

I just don’t know who made this video, and even I can’t resist the forced playback in my head.

The next second, the screen began to play.


The ground shakes, the sky falls, and the opening is a lightning strike.

Located in the sky of an unknown area, the spiritual pressure carried by the two figures moving at high speed crushed the nearby terrain, and at the same time brought countless viewers an unparalleled sense of horror and oppression.

One of the strangers was dressed in a white standard robe, half of his head armor with horns, and his skin was pale like a ghost.

The other black-robed blonde figure was somewhat similar to the previous cover, except that his face was covered with a mask with red and white lines.

I saw two figures frantically swinging their swords and fighting, intersecting at a speed that was invisible to the human eye, and collided with thousands of spark sword lights in an instant.

“Well, that was… Ulquiorra? ”

In the Void Night Palace, seeing the white figures on both sides of the battle, Lan Ran’s expression was slightly stunned, and then he showed a rather satisfied expression.

In terms of spiritual pressure strength, Ulquiorra ranked fourth among his ten blades, which shows that the first three are definitely on the list.

However, when is this video, this blonde kid has this level of spiritual pressure, is this a picture of the future?

Among the Ten Blades, Ulquiorra’s face was expressionless, as if the video had nothing to do with him.

The three blades in front were secretly proud in their hearts, while the fifth blade Saint Weeping Mantis and the sixth bladed leopard king were all dissatisfied.

They don’t think that this zombie-like four-blade will be stronger than themselves, wait, wait until the video is broadcast later to show their true strength, and then they will be promoted by Lord Lan Ran.

At this moment, not only the Void Night Palace, but also the thirteenth team of the Corpse Soul Realm Guardian Court were also shocked.

“What the hell, is this that human kid?”

“How is it possible, when did he have this kind of strength?”

Hibanya Fuyushiro and Gengi Kenhachi couldn’t help but exclaim, and even Immortal Mu Baiya’s dead face that remained unchanged for ten thousand years also showed huge fluctuations.

The terrifying spiritual pressure that erupted from the video screen, almost no captain dared to say that he could win.

Kurosaki Ichigo, when did he grow to this extent?

That mask, is it the power of the void?

“Is that me?”

Not to mention the others, even Kurosaki Ichigo himself was dumbfounded.

When he defeated Shiraya Kurumi, he realized some mysterious power in his body.

But it’s completely different from the form in the picture, what is it?

Although he has died, the absolute strength shown in the video can’t help but give rise to a strong longing in his heart.

“Is this the scene of the future?”

“Will I become that strong after that?”


However, the wonderful collision did not last long, and Kurosaki Ichigo in the video was directly slashed out by Ulquiorra’s sword.

I saw that he rolled in the air in a row for several times, and before he could adjust, he was splashed with blood from the flashing knife light and fell to the ground fiercely.

Two pairs of black wings spread out, and Ulquiorra floated high in the sky, looking down like a god.

“No matter how much you look and skill look like a broken face, there is still a world of difference in strength.”

“It is true that humans or the Grim Reaper imitate the void in order to gain power, but it is never possible to imitate you on an equal footing with the void.”

Ulquiorra said as he walked down the void.

A huge sense of oppression came to the face, and some of the viewers who watched the video couldn’t help but take a few steps back.

At this time, Naruto Naruto, who was still a juvenile, screamed with excitement.

“Under what circumstances, can that person walk in heaven?”

“What exactly are the Shinigami and the void, powers that we ninjas don’t know about?”

Uchiha Sasuke frowned secretly, the oppression that the black-winged human form brought to him was even stronger than that night’s big brother…

The power displayed by Ulquiorra made even the shadow-level powerhouse feel the horror.

The major movie villages were vigilant, but they did not expect that in addition to the tailed beast, there were such powerful monsters hidden in the world.

“That, it should be the moon step of the navy move, right?”

“However, are there still such powerful figures in the navy?”

The audience of Pirate World is equally confused.

When did there be such a figure in the navy, was that black wing the ability of the devil fruit?

Death and void are things they have never heard of.

Although it is a little unbelievable, many people have realized the truth, and this picture may not come from their world.

In the next second, the discussion of all anime dimensions stopped abruptly, because the entire picture in the video began to vibrate violently.

I saw that Kurosaki Ichigo’s body was gradually attached to a layer of thick black airflow, and he suddenly burst out with an incomparably huge spiritual pressure.

“Crescent Sky Chong !!!!!”


At the same time, fusing the power of death and void, a huge and evil black crescent poured out from the slashing moon, and exploded on Ulquiorra’s body like a nuclear bomb.

The unparalleled energy stunned all the humans in the low-martial world, and even the groups with a stronger world view were dignified.

Even Ichigo Kurosaki, who was currently at school, was stunned.

“Black crescent?”

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